Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis Blue Crystals Not Unlocking: Why Do I Have Zero Crystals?

Seeing that you have zero Blue Crystals in Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis is quite upsetting. It’s one of the game’s few currencies that’s key to getting items and upgrading gear, so not having it can put you at a disadvantage. Here’s why your Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis Blue Crystals are not unlocking and how to get them to come back.

How to get Blue Crystals to unlock in Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis

How to get Blue Crystals to unlock in Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis

To get your Blue Crystals to unlock in Final Fantasy: Ever Crisis, you have to claim them. In order to claim your Blue Crystals, go to your Gift Box. The Gift Box icon is right under the stop on the right side of the screen. It will likely have a little notification icon if you have something in there.

How to get Blue Crystals to unlock in Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis

Once the Gifts icon has been tapped, you will see all of your pending rewards in your Gift Box. You can scroll through them if you want and claim them individually, but you can also just hit the “Claim All” button to get it done in one fell swoop. You can also double check what each item was for in the History tab in the Gift Box. Also be sure to claim your Blue Crystals regularly since they can expire, as shown in the above picture.

The Gift Box will be the most reliable place to check for earned but unclaimed Blue Crystals. The Missions tab that is right below the Gifts tab can also have some items that have to be manually claimed, too.

It is important to remember to check these various inboxes since there are various ways to get Blue Crystals. You can get them by finding and opening chests, beating special bosses, clearing certain tiers of the free and premium battle pass, completing missions and challenges, watching the daily sponsored videos in the app, or logging into the game and unlocking the daily reward, just to name a few.

FF7: Ever Crisis Blue Crystals not unlocking FAQ

Q: Why aren’t my Blue Crystals unlocking in Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis?

A: Your Blue Crystals might not be unlocking because they need to be claimed from your Gift Box. The Gift Box icon, located on the right side of the screen, will show any unclaimed rewards, including Blue Crystals. It’s essential to claim them regularly as they can expire.

Q: How do I claim my Blue Crystals in the game?

A: Go to your Gift Box, which is right under the stop on the right side of the screen. Once you tap on the Gifts icon, you’ll see all pending rewards. You can claim them individually or use the “Claim All” button. Additionally, you can view claimed items in the History tab within the Gift Box.

Q: Are there other ways to earn Blue Crystals in Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis?

A: Yes, you can earn Blue Crystals through various means such as finding and opening chests, defeating special bosses, advancing in the free and premium battle pass tiers, completing missions and challenges, watching daily sponsored videos, or logging in to claim the daily reward, among others. Always check the Missions tab and the Gift Box for unclaimed rewards.

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