Star Wars Jedi Survivor Missing Jedi Chamber

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Missing Jedi Chamber Location

You’re not alone if you’re missing a Jedi Chamber in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. One of the seven chambers is more elusive than the others and requires a sharp eye to find. So, if you’re struggling to get the Star Tours trophy/achievement read on below to find out which of the Jedi Chambers you’re missing.

Where to find the missing Jedi Chamber location in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Here are the locations of all the Jedi Chambers in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor:

  • Chamber of Ambidexterity: Devastated Settlement
  • Chamber of Clarity: Untamed Downs
  • Chamber of Connection: Viscid Bog
  • Chamber of Detachment: Mountain Accent
  • Chamber of Duality: Rambler’s Reach
  • Chamber of Fortitude: Southern Ridge
  • Chamber of Reason: Basalt Rift

You need all of these to solve the Alignment Control Center puzzle, and you can get a clue about the location of any chambers you’re missing from the monitors there.

Star Wars Jedi Missing Jedi chamber Map

More than likely, if you’re missing a Jedi Chamber, it will be the Chamber of Ambidexterity in the Devastated Settlement. The rest of them are pretty easy to bump into while exploring, but this one is well-hidden.

To get to the Chamber of Ambidexterity in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, you need to first go to the orb coupler marked in the map above and aim it at the ledge. Then, use the nearby Relter to glide to the ledge (use the thermal drafts to gain more altitude if needed). Once on the ledge, use BD-1’s Koboh Grinder to destroy the Koboh crystals inside the chamber. Once this is done, you can enter and interact with the pillar. Collect the perk, and the Chamber of Ambidexterity will be counted as completed.

Check out the PSLS review of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

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