Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Malanya Location Improve Horse Stats

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Improve Horse Stats: Horse God Malanya Location

You can improve horse stats in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and you’ll need to find the Horse God Malanya’s location to do so. Fortunately, this strange creature isn’t too elusive, though it’s quite a journey from where you start the game. Also, don’t think he’s just hanging around his old haunts. Recent events have caused Malanya to move to a different location than the one you found him in Breath of the Wild.

How to find Horse God Malanya and improve horse stats in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Horse God Malanya Location

In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Horse God Malanya is located at the appropriately named Malanya Spring in northeast Akkala. From East Akkala Stable, take the path to the northwest, go past Bloodleaf Lake, and keep heading north to find Malanya. He’s in a big flower bulb that looks similar to those containing the Great Fairies.

More Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Guides

Make sure that you have an Endura Carrot in your inventory when you approach Malanya, or he won’t offer his services. As long as you fork over a carrot, he’ll revive horses or improve horse stats for a fee.

To improve horse stats in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll need to give Malanya food dishes. He’s quite hungry, and the higher the stat, the more food he’ll want in return. It’s a costly service, but it does allow you to give your horses up to five points per category. However, not every horse can max out every stat. Additionally, some of them, like Epona, can’t have their stats upgraded.

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