Soul Calibur II FAQ/Move List


                              Soul Calibur II
                               FAQ/Move List
                               PlayStation 2
                         Written by Derin Spector
                    E-Mail: dspector88yahoocom


Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Controls
3. Modes of Play
4. In-Game Rules
5. Basic Techniques
6. Character Move Lists & Weapon Statistics
  6.1. Mitsurugi
  6.2. Heihachi
  6.3. Necrid
  6.4. Taki
  6.5. Talim 
  6.6. Cassandra
  6.7. Yunsung
  6.8. Raphael
  6.9. Kilik
  6.10. Xianghua
  6.11. Maxi
  6.12. Yoshimitsu
  6.13. Nightmare
  6.14. Ivy
  6.15. Cervantes
  6.16. Sophitia
  6.17. Astaroth
  6.18. Voldo
  6.19. Seung Mina
7. Closing Statement


-=  1. Version History  =-

Final Version - As you may have noticed this is my third "final" version of
this guide, and hopefully the last. I totally re-did the layout and made it
look ten times nicer than it did before, as I did with the rest of my guides
as well. Enjoy! 

Version 1.1 - Nothing too major. All I did was add some ASCII art for the title
(courtesy of and re-formatted some other stuff.

Version 1.0 - Well, the entire guide's pretty much finished with the exception
of the "Secrets" section which will (hopefully) be done shortly.


-=  2. Introduction  =-

Countless legends surround a sword known as Soul Edge. Some claim it was the
ultimate weapon. Others refer to it as the "Sword of Heroes." A phantom sword
with immeasurable power of the spirits. The key to eternal youth. Treasure 
without equal. A panacea to cure all illness. There are even those who consider
it the "Sword of Salvation."

Although no one could ever be certain of the sword's whereabouts or true
identity, various rumors and folklore spread across the world. In reality, Soul
Edge was comprised of twin blades that fed on human souls.

In the latter half of the 16th century, a warrior on a divine mission for the
ancient god of forge successfully shattered one of the evil blades. Tragically,
shattering the sword produced the opposite effect of what was intended. The
balance of power between the swords was destroyed, and the evil of the blades
spiraled out of control; its malevolent energy diffused into the sky in a form
of eerie light. The phenomenon, which later became known as the Evil Seed,
scarred the world with its evil legacy.

The remaining sword possessed the body of a man who took the evil blade into
his hands and embarked on a killing spree throughout Europe. Macabre accounts
of merciless killings spread fear throughout the entire continent.

Yet the massacres ceased after three years. Four more years passed, and the
horrors became a distant memory and people felt safe once again.

No one knew.

Four years before, a spirit sword named Soul Calibur appeared from the East, as
if to answer the call of the raging Soul Edge. No one witnessed the final
battle to the death where Soul Edge was shattered. No one knew that the spirit
sword was left behind in the vortex of evil to stop the demon sword's powers.

Most people were oblivious to the fact that the peace that followed was the
result of this battle, and the spirit sword's existence remained a mystery.

Unfortunately, the peace was short-lasting; the evil blade began spreading its
influence, quietly yet surely, throughout the world once again. People
unwittingly transported the sword to every corner of the world in the form of
metal shards. These pieces of Soul Edge still embodied evil powers. With Soul
Calibur lost in the void, it was only a matter of time before the evil sword's
dark powers infected the entire world.

The following tales of swords and souls are of those who pursued Soul Edge for
their own convictions and reasons... 


-=  3. Controls  =-

Square button: Horizontal Strike (A)

Triangle button: Vertical Strike (B)

Circle button: Kick (K)

X button: Guard (G)

L2 button: Equivalent to pressing A+B simultaneously

L1 button: Guard (G)

R2 button: Equivalent to pressing A+B+K simultaneously

R1 button: Kick (K)

D-Pad: Character movement

Left analog stick: Character movement


-=  4. Modes of Play  =-

Soul Calibur II contains many different modes of play that are divided into 3
different categories. They are as follows:


- Arcade: Fight against computer opponents to clear the game and unlock new

- VS Battle: A two-player mode in which Player 1 and Player 2 fight against
  each other.

- Time Attack: Set records by clearing all the stages as quickly as possible.

- Survival: Set records by defeating as many computer opponents as possible
  without being defeated.

- Team Battle: Form a team with multiple characters and fight through the game
  as a team.

- VS Team Battle: Players 1 and 2 can form teams and battle against each other.

- Practice: Practice each character's moves.

Weapon Master

In Weapon Master Mode, your basic objective is to travel to different areas
throughout the world clearing missions, collectiing weapons, and unlocking new
features the game has to provide.


"Extra" modes are basically the same things as the original modes, but now
you're allowed to use all the weapons you've earned and/or purchased in Weapon
Master Mode. Even though you probably get the concept, here is a list of all
the "Extra" modes available in the game.

- Extra Arcade

- Extra VS Battle

- Extra Time Attack

- Extra Survival

- Extra Team Battle

- Extra Practice


-=  4. In-Game Rules  =-

Below are descriptions of the conditions that must be met in order to win a
round. Winning an entire match requires several rounds to be won.

Ways to Win

- Knock Out: Opponent's health is reduced to zero.

- Ring Out: Your opponent is knocked out of the ring.

- Time Up: When time runs out, the player with the most health left wins.

- Draw/Sudden Death: When this occurs, both players receive a point for winning
  a round. If both players have reached the number of rounds needed to win the
  entire match, the game will go into sudden death.

- Game Over: This occurs when you lose a match to an opponent. Press start
  before the timer reaches zero to continue and try the match again.


-=  5. Basic Techniques  =-

The following is an overview of the basic moves you can fight with in the game.
As you read this, assume that your character is facing right (1 player).

Attack Attribute Notation

Before you jump into learning all the fighting skills there is to know, here is
a list of the attack categories each move is placed under:

H: High-level attack

M: Mid-level attack

L: Low-level attack

!: Unblockable

SM: Special mid-level attack

T: Throw

AT: Strike combined with a throw

SP: Special action

GB: Strike that breaks opponent's guard

GI: Guard impacts opponent's attack

ST: Stance

Attack Attributes & Guarding

Now that you've learned the basic notations for all attack attributes, here are
descriptions of each attribute and guard you can perform.

- High-Level Attack (Upper-Body Attack): Useful against standing opponents who
  aren't guarding or are jumping towards you. You can avoid this attack from
  opponents by using a standing guard or crouching.

- Mid-Level Attack (Mid-Body Attack): Useful against standing and crouching
  opponents. To avoid this attack from opponents, use a standing guard.

- Low-Level Attack (Lower-Body Attack): Useful against standing and crouching
  opponents. To avoid this attack from opponents, use a crouching guard or jump
  over the attack.

- Special Mid-Level Attack: Useful against standing and crouching opponents. To
  avoid this attack from opponents, use a standing guard or a crouching guard.

- Guarding: Use this to block incoming attacks from your opponent. You can
  block pretty much every attack except for Unblockables (!).

Other Basic Techniques

Along with standard attacks and guards, there are other basic fighting
techniques you should practice before learning the characters' moves.

- Guard Impact: Press forward+G to repel upper-body or mid-body attacks from
  your opponent, or press back+G to parry mid-body or lower-body attacks. To
  perform a successful Guard Impact, you must time you opponent's attack
  perfectly, then press the appropriate button commands. When you land a
  successful Guard Impact, you and your opponent will be temporarily stunned.
  Since you're the one who landed the GI, not only will damage be done to your
  opponent, but you will be the first to attack after you've been de-stunned.

- Soul Charge: With a Soul Charge, a character can focus energy into their
  weapon to temporarily raise its attack power. By pressing A+B+K you can
  perform a Soul Charge. There are 3 different levels of Soul Charges: Level 1
  (lime green) charges, which are the least powerful, Level 2 (green) charges,
  which require you to press G shortly after you initiate a Level 1 charge, and
  Level 3 (blue) charges, which are most powerful and require you to hold A+B+K
  for a longer period of time.

- 8-Way Run: 8-Way Running is basically just side-stepping around your opponent
  in order to avoid their attacks or to perform an attack of your own. This
  is exceptionally useful in battle and is probably the most important
  tecnique to learn and master.


-=  6. Character Move Lists & Weapon Statistics  =-

Before we get started, here is a basic command notation list:

A: Horizontal Attack

B: Vertical Attack

K: Kick

G: Guard

b: Back

f: Forward

u: Up

d: Down

ub: Up-back  

uf: Up-forward

db: Down-back

df: Down-forward

qcb: Quarter-circle back

qcf: Quarter-circle forward

hcb: Half-circle back

hcf: Half-circle forward

(): Button in parentheses needs to be held down while doing move

|   6.1. MITSURUGI   |

Full Name: Mitsurugi Heishiro
Age: 29
Birthplace: Bizen, Japan
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 142 lbs.
Birth Date: June 8th
Blood Type: AB
Family: Parents and siblings all taken by sickness

