Strong enough for a man, ph-balanced for your CPU!
With the need to counter the impending doom of Sadaam’s high-tech chain of
PS2 war machines, the GR scientists have spent the better part of a year trying
to harness the awesome power of the Now
& Later! More durable than steel, harder than a diamond, faster than a locomotive
and able to destroy a set of perfectly good teeth in mere minutes, this tasty
but potent childhood snack was thought to be our only hope. But our sole pothole
on the road to success and victory was finding that Now & Laters don’t play
video games very well (must be some incompatibility with OpenGL).
“Blast it! Back to the drawing boards!” thought the GR men of science. It was
as if we were ex-funnyman Steve
Martin and our “hope” was “comedy” – all we could do was watch it float
way, never to be seen again.
But just when it seemed that all was lost, a savior in a blue box bearing a
familiar name arrived on our doorstep. It was the Gladiac 920, Elsa’s
new video board with Nvidia’s brand new Geforce 3 chipset at the helm. Their
impressive (yet somewhat pricey) Gladiac GeForce
2 proved to be an invaluable ally in the past.