Wonder Egg Priority episode 11 release date and time

Wonder Egg Priority episode 11 release date and time

The Wonder Egg Priority episode 11 release date and times have been revealed for the U.S., U.K., and the rest of the world, for both the subbed and dubbed format. Here’s when the new Wonder Egg Priority episode release time and date is in PT, ET, GMT, BST, CET, AEDT, and more.

When is the Wonder Egg Priority episode 11 release date?

Wonder Egg Priority episode 11 release date and time

The Wonder Egg Priority episode 11 release date is March 24, 2021.

Here is the Wonder Egg Priority episode 11 premiere time:

  • 8 AM PT
  • 11 AM ET
  • 3 PM GMT
  • 4 PM CET
  • 2 AM AEDT (March 25)

Tune in at the above time will give premium subscribers access to the simulcast. This allows fans to watch the episode as soon as possible, which is great for avoiding spoilers. Of course, once the simulcast comes to an end, episode 11 will be available to watch on-demand. Free users will need to wait a week, however.

As always, if the new episode doesn’t immediately appear in the browser or app, give it a refresh. It can sometimes take a moment to show up. Then it’s time to enjoy the show!

When is the Wonder Egg Priority episode 11 English dub release date?

Wonder Egg Priority episode 11 release date and time

At the time of writing, there isn’t yet a confirmed Wonder Egg Priority episode 11 English dub release date.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t even been a rumor of a Wonder Egg Priority English dub being planned or in production. Despite this, with this anime’s growing popularity, it wouldn’t be a surprise to see an English dub confirmed soon.

If an English dub does get announced, GameRevolution will surely report on it!

In other anime news, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime episode 34 just aired. Here’s when episode 35 is scheduled to release.

Mushoku Tensei will soon be launching episode 11. Here’s when to tune in and watch.

Horimiya is also releasing its eleventh episode soon. This is when episode 11 is dropping.

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