Weapon: Katana
Weapon Name: Shishi-Oh
Discipline: Tenpu-Kosai-Ryu Kai


Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Twin Splinters                         | A, A                                 
Disembowel                             | A + f or b, A + K                    
Double Reaver                          | f + A, A                             
Swift Edge                             | f, f, A, A                           
Splitting Gold                         | df, A                                
Knee Slice                             | d, A                                 
Shin Slicer                            | db, A                                
Shin Slicer Feint                      | db, A, B                             
Drawn Breath                           | b, A                                 
Drawn Air                              | b, b, A                              
Parting Thrust                         | qcf, A                               
Steel Slicer                           | A + B                                
Mist                                   | f, A + B                             
Phoenix Tail                           | f, f, A + B                          
Cold Stitch                            | d, A + B                             
Relic                                  | b, A + B                             
Dividing Thrust                        | A + K                                
Sudden Gale                            | (df), A                              
Double Scythe                          | (d), A, A                            
True Vacuum                            | (db), A                              
Reaving Shears (while rising)          | A, A                                 
Flag Dance (while rising)              | A + B                                
Shin Vanish (while crouching)          | db, A + B                            
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Forced Prayer Divide                   | B, B                                 
Trooper Roll                           | B, (d), db, B                        
Mask                                   | B, f                                 
Wind Hole                              | f, B                                 
Wind Hole (high)                       | f, B, u
Wind Hole (low)                        | f, B, d                              
Faint Wind Hole                        | f, B, b                              
Dual Wind Hole                         | f, B, b, B                           
Heavenly Prayer                        | f, f, B, B, B                        
Heaven Cannon                          | df, B                                
Rust                                   | d, B                                 
Flag Dance                             | db, B                                
Wind Hole Vortex                       | b, B                                 
Forced God Divide                      | b, b, B, B                           
Stone Wall Thrust                      | qcf, B                               
Autumn Requiem                         | B + K                                
Full Moon Death                        | hcf, B                               
Half Moon Death                        | hcb, A                               
Stone Throw                            | b, B + K                             
Mountain Divide                        | B, A                                 
Heavenly Dance                         | (df), B, B                           
Hell Flash                             | (d), B                               
Blunt Flames                           | (db), B, A, B                        
Forced God Divide                      | (b), B, B                            
Wind Divide (while rising)             | B                                    
Time Hole (while crouching)            | df, B                                
Wing Blade ~ Cold Stitch (while        | db, B, B                             
 crouching)                            |                                    
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Snap Kick                              | K                                    
Wheel Kick                             | f, K                                 
Rising Knee                            | f, f, K                              
Front Kick                             | df, K                                
Stalk Shaver                           | d, K, B                              
Hem Stitch                             | db, K                                
Bullet Cutter                          | b, K, B                              
Obedience                              | K, B                                 
Front Kick (while rising)              | K                                    
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Lion's Clutch                          | A + G                                
Korefuji                               | B + G                                
Divine Gift (opponent's back facing    | A + G or B + G                       
 you)                                  |                                    
Gates of Hell (approach opponent       | A + G or B + G                       
 from the left)                        |                                    
8th Bill of Punishment (approach       | A + G or B + G                       
 opponent from the right)              |                                    
Relic                                  | b, A + B                             
Parting Arc (during Relic)             | A                                    
Fire Brand (during Relic)              | B                                    
Relic Low Kick (during Relic)          | K                                    
Bill of Fire (during Relic)            | A + B                                
False Purification (during Relic)      | A + B + K or f, G                    
Mist                                   | f, A + B                             
Mist Stab Combo (during Mist)          | A, A, A                              
Dividing Thrust (during Mist)          | B                                    
Water Mist Kick (during Mist)          | K                                    
Divide (during Mist)                   | A + B                                
Mist Thrust (during Mist)              | A, B                                 
Mist Pursuit (during Mist)             | A, K                                 
Half Moon Death                        | hcb, A                               
Summer Eve (during Half Moon Death)    | A, A                                 
Crescent Moon (during Half Moon Death) | B, B
Shin Clip (during Half Moon Death)     | K                                    
Star Fall Eve (during Half Moon Death) | hcb, (A)
Full Moon Death                        | b, B                                 
Full Moon Harvest (during Full Moon    | A
 Death)                                |    
Full Moon Slash (during Full Moon      | B                                    
 Death)                                |                                    
Shin Clip (during Full Moon Death)     | K                                    
Mask                                   | hcb, (B)                             

Weapon Statistics


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him.
Special: None.


Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense, but has short reach.
Special: None.

Two-Handed Sword

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Chargem but vulnerable to impact.
Special: The Soul Charge effect decreases over time.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 80%
Description: Long reach, but easy to lose balance.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 130%
Description: Good defense and has powerful single strikes, but has short reach.
Special: None.


Offense: 120%
Defense: 100%
Description: Powerful single strikes, but requires energy to wield.
Special: Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain


Offense: 100%
Defense: 65%
Description: Long reach and penetrates defenses, but lacks defense.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Tulwar still receive 20% damage from


Offense: 130%
Defense: 120%
Description: Excels in offense and defense. Speed increases with Soul Charge.
Special: The Soul Charge effect lasts for a few seconds without decreasing.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 150%
Defense: 100%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to have powerful offense...
Special: Health decreases over time.

Damascus Sword

Offense: 175%
Defense: 150%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: Damascus Sword allows through 45% of damage from blocked attacks.

Souvenir Gift

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: A handmade wooden sword. Don't be deceived by its looks!
Special: None.

|   6.2. HEIHACHI   |

Full Name: Heihachi Mishima
Age: 75
Birthplace: Claims to be Japanese
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 176 lbs.
Birth Date: Unknown
Blood Type: B
Family: Pet/Kuma, Others/Unknown

Weapon: His body
Discipline: Mishima-Style Karate

Arena: Ostrheinsburg Chapel

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Thunder Twin Hammer                    | A, A, B
Thunder Demon Kicker                   | A, K
Demon Spin                             | f, A
Demon Shout                            | f, A, B
Demon Shout Feint                      | f, A, B, d
Phoenix Wing                           | f, f, A
Dark Impact                            | df, A
Body Hook                              | d, A
Rock Smasher                           | db, A
Demon's Boar                           | b, A
Hilt Crush                             | b, b, A
Demon Breath                           | A + B
Uppercut                               | df, A+B
Twin Hammers                           | b, A+B
Twin Helix                             | (df), A
Oni Killer                             | (d), A
Running Cross Arm                      | (f), A + B
Rising Hook (while rising)             | A
Low Hook (while crouching)             | A
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Demon Slayer                           | B, B, A
Demon Excecutioner                     | B, B, A, B
Fake Executioner                       | B, B, A, B, d
Demon Kicker                           | B, B, K
Flash Punch Combo                      | f, B, B, B
Demon Massacre                         | f, B, b, A, B
Demon's Lair                           | f, B, b, A, K
Demon Backhand Spin                    | B, f, A
Rage Demon Breath                      | B, f, A, B
Rage Demon Breath Feint                | B, f, A, B, d
Demon Uppercut                         | f, f, B
Twin Pistons                           | df, B, B
Hammer Punch ~ Iron Hand               | d, B, B
Body Blow                              | db, B
Altar Splitter                         | b, B
Brick Breaker                          | b, b, B
Iron Hand                              | qcf, B
Rising Uppercut                        | f, D, df, B
Lightning Hammer                       | d, B + K
Demon Uppercut                         | (f), B
Demon Chop                             | (db), B
Dark Thrust (while rising)             | B
Single Piston (while crouching)        | df, B
Low Jab (while crouching)              | db, B
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Geta Stomp                             | K, d
Right Splits Kick                      | f, K
Hell Axle                              | f, f, K, K
Sidekick                               | df, K
Sweep Kick                             | d, K
Low Kick                               | db, K
Back Spin Kick                         | b, K
Lightning Crush                        | b, b, K
Spinning Demon                         | f, d, (df), K, K, K
Tsunami Kick (during Spinning Demon)   | K, K
Spinning Demon Uppercut (during        | B
 Spinning Demon)                       |
Jumping Mid Kick                       | f, d, df, K
Jumping Low Kick                       | f, d, df, K, (d)
Rising Sun                             | uf, K, K
Demon Scissors                         | K, B
Left Splits Kick                       | (df), K
Sweeping                               | (d), K
Low Left Kick (while crouching)        | K
Low Kick (while crouching)             | db, K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Lightning Hammer                       | A + G
Jumping Powerbomb                      | B + G
Atomic Drop (opponent's back facing    | A + G or B + G
 you)                                  | 
Guillotine Crop (approach enemy from   | A + G or B + G
 the left)                             |
Freefall (approach enemy from the      | A + G or B + G
 right)                                |
Head Carnival                          | f, f, B + G
10 Hit Combo 1                         | A + B + K, df, K, B, A, K, K, B, K, B,
                                       |  A, K
10 Hit Combo 2                         | A +B + K, df, K, B, A, K, K, B, K, B,
                                       |  A, B
10 Hit Combo 3                         | A + B + K, df, K, B, A, K, B, B, B, B,
                                       |  B
Heaven's Wrath                         | A + K
Running Cross Arm                      | (f), A + B
Running Cross-Chop (while down on the  | A + B
 ground)                               |
Backward Roll ~ Rising Cross-Chop      | b, A + B
 (while down on the ground)            |
Spring Kick (while down on the ground) | B + K

Weapon Statistics


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him.
Special: None.


Offense: 120%
Defense: 40%
Description: Powerful single strikes and penetrate guards, but lack defense.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Gojou still receive 20% damage from


Offense: 75%
Defense: 130%
Description: Good defense, but lacks offense and have weak single strikes.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 60%
Description: Recover health, but lack defense and are weak against impact.
Special: Restores health over time.


Offense: 135%
Defense: 80%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but easy to lose balance.
Special: The Soul Charge effect decreases over time.


Offense: 120%
Defense: 140%
Description: Good defense and have powerful single strikes, but require energy.
Special: Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but guard is penetrable.
Special: The effect of the Soul Charge gradually decreases. Hadakaikkan allows
through 40% of damage from blocked attacks.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Easy to Soul Charge, but require energy to use.
Special: Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 140%
Defense: 70%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life...
Special: Each successful strike drains restores health. Throws do not restore


Offense: 140%
Defense: 135%
Description: A true warrior only needs one's fists!
Special: Drains health over time.


Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: No mercy on the sluggards!
Special: None.

|   6.3. NECRID   |

Full Name: Necrid
Age: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 238 lbs.
Birth Date: Unknown
Blood Type: Changed by the void
Family: Does not remember (Actual parents long deceased)

Weapon: Enigma
Weapon Name: Malificus
Discipline: Self-taught

Arena: Lakeside Coliseum

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Rage Tail                              | A, A
Scourge Tusk                           | f, A, B
Scourge Storm                          | f, A, A, A
Dark Slash                             | f, f, A
Inner Blaze                            | df, A, K
Axis                                   | d, A, K
Shadow Hook                            | db, A
Demonic Reaver                         | b, A, B
Deathbreak                             | b, b, A
Fire Fang                              | A + B
Dragon Roar                            | f, f, A + B
Vulcan Sting                           | df, A+B
Leviathan                              | d, A + B, d, A or B
Fiery Vine                             | db, A + B
Dark Vortex                            | A + K
Cataclysm                              | a, B
Calignous Blight                       | a, K, B
Cadmus Spade                           | (df), A
Grand Valar                            | (d), A, B
Dragon Tail                            | (db), A
Deathbreak                             | (b), A
Hell's Assassin (while crouching)      | A + B
Chaos Comet (while crouching)          | df, A + B
Dark Discus (while rising)             | A, A
Luminous Wheel (back facing enemy)     | A + B
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Dragon Tusks                           | B, B
Dragon Tornado                         | Tap B repeatedly
Dreaded Horn                           | f, B
Overlord Strike                        | f, f, B
Ember                                  | df, B, B
War Hammer                             | d, B
Hell Raiser                            | db, B
Skeleton Fang                          | b, B
Soul Strife                            | b, b, B, A
Void Cannon                            | B + K
Lost Soul                              | d, B + K
Wind Drake                             | f, B + K
Deadly Spikes (during Wind Drake)      | A
Death Wing (during Wind Drake)         | B
Deadly Dive (during Wind Drake)        | K
Grave Caster                           | B, A
Valar's Grasp                          | B, G, B
Draco                                  | (df), B, A
Chaos Reign                            | (d), B
Vine Snap (while crouching)            | df, B, B
Secret Fang (back facing enemy)        | B + K
Pyre Tusk                              | G + uf, B, B
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Horn Kick                              | K, f
Giant Roundhouse                       | f, K
Helm Drop                              | f, f, K
Giant Spin Kick                        | df, K
Low Kick                               | db, K or d, K
Biting Kick                            | b, K
Diving Kick                            | b, b, K
Raging Demon                           | K, B
Amimone Spike                          | (df), K
Talon Kick                             | (d), K
Raider                                 | (db), K
Dragon Blaze (while rising)            | K, K
Necris Dive (back facing enemy)        | b, K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Nest of Demons                         | A + G
Dark Attonement                        | B + G
Ridicule Fiend (approach enemy from    | A + G or B + G
 the left)                             |
Bain (approach enemy from the right)   | A + G or B + G
Bloodletting (approach enemy from      | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               |
Valar's Grasp (against airborne enemy) | B, G, B
Elder Topaz                            | qcb
Elder Charge (during Elder Topaz)      | f
Elder Swing (during Elder Topaz)       | A
Georgios (during Elder Topaz)          | d, A, d, A
Tulisk (during Elder Topaz)            | d, A, A, A
Beowulf (during Elder Topaz)           | B
Elder Dragon Blaze (during Elder       | K, K, K

Weapon Statistics


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him.
Special: None.


Offense: 70%
Defense: 100%
Description: Powerful single strikes with Soul Charge, but lacks offense.
Special: None.


Offense: 120%
Defense: 80%
Description: Good offense and powerful single strikes, but easy to lose balance.
Special: None.

Orcus Claw

Offense: 100%
Defense: 70%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but guard is penetrable.
Special: Orcus Claw allows through 20% of damage from blocked attacks. The Soul
Charge effect decreases over time.

Ignis Fatuus

Offense: 70%
Defense: 115%
Description: Good defense and recovers health, but lacks offense.
Special: Any strike, successful or not, restores health. Throws do not restore

Lambent Viper

Offense: 120%
Defense: 70%
Description: Powerful single strikes, but lacks defense.
Special: None.

Hex Luminae

Offense: 10%
Defense: 180%
Description: Penetrates defenses, but lacks offense and defense.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Hex Luminae receive 100% damage from
blow. Unblockable attacks, including throws, do little damage.

Infernal Edge

Offense: 120%
Defense: 100%
Description: Speed increases with Soul Charge, but requires energy to wield.
Special: The Soul Charge effect lasts for a few seconds without decreasing.
Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain health.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life...
Special: Drains health over time. Each successful strike restores health.
Throws do not restore health.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: None.

Etheral Edge

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: So wispy and useless.
Special: None.

|   6.4. TAKI   |

Full Name: Taki
Age: 29
Birthplace: Fu-Ma No Sato, Japan
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 117 lbs.
Birth Date: Unknown
Blood Type: A
Family: Immediate family all taken by sickness

Weapon: Ninja Sword x2
Weapon Name: Rekki-Maru & Mekki-Maru
Discipline: Musoh-Battoh-Ryu

Arena: Kaminoi Castle/Sakura-Dai Gate

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Shadow Ripper                          | A, A, B
Silent Shadow                          | A, A, f, B
Stabbing Shadow                        | f, A, A, B
Darkness Illusion                      | A, B, B
Shadow Cannon                          | A, B, b, B + K
Shadow Cannon~Ninja Cannon ~           | A, B, b, B + K, A
 Mekki-Maru                            |
Shadow Rush                            | A, B, K
Shadow Shrine                          | A, f
Shadow Run                             | f, f, A, A
Shadow Split                           | df, A
Earth Scroll                           | d, A, K
Reaping Hook                           | db, A
Wind Scroll                            | b, A
Bamboo Cutter                          | b, b, A
Fog Blanket                            | d, A + K
Burning Misery                         | (df), A, B, B, B
Dark Chaos                             | (d), A, A, A
Deep Chaos                             | (d), A, K
Weaving Blades                         | (db), A
Shadow Claw (while rising)             | A, A, A
Divine Cannon Combo (while crouching)  | A + K, K
Poison Dart (while crouching)          | db, A + B
Fog Blanket (back facing enemy)        | d, A + K
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Lightning Strike                       | B, B, B
Shadow Scroll                          | B, A, A
Shadow Banishment                      | B, A, K
Heavy Shadow                           | B, A, f, K
Blood Scroll                           | B, K, A
Dark Destroyer                         | B, f
Silence                                | f, B
Assassin's Strike                      | f, f, B
Assassin's Feather                     | df, B
Dark Slicer ~ Mekki-Maru               | d, B, A
Demon Fangs                            | b, B
Seal                                   | b, b, B
Seal of the Fire Dragon                | hcf, B
Ninja Cannon                           | b, B + K
Illusion Scroll                        | (d), B
Scroll of Darkness                     | (d), b, A
Assassin's Secret                      | (db), B, K
Darkness Banishment (while rising)     | B, B
Heavy Burden (back facing enemy)       | B + K
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Haste                                  | K, K, K
Water Haste                            | K, K, d, K
Hurricane Punishment                   | f, f, K
Rapid Destruction                      | df, K, K, K
Punishing Strike                       | d, K, K
Sealing Punishment                     | db, K
Water Kick                             | b, K, K
Mat                                    | b, b, K, K
Haste Alternate                        | uf, K, K, K
Heavy Burden                           | (df), K
Storm Cloud Scrol                      | (d), K, A
Divine Cannon (while rising)           | K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Strangulation Blade                    | A + G
Departure in Fire                      | B + G
Crossing the Cliff                     | f, f, B + G
Dropping the Bottle (approach enemy    | A + G or B + G
 from behind)                          |
Cellar Drop (approach enemy from the   | A + G or B + G
 left)                                 |
Jute Burial (approach enemy from the   | A + G or B + G
 right)                                |
Bow Breaker (during Possession)        | A + G or B + G
Possession                             | qcb
Storm Scroll (during Possession)       | A
Dream Scroll (during Possession)       | B
Dragon Wheel (during Possession)       | K
Mekki-Maru Wind (during Possession)    | b, A
Vacuum Drop Kick (during Possession)   | d, K
Awakening Rush (during Possession)     | u, K, A
Exorcism (during Possession)           | A + B
Fan Dance (during Possession)          | A + K
Possession Rush (during Possession)    | f
Stalker                                | A + B
Stalker Blade                          | A + B, A
Stalker Thunder                        | A + B, B
Stalker Omen                           | A + B, K, A
Wind Roll 1                            | B + K
Mekki-Maru Wind Roll (during Wind      | A
 Roll 1)                               |
Curse~Possession (during Wind Roll 1)  | b, A
Wind Death Sault (during Wind Roll 1)  | B, B, B
Wind Sealing Rush (during Wind Roll 1) | B, K, B
Riptide (during Wind Roll 1)           | K
Haste Alternate (during Wind Roll 1)   | f, K, K, K
Sealing Punishment (during Wind        | d, K
 Roll 1)                               |
Wind Roll 2                            | d, A + B
Side Breeze (during Wind Roll 2)       | A
Storm Cloud Scroll (during Wind        | K, A
 Roll 2)                               |

Weapon Statistics

Rekki-Maru & Mekki-Maru

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapons for her.
Special: None.


Offense: 120%
Defense: 130%
Description: Excel in offense and defense, but have short reach.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 80%
Description: Powerful single strikes, but easy to lose balance.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 65%
Description: Penetrate defenses, but lack defense.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Kagekiri still receive 20% damage
from blow.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 70%
Description: Powerful single strikes with Soul Charge, but lack defense.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Recover health, but have short reach and guard is penetrable.
Special: Fumakugi allow through 20% of damage from blocked attacks. Successful
strikes restore health. Throws do not restore health.

Silent Edge

Offense: 80%
Defense: 100%
Description: Long reach, but lack offense.
Special: None.


Offense: 80%
Defense: 100%
Description: Speed increases with Soul Charge, but lack offense.
Special: The Soul Charge effect lasts for a few seconds without decreasing.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 140%
Defense: 140%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to excel in offense and defense...
Special: Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain

Kris Naga

Offense: 140%
Defense: 100%
Description: Legendary weapons. Wield them to discover their true power!
Special: The Soul Charge effect lasts for a few seconds without decreasing.

