hogwarts legacy why is my character blue fix bug

Hogwarts Legacy: Why Is My Character Blue and How to Fix It

Hogwarts Legacy has a peculiar bug, with many wondering “why is my character blue?” after loading up the game for the first time. Yes, after creating a character in the witchcraft and wizardry game, there’s a chance that their appearance will suffer from the ‘blue character glitch’ and that NPCs will also appear green. Here’s how to fix it on Xbox, PS5, and PC.

How to fix Hogwarts Legacy character turning blue

Your Hogwarts Legacy character is blue as a result of an option being enabled in the settings menu that shouldn’t be. Fortunately, the fix is simple. To prevent your character from being blue, you must follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Go to Accessibility Options
  3. Set High Contrast Gameplay to ‘Off’

After disabling High Contrast Gameplay, your character will then return to their regular appearance, with their blue hue no longer visible.

According to its description, High Contrast Gameplay is intended to adjust the contrast of the game, though in reality, it makes the world appear grayscale while the characters within it become blue and green. This means that if you’ve been scrolling through the game’s options to try to rectify the issue, you likely skipped past this particular setting.

Watch the Hogwarts Legacy gameplay launch trailer
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