Cheat codes:
Enter the following before hitting ENTER, that is, before getting to the Main Menu:
regmebaby | Start Career with $20,000 |
ordermebaby | Start Career with $1,000 |
opendoors | The Doors sponsorship |
yodogg | Snoop Dogg sponsorship |
needperformance1 | Tier 1 performance upgrades |
gimmevisual1 | Tier 1 visual upgrades |
needperformance2 | Tier 2 performance upgrades |
gimmevisual2 | Tier 2 visual upgrades |
tunejapantuning | Japantuning sponsor car |
shinestreetbright | ShinestStreet sponsor car |
yodogg | Snoop Dogg sponsor car |
opendoors | The Doors sponsor car |
needmybestbuy | Unlocks Best Buy Sponsor Vinyl *works in career* |
gottahavebk | Unlocks Burger King Sponsor Vinyl *works in career* |
gotmycingular | Unlocks Cingular Sponsor Vinyl * works in career* |
gottaedge | Unlocks Edge Sponsor Vinyl *works in career* |
goforoldspice | Unlocks Old Spice Sponsor Vinyl *works in career* |
Special thanks to Revolution readers Marcelo, Blood_Rain Evolution, ZioNsKiD and Manolo!