Tobacco Pipes

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: Don't be deceived by their innocuous look!
Special: None.

|   6.5. TALIM   |

Full Name: Talim
Age: 15
Birthplace: Philippines
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 93 lbs.
Birth Date: June 15th
Blood Type: Unknown
Family: Father/Sanput, Mother/Lidi, Grandmother/Kalana, Bird/Alun

Weapon: Elbow Blade x2
Weapon Name: Syi Sarika & Loka Luha
Discipline: Wind Dance

Arena: Village of the Wind

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Swift Espada                           | A, A, B
Elbow Witik                            | A, B
Mirror Fan Strikes                     | f, A, A
Mirage Fan Strikes                     | f, A, B
Double Abaniko                         | f, f, A, A
Razor Gale                             | df, A, A
Tuhod Slicer                           | d, A
Spinning Low Hiwa                      | db, A
Olisi Whirlwind                        | b, A, A
Olisi Kick                             | b, A, K
Tornado Assault                        | b, b, A, A, A
Tornado Assault Kamay                  | b, b, A, A, A, qcf, B
Ice Wind                               | A + B
Shearing Blades                        | f, A + B
Desert Gust                            | f, f, A + B
Crosswind                              | df, A + B
Rapid Force                            | d, A + B
Twin Baraw Lift                        | db, A + B
Twin Espadas                           | b, A + B
Blade Cyclone                          | (df), A
Palanchada Cyclone                     | (d), A
Left Witik (while rising)              | A
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Reverse Elbow Witik                    | B, A
Salisi Breeze                          | B, B, A
Salisi Breeze ~ Wind Sault             | B, B, A, f, B + K
Salisi Razor                           | B, B, K
Twin Fang Sahig                        | f, B, B
Paayon Thrust                          | f, f, B
Gust Hook                              | df, B, f, B
Satik                                  | d, B
Handa Blade                            | db, B
Air Blade Thrust                       | b, B, B
Vertical Abaniko                       | b, b, B
Blue Sky                               | qcf, B
Whirlwind Hambalos                     | qcb, B
Cold Wind                              | B + K
Wind Sault                             | f, B + K
Wind Charmer 2                         | d, B + K
Tumbling Razors                        | b, B + K
Rising Gale                            | (d), B
Isa Hampas                             | (db), B
Wind Charmer 1                         | (df), B + K
Rising Elbow Blade (while rising)      | B
Rising Baraw (while crouching)         | df, B, B
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Side Sipa                              | f, K
Sipa Rising                            | f, f, K
Reverse Sipa                           | df, K
Sweeping Breeze                        | d, K, A
Low Sipa Sweep                         | db, K
Inner Sipa                             | b, K
Sipa Trip                              | b, b, K
Sipa Slash                             | (df), K, A
Sipa Windmill                          | (d), K
Front Sipa While rising,               |  K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Tagga Na Kamay                         | A + G
Sungabb Throw                          | B + G
Diving Wind Kick Throw (approach enemy | A + G or B + G
 from behind)                          | 
Tower Kick (approach enemy from the    | A + G or B + G
 left)                                 |
Piggyback Tulison (approach enemy from | A + G or B + G
 the right)                            |
Monsoon                                | qcf, B + G
Monsoon Season                         | qcf, B + G, b, f, A + B, qcb, B + K
Tagga (during Wind Charmer 1)          | A + G or B + G
Wind Sault                             | f, B + K
Double Inwardi (during Wind Sault)     | A
Double Bartikal (during Wind Sault)    | B
Layout (during Wind Sault)             | K
Wind Charmer 1                         | (df), B + K
Blade Cyclone (during Wind Charmer 1)  | A
Wind Charmer 2                         | d, B + K
Turning Espada (back facing enemy)     | A, A
Baraw Strikes (back facing enemy)      | B, B
Diving Wind Kick (back facing enemy)   | K
Olisi Turn (back facing enemy)         | A + K
Baraw Punch Turn (back facing enemy)   | B + K

Weapon Statistics

Syi Sarika & Loka Luha

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapons for her.
Special: None.

Wind Guide

Offense: 100%
Defense: 116%
Description: Good defense and penetrate defenses, but easy to lose balance.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Wind Guide still receive 40% damage
from blow.


Offense: 85%
Defense: 120%
Description: Powerful single strikes, but lack offense.
Special: None.

Side Harpe

Offense: 60%
Defense: 100%
Description: Powerful single strikes with Soul Charge, but lack offense.
Special: None.

Double Crescent Blade

Offense: 130%
Defense: 130%
Description: Excel in offense and defense. Offense increases with Soul Charge.
Special: The Soul Charge effect decreases over time.


Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense, but guard is penetrable.
Special: Chaqu allows through 20% of damage from blocked attacks.

Cao Ankana

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Long reach and penetrates defenses, but require energy.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Cao Ankana still receive 30% damage
from blow. Drain health over time.

Maila Kari

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Long reach, but wielder receives damage.
Special: Successful strikes drain health. Throws do not drain health.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 140%
Defense: 70%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life...
Special: Successful strikes restore health. Throws do not restore health.

Soul Calibur
Offense: 100%
Defense: 80%
Description: Legendary weapons. Wield them to discover their true power!
Special: Any strike, successful or not, restores health. Throws do not restore


Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: "I'm sorry. Please forgive me, I won't do it again!"
Special: None.

|   6.6. CASSANDRA   |   

Full Name: Cassandra Alexandra
Age: 21
Birthplace: Athens, Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
Height: 5'5"
Weight: Unknown (Refuses to reveal)
Birth Date: July 20th
Blood Type: B
Family: Father/Achelous, Mother/Nike, Brother/Lucius, Older Sister/Sophitia,
        Brother-in-Law/Rothion, Niece/Pyrrha, Nephew/Patroklos

Weapon: Short Sword & Small Shield
Weapon Name: Omega Sword & Namea Shield
Discipline: Athenian Style

Arena: Eurydice Shrine Gallery

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Slide Flow                             | A, A
Slide Rush                             | A, B, B
Slide Sweep                            | A, B, K
Slide Tornado                          | A, K
False Slide Kick                       | f, A, K
Angel Snipe                            | f, f, A
Reverse Illusion                       | df, A, B
Under Slide Blade                      | d, A
Undertow                               | db, A
Holy Purification                      | b, A
Cutlass Serendipity                    | b, b, A, A
Cutlass Thruster                       | b, b, A, B
Tempest                                | A + B
Shooting Star                          | f, f, A + B
Twin Step Grace                        | df, A + B
Gaia Quake                             | u, A + B
Slide Feint                            | A, G, A
Shield Slide Rush                      | (d), A, A
Shield Slide Rush Illusion             | (u), A, A
Silent Dawn                            | (db), A, K
Twin Step Grace                        | (b), A + B
Mirage Satellite (while rising)        | A
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Dancing Shield                         | B, B
Shield Upper                           | B, f
Nasty Impale Alpha                     | B, d
Nasty Impale Omega                     | B, d, B, B, B, K
Shield Nova                            | B, f, B
Angel's Wave                           | B, K
Artemis Dart                           | f, B
Angel Rush                             | f, f, B, B
Heaven Lift                            | df, B
Guardian Strike                        | d, B, B
Guardian Strike (additional attack)    | d, B, B, K
Guardian Wings                         | d, B, B, U, B, A, A
Guardian's Judgment                    | d, B, B, u, B, A, K
Under Splash                           | db, B
Destined Greatness                     | b, B
Heaven's Wing                          | b, b, B
Temporal Ascension                     | B + K, B
Angel Press                            | f, f, B + K
Shield Slaps                           | B, A, A, A
Heaven's Guardian                      | b, b, B, A
Rothion Mauler                         | (df), B
Elk Strike                             | (d), B
Pure Stinger                           | (db), B
Olympus Shower                         | (b), B + K
Exile (while rising)                   | B
Shield Spikes (while crouching)        | df, B, B
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
High Knee                              | f, K
Plasma Blade                           | f, f, K
Angel Side Kick                        | df, K
Spring Under Kick                      | d, K
Seraphim Heel                          | db, K
Hip Charge                             | b, K
Gaia Kick                              | b, b, K
Seraphim Sault                         | u, K, K
Grace Sault                            | ub, K
Seraphim Kicks                         | (df), K, K
Seraphim Tornado                       | (df), K, * K
Hip Charge Surprise                    | (d), K, K
Angel's Spring (while rising)          | K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Guardian Revenge                       | A + G
Seraphim Blade Twist                   | B + G
Exile Order (approach enemy from       | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               |
Meteor Shower (approach enemy from the | A + G or B + G
 left)                                 |
Seraphim Hammer (approach enemy from   | A + G or B + G
 the right)                            |
Angel's Embrace                        | f, f, B + G
Angel Step                             | qcf
Luminance Fall                         | qcf, A, B
Angel's Exile                          | qcf, B
Tornado Feint                          | qcf, K
Guardian Wings                         | qcf, d, * B, A, A
Guardian's Judgment                    | qcf, d, * B, A, K
Seraphim Sault                         | qcf, d, * K, K
Angelic Twirl                          | qcb
Angel's Wrath                          | qcb, B
Nephilim Shield                        | qcb, G

Weapon Statistics

Omega Sword & Nemea Shield

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for her.
Special: None.

Spiked Shield

Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense, but vulnerable to impact.
Special: None.

Dark Blade

Special: 100%
Defense: 60%
Description: Long reach and penetrates defenses, but lacks defense
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Dark Blade still receive 20% damage
from blow.


Offense: 75%
Defense: 130%
Description: Good defense, but lacks offense and has weak single strikes.
Special: None.

Spine Blade

Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense and penetrates defense, but has a short reach.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Spine Blade still receive 40% damage
from blow.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 70%
Description: Speed increases with Soul Charge, but requires energy to wield.
Special: Soul Charge drains health, but effect lasts for a few strikes.

Red Crystal Rod & Red Line Shield

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Recovers health, but vulnerable to impact.
Special: Restores health over time.

Ivan the Terrible

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but wielder receives damage.
Special: Soul Charge effect gradually decreases over time. Successful strikes
against opponent drain health. Throws do not drain health.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 162%
Defense: 100%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to have powerful single strikes...
Special: Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain


Offense: 135%
Defense: 130%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: Valkyrie allows through 40% of damage from blocked attacks, and
restores health over time.


