Star Trek: Invasion
Unlock it All:
At the Stellar Cartography (mission select) Screen, press Up, Left, Down,
Right, Up, Right, Down Left, Up, Then press both L1 + R1, Then press both
L2 + R2. If the code is entered correctly, the screen will flash and “CHEATS
ON” will appear below the mission name. By pressing Left or Right, you will
choose any mission. To activate the Cheats, pause the game, then go to the
Cheat Screen, then highlight the cheats and press X. You can choose from
one-hit kills, invincibility, and all weapons.
Play Credits Movie:
At the Mission Briefing Screen, press Left, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right,
Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right, Up,
Down. If entered correctly, the credits movie will automatically play.
Thanks to Revolution reader emperorshaun!