343 Talks Halo 6 and Master Chief Collection Update, Doing “Both Projects Right”

In the latest Halo: The Master Chief Collection Development Update, 343 Industries offered details on not only what was coming to the MCC game, but also the planned development structure for Halo 6.

The main purpose of the blog post was to reassure players that both the MCC and Halo 6 were being worked on by separate teams, using separate resources. 343 states that there’s “zero overlap or shared resources to ensure that the larger game team can remain laser-focused on the future.”

343 is assigning a small, but experienced, team to the franchise’s “legacy” titles, while the bulk of the development force focuses on the “next big thing.”

halo 6

The Halo update from 343 reads:

“A small but experienced team here within 343 has taken on the charter of supporting many of Halo’s “legacy” titles, with MCC currently being their number one priority. There’s a wealth of experience and expertise on the team including engineers, designers, and test leads who are intimately familiar with what’s good, and not so good, with the Master Chief Collection.

This team is completely separate from the broader 343 team working on the next Halo FPS title. There’s zero overlap or shared resources to ensure that the larger game team can remain laser focused on the future. I’ve read some posts from fans who are concerned that we’re cracking open MCC at the expense of the next Halo FPS title – rest assured that while MCC is incredibly important to the studio, in no way is this work interfering or taking away from the next big thing. We are committing the necessary resources to do both projects right.”

The promised MCC updates include public testing environments within the Xbox Insider Program, better matchmaking systems, overhauled game engines, a bigger push for dedicated servers, and more.

In the blog, Halo 6 is referred to as “next Halo FPS title.” Yes, we’re still waiting for an official name! Here’s hoping we hear more about it soon.

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