Offense: 50%
Defense: 100%
Description: Old and useless junk. No one will care if it gets taken, right?
Special: None.

|   6.7. YUNSUNG   |

Full Name: Hong Yunsung
Age: 18
Birthplace: Chili-san, Lee Dynasty Korea
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Birth Date: April 16th
Blood Type: O
Family: Father/Died from illness, Mother/Whereabouts unknown,
        Master/Seung Han Myong

Weapon: Chinese Sword
Weapon Name: White Storm
Discipline: Seung Style Long Sword + Natural Footwork

Arena: Imperial Capital Ayutthaya

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Blade Song                             | A, A, B
Talon Destroyer                        | A, A, K, K
Lashing Tiger                          | f, A, A
Burning Ember                          | f, f, A
Leg Cutter                             | df, A
Twisting Coils                         | d, A
Torso Cutter                           | db, A
Illusion Blade                         | b, A
Jolting Blade                          | b, b, A
Heaven's Path                          | A + B
Waving Flame                           | f, A + B
Roaring Flame                          | f, f, A + B
Forced Divide                          | b, A + B
Viper's Illusion                       | (df), A, B
Willow Dance                           | (d), A, B
Wild Slash                             | (db), A
Rage Fire Blade (while rising)         | A, B
Waving Flame (while rising)            | A + B
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Burning Sky                            | B, B
Cyclone Blade Kick                     | B, K
Viper Lunge                            | B, f
Tiger Maul                             | f, B, B
Tiger Paw                              | f, B, A
Shattered Wall                         | f, f, B, B
Wall Dance                             | f, f, B, b, B
Forced Flame Divide                    | df, B
Flame Wave                             | d, B, B
Piercing Thrust                        | db, B
Loin Crush                             | b, B
Vengeful Thrust                        | b, b, B
Pouncing Claws                         | uf, B
Cresting Wave                          | B + K
Crushing Heel                          | db, B + K
Fire Storm                             | b, b, B+K
Rising Cobra                           | (df), B
Eclipse Blade                          | (d), B
Opening Void Thrust                    | (db), B
Forced Heaven (while rising)           | B
Flame Wave (while crouching)           | B, B
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Shredding Fangs                        | K, K
Cobra Divide                           | K, b, A + B
Raging Panther                         | f, K, K, A, A
Pursuing Cobra Divide                  | f, K, K, L, A + B
Triple Circular Heaven Assault         | f, f, K, K, K
Circular Heaven Kick ~ Crane           | f, f, K, f
Double Circular Heaven Kick ~ Crane    | f, f, K, K, f
Circular Heaven Cutter                 | f, f, K, d, A
Circular Heaven Crush                  | f, f, K, d, B
Circular Heaven Fangs                  | f, f, K, d, K, K
Double Circular Heaven Cutter          | f, f, K, K, d, A
Double Circular Heaven Crush           | f, f, K, K, d, B
Double Circular Heaven Fangs           | f, f, K, K, d, K, K
Ripping Fang                           | df, K
Viper Sweep                            | d, K
Warrior Dance                          | db, K, A, B
Warrior Step                           | db, K, K, B
Warrior Divide                         | db, K, K, L, A + B
Double Hawk Kick                       | b, K
Tiger Cannon Kick                      | b, b, K
Striking Fangs                         | K, G, K
Raging Talons                          | (df), K
Roundhouse Kick                        | (d), K
Leg Sweep                              | (db), K
Rising Hook Heel (while rising)        | K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Meteor Throw                           | A + G
Pinwheel Kick                          | B + G
Spine Destroyer (approach enemy from   | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               |
Burning Cradle (approach enemy from    | A + G or B + G
 the left)                             |
Drac Slayer (approach enemy from the   | A + G or B + G
 right)                                |
Death Blade                            | B + G, b
Circling Wing (during Crane)           | A
Wings of Flight (during Crane)         | B
Talon Kick (during Crane)              | K
Crane Rage (during Crane)              | d, K, A
Crane Shredder (during Crane)          | d, K, K
Crane Talon (during Crane)             | d, K, K
Stone Cleaver (during Crane)           | A + B
Wagging Tail (during Crane)            | b, b, B
Crane Swoop (during Crane)             | f, f
Rage Fire Blade (during Crane Swoop)   | A, B
Rising Crane (during Crane Swoop)      | B
Rising Phoenix Kick (during Crane      | K
 Swoop)                                |
Land Walk                              | qcb
Diving Viper                           | qcb, A
Silent Arc                             | qcb, B
Lightning Kicks                        | qcb, K, K, K
Coiling Viper Thrust                   | qcb, B + K

Weapon Statistics

White Storm

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 60%
Description: Penetrates defenses, but lacks defense.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Machete still receive 20% damage from


Offense: 100%
Defense: 120%
Description: Powerful single strikes, but has a short reach.
Special: None.

Xiao Lian

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Long reach, but wielder, receives damage.
Special: Successful strikes drain health. Throws do not drain health.

Giant Butcher Knife

Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense, but has a short reach.
Special: None.

Cheng Ying

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: Easy to Soul Charge, but lacks offense and defense.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 80%
Description: Long reach and absorbs healh, but guard is penetrable.
Special: Ramdao allows through 20% of damage from blocked attacks. Successful
strikes restore health. Throws do not restore health.

Blue Thunder

Offense: 102%
Defense: 100%
Description: Powerful single strikes, but lacks offense.
Special: None.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 135%
Defense: 100%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life...
Special: Soul Edge (Complete) allows through 50% of damage from blocked attacks.
Successful strikes restore health. Throws do not restore health.

Hang Guang

Offense: 100%
Defense: 90%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: A Soul Charge drains health. The Soul Charge effect lasts for a few
seconds without decreasing. Opponents who block attacks from Han Guang receive
10% damage from blow.

Child's Sword

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: "And what am I supposed to do with this?"
Special: None.

|   6.8. RAPHAEL   |

Full Name: Raphael Sorel
Age: 32
Birthplace: French Empire/Rouen
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 159 lbs.
Birth Date: November 27th
Blood Type: A
Family: Foster daughter/Amy, Relatives/Cut all ties

Weapon: English Sword Rapier
Weapon Name: Flambert
Discipline: La Rapiere des Sorel

Arena: South France Mansion/Library

Move List 

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Attack au Fer                          | A, A
Attack au Fer Low                      | A, d, A
Moulinet                               | A, B
Lunging Press                          | A, f
Hilt Strike                            | f, A
Bloodlust                              | f, f, A, A, B
Violent Blood                          | df, A
Low Tondo Roversi                      | d, A
Dark Talon                             | db, A
Tondo Roversi                          | b, A
Heavy Mandritti                        | b, b, A
Assalto Montante                       | A + B
Assalto Montante Crescendo             | A + B, A
Wyvern's Tail                          | f, f, A + B
Spinning Affondo Thrust                | df, A + B
Quick Parade                           | db, A + B
Stocatta Rampage (during Quick Parade) | B
Stocatta Rampage Crescendo (during     | B, B
 Quick Parade)                         |
Baroque Storm                          | b, A + B
Blood Roar                             | uf, A + B
Bloody Funeral                         | b, b, A, B
Bloodlust                              | (f), A, A, B
Merciless Stramazone                   | (df), A, A
Deadly Strikes                         | (df), A, B
Dark Tears                             | (d), A, A
Squalambrato Concierto                 | (d), A, B
Heel Snipe                             | (db), A
Rising Tonado (while rising)           | A
Midnight Terror (while crouching)      | df, A, A, B
Rising Wyvern (while rising)           | A + B
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Dui Montante                           | B, B
Double Appel Cut                       | f, B, B
Double Appel Cut ~ Quick Parade        | f, B, B, db, A + B
Triple Botta in Tempo                  | f, B, B, B
Broken Thrust                          | f, f, B
Montante el Fin                        | df, B
Fendante                               | d, B
Grave Needle                           | db, B, B
Double-Handed Press                    | b, B, B
Single Montante                        | b, b, B
Quick Mandritti                        | (df), B
Death Guise                            | (d), B
Dark Heart                             | (db), B, A, B
Rising Montante (while rising)         | B
Shadow Stinger (while crouching)       | df, B
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Dark Moon                              | f, f, K
Venom Heel                             | f, K
Venom Toe Kick                         | df, K
Sweep Kick                             | d, K
Pirouette Sweep                        | db, K
Head Hunter Kick                       | b, K
Venom Side Kick                        | b, b, K
Dark Moon                              | (df), K
Venom Roundhouse                       | (d), K
Venom Side Kick                        | (b), K
Rising Venom Kick (while rising)       | K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Death Puppet                           | A + G
Unending Stings                        | B + G
Pure Sacrifice (approach enemy from    | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               | 
A Lesson In Massacre (approach enemy   | A + G or B + G
 from the left)                        |
Undertaker (approach enemy from the    | A + G or B + G
 right)                                |
Circular Envelopment                   | A + K
Circular Envelopment (double)          | A + K, A + K
Spiral Envelopment                     | B + K
Advance Step                           | qcf
Scarlet Roar                           | qcf, A, B
Affondo Fendante                       | qcf, B
Venom Toe Kick                         | qcf, K
Dark Abyss                             | qcf, A + B
Retreat Step                           | qcb
Haunted Talon                          | qcb, A
Enveloping Stocatta                    | qcb, B
Pirouette Kick                         | qcb, K
Retreat Step ~ Advance Step            | qcb, qcf

Weapon Statistics


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 130%
Description: Good defense, but has weak single strikes.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Penetrates defenses, but has a short reach.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Stilleto still receive 20% damage
from blow.


Offense: 130%
Defense: 80%
Description: Good offense and penetrates defenses, but easy to lose balance.
Special: None.

Wo Dao

Offense: 135%
Defense: 100%
Description: Powerful single strikes with Soul Charge, but has short reach.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but vulnerable to impact.
Special: The Soul Charge effect decreases over time.

Holy Antler

Offense: 120%
Defense: 70%
Description: Good offense, but lacks defense.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 50%
Description: Easy to Soul Charge and offense increases with Soul Charge.
Special: The Soul Charge effect decreases over time.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 140%
Defense: 130%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to be the strongest in the world.
Special: Drains health over time.

