Redeemable at most major supermarkets. Review

Redeemable at most major supermarkets.

It caused a bit of a stir a few months ago when White Wolf, the publisher of several

pen-and-paper RPG’s, announced that they were suing Sony Pictures over their movie


Listing sixty points of similarity, White Wolf

that the movie was a ripoff of their Vampire:

The Masquerade
game, which takes place in their goth World of Darkness”. This

is also the setting for one of White Wolf’s other games, Hunter: The Reckoning.


if Hunter: The Reckoning was going to sue a movie, it would

have to be They

. It turns out that evil powers and terrifying monsters are

around us all the time in our daily lives, but only a few of us can actually

see the Truth and combat those evil forces. According to White Wolf, these special

people are called “Hunters” and have magic powers. In They Live, it’s

legendary wrestler “Rowdy”

Roddy Piper
with a pair of magic sunglasses.

Movie or game, there’s plenty of evil to go around, and fighting it is a simple

matter of shooting it, stabbing it, or blowing it up. The parallels are simply


Five years ago, the city of Ashcroft was cleansed of evil by our intrepid hunters (without the help of Mr. Piper). The Genefex Corporation then moved in, mopped up the city and gave everyone high-paying tech jobs. Of course, anyone who’s ever played a video game or seen a horror movie will tell you that any corporation named Genefex is clearly going to be evil and will eventually start making zombies, monsters or robots in a plan to conquer the world. They really should have seen it coming.

So evil has returned to Ashcroft with a vengeance, and our four original hunters,

Deuce, Samantha, Kassandra, and Father Cortez now have a fifth member: Kaylie

Winter. She was the little girl with the ten-foot rampaging teddy bear from

the first game, and in five years she’s grown up and filled out a very mighty

brassiere. All the characters fall into the typical video game fighter roles

of strong-but slow, fast-but-weak, and somewhere-in-the-middle.

Hunter: The Reckoning: Redeemer is your classic beat “em

up with a couple differences. You can move and aim in different directions,

ala Robotron or Smash TV. Every character

has both melee and ranged attacks, and as you use them you get more powerful

thanks to some very simple RPG stat development. Each hunter also has some special

magic attacks called “Edges” that you can use based on your level of “Conviction.”

The action is fast and furious, the enemies more than plentiful (Ashcroft’s

population must be about 99% monster), and the kill counts might be higher than

any game I’ve ever played.

Still, this is actually pretty boring when you play by yourself. There are

a number of combination moves you can pull off by attacking, moving and pointing

in particular directions, but they’re not really any more powerful and are on

the whole unnecessary. You also have an awkward jump that leaves your character

floating in the air longer than the Wright

, and only seems to be there to avoid the ground attack of certain

Bosses. All of this makes Redeemer a ubiquitous button-masher

where you mindlessly mow down an endless stream of enemies.


only thing that redeems this game from total mediocrity is the multiplayer,

and the more people you have (up to four) the better. Like Mario

, it’s nearly pointless to play alone, but gets more fun with a group

and a case of beer. It certainly provides good, cooperative fun and destruction,

Gauntlet-style, with all four of you on the screen at once.

But even that can get frustrating because all four of you have to move in

the same direction and stay on screen. This can get really annoying on some

of the less-than-obvious levels where you’re not sure where to go next and you

have to cover a lot of ground that you’ve already covered, looking for that

one door you missed.

On the other hand, no matter how many people you have blasting away at a hundred

monsters, the graphics hold up nicely. The models are a bit simple, but the

camera stays pretty far out so you can’t tell. The animations are smooth, the

spell effects look particularly good and everyone casts real shadows, which

is a nice touch.

The sound is decent, with music cues that fit the action…or lack thereof.

It’s important for a game to know when to be quiet, and developers seldom get

it right. Weapon noises are mildly disappointing, with some of the machine guns

making an unsatisfying clatter. The voice acting is just laughably bad, with

some naughty words thrown in for good measure, which seems to be the latest

trend for M-rated games. But hey, who was following the plot anyway?

Hunter: The Reckoning: Redeemer makes a decent rental when

you know you’re going to have the guys over or if you live in a dorm and have

them built in. But there are many better game choices out there that won’t sit

on your shelf gathering dust when your friends leave. Now to get back to my

lawsuit against The

Neverending Story
for false advertising”

  • Nice graphics
  • Light RPG elements
  • Good four-player action
  • Boring single-player action
  • Little fighting depth
  • Getting the group lost


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Nice graphics Light RPG elements Good four-player action Boring single-player action Little fighting depth Getting the group lost
Nice graphics Light RPG elements Good four-player action Boring single-player action Little fighting depth Getting the group lost