Queen's Guard

Offense: 130%
Defense: 140%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: Successful strikes drain health. Throws do not drain health.

Offense: 70%
Defense: 60%
Description: A true gentleman never leaves home without it.
Special: None.

|   6.9. KILIK   |

Full Name: Kilik
Age: 23
Birthplace: Unknown (Raised in Ling-Sheng Su Temple, Ming Empire)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 139 lbs.
Birth Date: February 9th
Blood Type: A
Family: Raised in Ling-Sheng Su Temple, but he murdered everyone, including
        Xianglian, who was like his sister, Master/Edgemaster

Weapon: Rod
Weapon Name: Kali-Yuga
Discipline: Secret Art of Ling-Sheng Su Style Rod

Arena: Labyrinth

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Bo Rush ~ Side movement                | A, A, d
Bo Rush Combo                          | A, A, B
Raging Phoenix Combo                   | f, A, A, A
Raging Phoenix Bo                      | f, A, A, B
Raging Phoenix Soul                    | f, A, A, B, u
Raging Phoenix Fang                    | f, A, A, B, d
Cross Bo                               | f, f, A
Ling Su Upper                          | df, A, B
Ling Su Rising Bo                      | df, A, B + K
Inner Peace                            | d, A
Lower Bo Slice                         | db, A
Escaping Bo                            | b, A
Cross Tide                             | b, b, A, A
Phoenix Roar                           | A + B
Biting Phoenix                         | f, A + B
Trick Bo                               | df, A + B
Lower Bo Smackdown                     | d, A + B
Dirty Bo                               | db, A + B
Phoenix Flare ~ Raven Slaughter        | 
 Thrust                                | b, A + B, B, B
Yin and Yang                           | qcb, A + B
Phoenix Cross                          | A + K
Bo Smack Down                          | f, A + K
Phoenix Claw                           | df, A + K
Wave Divide                            | d, A + K
Phoenix Tail                           | b, A + K
Twin Phoenix                           | A, A, B
Phoenix Feint                          | A, B
Gale Divide Haste                      | (uf), A, A
Gale Divide                            | (df), A, A
Wind Divide Flare                      | (d), A, A, A
Mountain Carve                         | (d), A, B
Ling Sheng Slice                       | (db), A
Ling Sheng Slash (while rising)        | A
Pounding Stones (while crouching)      | A + B
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Splitting Waterfall                    | B, A
Waterfall Divide                       | B, d, A
Rushing Waterfall                      | B, B
Bo Thrust                              | f, B
Retreating Thrust                      | f, B, u or G + K
Lower Bo Feint                         | f, B, d
Heavy Bo                               | f, f, B
Twin Bo Upper                          | df, B, B
Waterfall                              | d, B
Advancing Bo                           | db, B
Phoenix Rage Thrust                    | b, B
Stream Thrust                          | b, b, B
Building Bridges                       | d, * B, B, B, B
Bridge Rage Thrust                     | d, * B, B, b, B
Rising Bo Feint                        | B + K
Yin Rising                             | f, B + K
Playful Phoenix                        | d, B + K
Phoenix Lunge                          | b, B + K
Sheng Mirage Kick                      | B, K
Ling Sheng Upper (while rising)        | B
River Thrust (while crouching)         | db, B
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Sheng Lung Kick                        | f, K
Rising Phoenix                         | f, f, K, K, B
Sheng Side Kick                        | df, K
Sheng Su Low Kick                      | d, K
Sheng Su Thrust                        | db, K, B
Biting Heaven                          | b, K, B
Sheng Heh Kick                         | b, b, K
Sheng Illusion Kick                    | K, B
Sheng Lung Kick Combo                  | f, K, B
Rising Phoenix                         | (df), K, K, B
Mountain Sweep                         | (d), K
Mountain Breaker                       | (d), K
Phoenix Hop (while rising)             | K, B
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Light Breeze                           | A + G
Heaven Dance                           | B + G
Phoenix Pounce (approach enemy from    | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               | 
Cutting Sadness (approach enemy from   | A + G or B + G
 the left)                             | 
Summer Gale (approach enemy from the   | A + G or B + G
 right)                                | 
Festival of the Damned                 | qcf, A + G, b, f, A, hcf, B
Festival of the Dead                   | qcf, B + G, b, f, A + B
Monument                               | qcf
Inner Peace                            | qcf, A
Advancing Bo                           | qcf, B
Scythe                                 | qcf, K
Heaven Monument                        | qcf, A + B
Heaven Monument Fall                   | qcf, A + B, K
Wave Divide                            | qcf, A + K
Rising Bo Feint                        | qcf, B + K
Tribute                                | qcb
Rising Flare                           | qcb, A
Reverse Bo Thrust                      | qcb, B
Tribute Sault                          | qcb, K

Weapon Statistics


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 130%
Description: Good defense, but has short reach.
Special: None.

Ling-Sheng Su Bo

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Powerful single strikes, but vulnerable to impact.
Special: None.

Iron Staff

Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense, but requires energy to wield.
Special: Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain

Kunlun Bamboo

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Recovers health, but has weak single strikes.
Special: Each successful strike restores health. Throws do not restore health.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 120%
Description: Long reach, but vulnerable to strong single strikes.
Special: None.


Offense: 135%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense and penetrates defenses, but requires energy to wield.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Amud still receive 20% damage from
blow. Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain health.

Duel Rod

Offense: 100%
Defense: 130%
Description: Long reach and offense increases with Soul Charge.
Special: Soul Charge effect decreases over time.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 140%
Defense: 100%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to ease Soul Charge...
Special: Drains health over time.

Jingu Staff

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: Jingu Staff allows through 20% of damage from blocked attacks.

Bamboo Staff

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: It's a fake Kunlun Bamboo Staff. Got tricked into buying it.
Special: None.

|   6.10. XIANGHUA   |

Full Name: Chai Xianghua
Age: 20
Birthplace: Ming Empire/Peking
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 101 lbs.
Birth Date: April 2nd
Blood Type: B
Family: Mother/Deceased, Father/Deceased, according to her mother

Weapon: Chinese Sword
Weapon Name: No Name
Discipline: Sword play passed down from her mother

Arena: Xiwei Siege Ruins

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Beautiful Rhythm                       | A, A, B
Beautiful Rhythm ~ Bea Her Hua         | A, A, d
Swallow Blade (during Bea Her Hua)     | A
Rhythm Blade (during Bea Her Hua)      | B
Tzao Lan Hua Rhythm                    | A, A, b, B, B
False Tzao Lan Hua Rhythm              | A, A, b, B, B, B
Cross Lian Hun                         | f, A
Striking Lian Hua                      | f, f, A
Angry Shui Shian                       | df, A, K
Rhythm Halt                            | d, A
Chai Hua                               | db, A
Storming Lian Hua                      | b, A
Lan Hua Slice                          | b, A
Muu Jiann                              | A + B
Muu Jiann Advance                      | f, A + B
Great Wall                             | f, f, A + B
Lian Hua Cannon                        | df, A + B
Yann Divide                            | d, A + B
Reverse Shui Shian                     | db, A + B
Guei (while down on the ground)        | A + B
Muu Jiann Retreat                      | b, A + B
Ma Chiueh                              | b, b, A + B
Lian Hua Kicks                         | d, A + K, K
Lian Hua Sweeps                        | d, A + K, d, K
Lian Hua Twist Left                    | A, B
Feng Yun Feint                         | A, K, B
Feng Yung Feint (side movement)        | A, K, d, B
Double Feng Yun                        | A, K, K
Li                                     | (df), A
Spinning Lian Hua                      | (d), A
Ing Hua                                | (db), A
Lan Hua Slice                          | (b), A
Hou Lee                                | (f), A + K
Muu Jiann Rhythm (while rising)        | A, A
Mei Hua Dance (while crouching)        | A + B, A
Mei Hua Divide (while crouching)       | A + B, B
Mei Hua Carve (while crouching)        | A + B, d, B
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Advancing Rhythm                       | f, B, A
Deadly Rhythm                          | f, B, B
Playful Rhythm ~ Laughing Ber Her Hua  | f, f, B, b
Playful Rhythm                         | f, f, B, B
Lian Hua Upper                         | df, B
Rhythm Break                           | d, B
Shan Ji                                | db, B, A
Tzao Lan Hua                           | b, B, B
Tzao Lan Hua Dance                     | b, B, B, A
Tzao Lan Hua Feint                     | b, B, B, B
Vengeful Lian Hua                      | b, b, B
Twin Mei Hua                           | B + K
Waterfall                              | f, B + K
Advancing Bea Her Hua                  | f, f, B + K
Lower Great Wall                       | df, B + K
Quake Step                             | d, B + K
Hwu Dye                                | db, B + K
Muu Ling                               | b, B + K
Retreating Bea Her Hua                 | b, b, B + K
Sweet Harmony                          | B, A, A
False Mirror                           | B, K, B
False Mirror Feint                     | B, K, B, B
San Jaan                               | (df), B
Playful Slice                          | (d), B
Shiang Ryh Kwei (while rising)         | B
Shiang Gyh Kwei Feint (while           | B, A
 crouching)                            |
Mei Guei Hua (while crouching)         | df, B
Mei Guei Hua Feint (while crouching)   | df, b, B
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Heh Kick                               | f, K
Woan Shyong Combo                      | f, f, K, B
Sheau Shan Kick                        | df, K
Woan Shyong Nibble                     | d, K
Circle Breaker                         | db, K
Shan Kick                              | b, K
Ta                                     | b, b, K
Mei Hua Circle                         | K, B, B
Circle Breaker Feint Divide            | db, K, A, A, B
Circle Breaker Feint Double Feng Yun   | db, K, A, A, K
Swallow's Blade                        | (df), K, A
Swallow Blade ~ Bea Her Hua            | (df), K, A, B + K
Mei Hua Circle                         | (d), K, B
Rising Shui Shian (while rising)       | K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Yuen Chuei Shaur                       | A + G
Long Ling Sheang                       | B + G
Yuh Luen Shaur (approach enemy from    | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               |
Tien E Sheang (approach enemy from the | A + G or B + G
 left)                                 |
Yng Dyi Yann (approach enemy from the  | A + G or B + G
 right)                                |
Wind Chime                             | qcb, B + G
Hou Lee                                | A + K
Lower Great Wall (first spin of Hou    | B
 Lee)                                  |
Lower Great Wall Punishment (second    | B
 spin of Hou Lee)                      |

Weapon Statistics

No Name

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for her.
Special: None.


Offense: 70%
Defense: 100%
Description: Powerful single strikes with Soul Charge, but lacks offense.
Special: None.

Northern Star

Offense: 120%
Defense: 80%
Description: Powerful single strikes, but easy to lose balance.
Special: None.

Soul Calibur (Evil)

Offense: 120%
Defense: 70%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but requires energy to wield.
Special: A Soul Charge drains health. The Soul Charge effect decreases with each
hit, and over time.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Penetrates defenses, but has short reach.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Kopis still receive 30% damage from

Qi Xing Sword

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: Long reach and has powerful single strikes, but lacks offense and
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Health recovers with Soul Charge.
Special: None.

Blue Storm

Offense: 120%
Defense: 80%
Description: Long reach and has good offense, but vulnerable to impact.
Special: None.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 120%
Defense: 100%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to increases in power with Soul
Special: Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain

Soul Calibur

Offense: 120%
Defense: 80%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: Successful strikes restore health. Throws do not restore health.

Calligraphy Brush

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: It's not much of a weapon, but it's still a fabled item.
Special: None.

|   6.11. MAXI   |

Full Name: Maxi
Age: 28
Birthplace: Ryukyu Kingdom, Shuri
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 126 lbs.
Birth Date: May 1st
Blood Type: O
Family: Parents/Deceased, His Crew/Slain

Weapon: Nunchaku
Weapon Name: Soryuju
Discipline: Shissen Karihadi

Arena: Pirates' Alcove

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Twin Snakes ~ Right Cross              | A, A
Lunging Snake ~ Right Outer            | f, A
Tiger Pounce                           | f, f, A
Lotus                                  | df, A
Tongue                                 | d, A
Snake Scythe                           | db, A
Nunchaku Slap ~ Behind Lower           | b, A
Nunchaku Slap ~ Right Outer            | b, A, d, K
Nunchaku Slap to Steel Dragon          | b, A, B
Serpent's Bane                         | b, A, B, A, A, B
Wave Slice                             | b, b, A
Dandy Surprise ~ Behind Lower          | qcf, A
Stone Wall ~ Left Outer                | A, K
Stone Kick                             | A, K, b
Serpent's Pleasure                     | A + B
Dragon's Sky ~ Behind Lower            | f, A + B
Rage of Pleasure                       | b, A + B
Guillotine Dance                       | df, A + K
Tiger Pounce                           | (f), A
Striking Snake                         | (df), A
Northern Lights                        | (u), A
Nunchaku Cross (while rising)          | A
Dragon's Brand ~ Left Inner (while     | A + B
 rising)                               |
Rope Dancer ~ Right Outer (while       | df, A, A, A
 crouching)                            | 
Scythe Fang ~ Left Outer (while        | db, A, B
 crouching)                            |
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Snake Bite ~ Right Outer               | B
Serpent's Breath ~ Right Outer         | B, d
Steel Dragon                           | f, B
Branding Nunchaku                      | f, B, (b)
Dragon Splitter ~ Left Outer           | f, f, B
Dragon Splitter                        | f, f, B, G
Biting Upper                           | df, B
Falling Fang                           | d, B
Inner Biting Upper                     | db, B
Snake Kiss ~ Left Outer                | b, B
Reverse Snake Cross ~ Right Cross      | b, b, B
Mantis Lunge ~ Left Inner              | qcf, B
Mantis Lunge                           | qcf, B, G
Fury ~ Right Outer                     | B + K, B, B, B, A
Dragon Cannon                          | f, f, B + K
Nunchaku Lick                          | df, B + K
Tiger Slaughter                        | d, B + K, B
Twisted Loop                           | b, B + K
Serpent's Desire                       | f, B, A, A, B
Return of Fear ~ Behind Lower          | (df), B
Mark of the Beast                      | (db), B
Hurricane                              | (d), B + K
Rolling Biting Upper (while rising)    | B
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Left Roundhouse                        | f, K
Dragon Roar Bite ~ Right Outer         | f, f, K, B
Dragon Roar Sweep                      | f, f, K, K
Snap Kick                              | df, K
Illusion Kick ~ Right Outer            | d, K, B
Illusion Low Kicks                     | d, K, K
Quick Slice                            | db, K
Right Roundhouse                       | b, K
Rolling Sobat                          | b, b, K
Hurricane                              | qcf, K
Falling Dragon                         | K, B, A
Dragon Pounce                          | K, B, K
Back Kick                              | (df), K
Water Slice                            | (d), K, K
Circle Kick                            | (u), K
Dragon Scream (while rising)           | K, K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Falling Heaven Dragon                  | A + G
Lynching                               | B + G
Parting the Waves (approach enemy from | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               |
Dragon Destroyer (approach enemy from  | A + G or B + G
 the left)                             |
Leaving the Dragon's Nest ~ Behind     |
 Lower (approach enemy from the right) | A + G
Dragon Bite (during Right Outer)       | A, K
Dragon Wing Sobat (during Right Outer) | B, B, K
Dragon Pounce (during Right Outer)     | K, K
Falling Dragon (during Right Outer)    | K, A
Inverted Moon (during Behind Lower)    | A
Lunging Biting Upper ~ Left Outer      | B 
 (during Behind Lower)                 |
Fury Kicks (during Behind Lower)       | K, K
Tiger Pounce (during Right Cross)      | A
Striking Snake (during Right Cross)    | A, G, A
Cobra Fangs (during Right Cross)       | A, G, u, B
Mark of the Beast (during Right Cross) | B
Water Slice (during Right Cross)       | K, K
Bloody Cross (during Left Outer)       | K, K
Wing Slice ~ Right Cross (during Left  | B
 Outer)                                |
Wing Sobat (during Left Outer)         | B, K
Circle Kick (during Left Outer)        | K
Purity Cross (during Left Inner)       | A
Canyon Carve ~ Behind Lower (during    | B
 Left Inner)                           |
Wheel Kick (during Left Inner)         | K, K

Weapon Statistics


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him.
Special: None.


Offense: 85%
Defense: 100%
Description: Powerful single strikes, but lacks offense.
Special: None.

Chained Kozuka

Offense: 100%
Defense: 70%
Description: Long reach, but lacks defense.
Special: None.


Offense: 130%
Defense: 70%
Description: Good offense, but lacks defense.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but wielder receives damage.
Special: The Soul Charge effect decreases over time.


Offense: 120%
Defense: 100%
Description: Long reach and good offense, but vulnerable to impact.
Special: None.

Modified Flail

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Long reach, but guard is penetrable.
Special: Modified Flail allows through 20% of damage from blocked attacks.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but requires energy to wield.
Special: The Soul Charge effect lasts for a few seconds without decreasing.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to penetrate defenses...
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Soul Edge (Complete) still receive
40% damage from blow.


Offense: 180%
Defense: 100%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: If Maxi wields this weapon, guarding is ineffective.

Termite Snack

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: Old and decrepit weapon filled with memories of a raging
Special: None.

|   6.12. YOSHIMITSU   |

Full Name: Yoshimitsu
Age: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown (Base of Mt. Fuji, Japan)
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Birth Date: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Family: Entire Clan/Massacred, Now belongs to a clan of chivalrous theives

Weapon: Katana
Weapon Name: Yoshimitsu
Discipline: Manji Ninjitsu

Arena: Money Pit/Top Tier

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Rapid Gale                             | A, A
Gale                                   | f, A
Flagstaff                              | f, f, A
Hording Wealth                         | df, A, B
Parting Grass                          | d, A
Stone Fist                             | db, A, A, A, A, A
Stone Backhands                        | b, A, A, A, A, A
Mouthless                              | b, b, A
Sword Sweep                            | qcb, A
Back Hand                              | f, A + B
Crying Spirit Sword                    | f, f, A + B
Crying Spirit Sword to Death           | f, f, A + B, d, B
Digging Spirit                         | d, A + B
Digging Cyclone                        | d, A + B, B
Deathcopter                            | uf, A + B
Deathcopter Attack (during             | d
 Deathcopter)                          |
Deathcopter Trick (during Deathcopter) | b
Sudare Wheel                           | u, A + B
Fake Turning Suicide                   | f, f, A + K
Fake Turning Suicide ~ Sword Pogo      | f, f, A + K, A
Standing Suicide                       | d, A + K
Kabuki                                 | (df), A
Mist Banishment                        | (db), A
Sunflower (while rising)               | A
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Rapid Grace                            | B, B
Sword Spirit Mid                       | f, B
Sword Spirit Lower                     | f, B, d
Sword Spirit Upper                     | f, B, u
Firmiana Branch                        | f, f, B
Firmiana Solar Kick                    | f, f, B, B + K
Firmiana Shark Attack                  | f, f, B, B + K, A + B
Firmiana Shark Attack Combo            | f, f, B, B + K, A + B, K
Clansmen                               | df, B
Autumn Drizzle                         | d, B
Death Slash                            | db, B
Sleet                                  | b, B
Sword Impale                           | b, b, B
Moon Sault Slayer                      | qcf, B
Door Knocker                           | f, B + K, B, B, B
Solar Kick                             | f, f, B + K
Shark Attack                           | f, f, B + K, A + B
Shark Attack Combo                     | f, f, B + K, A + B, K
Circium                                | df, B + K
Cyclone Lift                           | db, B + K
Spinning Evade                         | b, B + K, B, B, B, B, B, B
Spinning Evade ~ Sword Pogo            | b, B + K, A
Ninja Sun Flare                        | b, b, B + K
Poison Wind                            | uf, B + K
Steel Wind                             | uf, B + K, K
Ninja Blade Rush                       | B, A
Manji Carve Fist                       | d, B, A
Spinning Sword                         | b, b, B, A
Helm Splitter                          | b, b, B, B
Prayer                                 | (d), B
Crying Hell Flames                     | (db), B, A, B
Tangled Blade (while rising)           | B
Heretic Sword (while crouching)        | df, B
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Triple Spin Kick                       | K, K, K
Zig                                    | f, K
Zig-Zag                                | f, K, K
Double Zig                             | f, K, d, K
Knee Bash                              | f, f, K
Mid Kick                               | df, K
Sweep Kick                             | d, K
Kangaroo Kick                          | db, K
Bullet Cutter                          | b, K, B
Whirlwind ~ Sword Pogo                 | (d), K, A
Hayabusa (while rising)                | K
Lunging Sweep (while crouching)        | df, K
Spinning Low Kick (while crouching)    | db, K, K, K, K, K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Jaw Smash                              | A + G
Nimbus                                 | B + G
Tornado Drop (approach enemy from      | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               |
Elegant Storm (approach enemy from the | A + G or B + G
 left)                                 |
Manji Ninjitsu Blade (approach enemy   | A + G or B + G
 from the right)                       |
Rainbow Drop                           | qcb, A + B
Oni Killer                             | f, f, A + G
Soul Siphon                            | f, K + G
Sword Pogo                             | A + B
Rolling Spark (during Sword Pogo)      | A
Pogo Hop (during Sword Pogo)           | B or directional input
Kangaroo Kick (during Sword Pogo)      | f, A + B
Skull Splitter (during Sword Pogo)     | A + B
Meditation                             | B + K
Warp Rolling Shark (during Meditation) | A
Warp Moon Slayer (during Meditation)   | B
Warp Kangaroo Kick (during Meditation) | K
Warp Shark Attack (during Meditation)  | A + B, K
Warp (during Meditation)               | f or b

Weapon Statistics


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him.
Special: None.


Offense: 120%
Defense: 65%
Description: Powerful single strikes with Soul Charge, but lacks defense.
Special: None.


Offense: 130%
Defense: 80%
Description: Good offense and has powerful single strikes, but easy to lose
Special: None.


Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense, but vulnerable to impact.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Zantetsuken receive 30% damage from


Offense: 84%
Defense: 100%
Description: Powerful single strikes, but lacks offense.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 70%
Description: Powerful single strikes with Soul Charge, but requires energy to
Special: Drains health over time.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 70%
Description: Speed increases with Soul Charge, but lacks defense.
Special: The Soul Charge effect lasts for a few seconds without decreasing.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Long reach, but requires energy to wield
Special: Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 140%
Defense: 100%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life...
Special: Each successful strike restores health. Throws do not restore health.
If Yoshimitsu wields this weapon, guarding is ineffective.


Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: The Soul Charge effect decreases over time.

Shepherd's Crook

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: "Yoshi had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow."
Special: None.

|   6.13. NIGHTMARE   |

Full Name: Nightmare
Age: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 209 lbs.
Birth Date: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Family: Unknown

Weapon: Soul Edge (Zweihander Type)
Weapon Name: Soul Edge (Male)
Discipline: Styles memorized by Soul Edge

Arena: Ostrheinsburg Chapel

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Slash ~ Night Side Stance              | (A)
Evil Eye                               | A, f
Slash Cross                            | A, A, B
Slash Cross ~ Night Lower Stance       | A, A, (B)
Double Grounder                        | A, d, A, A
Quick Spin Slash                       | f, A
Right Slasher                          | f, f, A
Dark Bite                              | df, A
Leg Slash                              | d, A
Shadow Slicer                          | db, A
Back Spin Slash                        | b, A
Blaze Wind ~ Night Side Stance         | A + B
Blaze Storm                            | A + B, A
Dark Soul Impact                       | df, A + B
Flying Edge                            | d, A + B
Spin Slash Double Grounder             | A + K, A, d, A, A
Spin Kick Slash Cross                  | A + K, A, A, B
Quick Back Spin Slash                  | A, G, A
Armlet Crusher                         | (df), A
Alternate Cross                        | (uf), A
Advancing Slash                        | (d), A, A, B
Revenge                                | (d), A, A, f, B
Reverse Advancing Slash                | (u), A, A, B
Axle Kick Winder                       | (f), A + K
Maelstrom (while rising)               | A, A
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Gauntlet Buster                        | B, f
Rampart Buster                         | B, b
Mail Splitter                          | B, B
Buster Grounder                        | B, d, A
Piercing Strike                        | f, B
Quick Revenge                          | f, B, B repeatedly
Rook Splitter                          | f, f, B
Sky Splitter                           | df, B
Shadow Buster                          | d, B
Thrust Throw                           | db, B
Midnight Launcher                      | b, B
Fatal Drive                            | b, b, B, B
Earth Divide                           | qcf, B
Side Gauntlet Buster                   | df, B + K, f, B
Helm Divider                           | B, G, B
Armor Breaker                          | B, G, B, B
Break Kick                             | B, G, B, K
Armor Pierce                           | (d), B, B, B
Break Kick                             | (d), B, B, K
Shadow Impact                          | (db), B
Cannonball Lifter (while rising)       | B
Split Buster ~ Night Lower Stance      | (B)
 (while crouching)                     |
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Jade Crusher                           | f, K
Shoulder Rush                          | f, f, K
Axle Headbutt                          | df, K, K, B
Grind Low Kick                         | db, K
Headbutt Tackle                        | b, K, K
Jade Smasher                           | b, b, K, A
Jade Breaker ~ Armlet Crusher          | b, b, K, d, A
Jade Breaker ~ Alternate Cross         | b, b, K, u, A
Stomping                               | qcf, K, K, K, K, K
Drop Kick                              | f, f, K, B
Rush Crusher                           | f, f, K, K
Rush Splitter                          | (df), K, B
Spin Slash Double Grounder             | (d), K, A, d, A, A
Spin Kick Slash Cross                  | (d), K, A, A, B
Spin Kick Combo                        | (d), K, K
Darkside Kick                          | (db), K
Rising Night Kicks (while rising)      | K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Hilt Impact                            | A + G
Soul Devour                            | B + G
Witch Hunt (approach enemy from        | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               |
Calamity Fall (approach enemy from the | A + G or B + G
 left)                                 |
Unholy Terror (approach enemy from the | A + G or B + G
 right)                                |
Flap Jack (while crouching)            | A + G or B + G
Night Behind Stance                    | B + K
Night Reverse Side Stance              | d, B + K
Night Side Stance                      | u, B + K
Night Lower Stance                     | b, B + K
Night Annihilation (during Night       | A
 Behind Stance)                        |
Carving Edge (during Night Behind      | d, A or B, A
 Stance) d, A or B, A                  |
Terror Stomper (during Night Behind    | B 
 Stance)                               |
Knee Kick Rush (during Night Behind    | K, K
 Stance)                               |
Blood Bath Sidestep (during Night      | A, A
 Behind Stance)                        |
Cross Grounder (during Night Side      | A, A
 Stance)                               |
Double Grounder Alpha (during Night    | A, d, A
 Side Stance)                          |
Cannonball Lifter (during Night Side   | B
 Stance)                               |
Spinning Retreat (during Night Side    | B, A
 Stance)                               |
Night Front Kick (during Night Side    | K
 Stance)                               |
Reaver (during Night Side Stance)      | A + B
Helm Shear (during Night Reverse Side  | B, A
 Stance)                               |
Leg Hacker (during Night Lower Stance) | A
Death Horn Charge (during Night Lower  | B
 Stance)                               |
Cannonball Splitter (during Night      | f, B
 Lower Stance)                         |
Death Claw (during Night Lower Stance) | K
Rook Splitter Alternate (during Night  | A + B
 Lower Stance)                         |

Weapon Statistics

Soul Edge

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Penetrates defenses, but guard is penetrable.
Special: Flamberge allows through 20% of damage from blocked attacks. Opponents
who block attacks from Flamberge still receive 30% damage from blow.

Great Blade

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Easy to Soul Charge, but requires energy to wield.
Special: Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain

Steel Paddle

Offense: 100%
Defense: 130%
Description: Good defense and penetrates defenses, but user is damaged.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Steel Paddle still receive 20% damage
from blow. Successful strikes drain health. Throws do not drain health.


Offense: 130%
Defense: 80%
Description: Good offense and penetrates defenses, but easy to lose balance.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Glam still receive 15% damage from


Offense: 100%
Defense: 130%
Description: Good defense and strong against impact, but has weak single
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 130%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but requires energy to wield.
Special: The Soul Charge effect decreases over time. Each strike, successful or
not, drains health. Throws do not drain health.

Soul Edge (Growth)

Offense: 120%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense and recovers health, but guard is penetrable.
Special: Soul Edge (Growth) allows through 20% of damage from blocked attacks. 
Restores health over time.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 140%
Defense: 140%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to increase in power with Soul
Special: Drains health over time; a Soul Charge drains health as well. The Soul
Charge effect decreases over time.

Soul Calibur

Offense: 100%
Defense: 125%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: Restores health over time.

Galley Oar

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: A warrior from the east used something like this, apparently.
Special: None.

|   6.14. IVY   |

Full Name: Isabella Valentine
Age: 32
Birthplace: British Empire/London
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 128 lbs.
Birth Date: December 10th
Blood Type: Unknown
Family: Adoptive parents/Deceased, Father/Cervantes, Mother/Deceased

Weapon: Snake Sword
Weapon Name: Valentine (Ivy Blade)
Discipline: Unrelated Link

Arena: Egyptian Crypt

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Biting Raven                           | A, A
Raven Butt                             | f, A
Raven's Egg                            | f, f, A
Cross Madness                          | df, A
Cursed Mark                            | d, A
Ancient Wheels                         | db, A, A
Menace Slice                           | b, A
Dancing Insanity                       | b, b, A
Serpent's Venom                        | qcb, A
Spiral Serenade                        | A + B
Freeze Gaze                            | f, A + B
Insanity Light                         | f, f, A + B
Eye of Madness                         | df, A + B
Dominance                              | d, A + B
Razor's Bite                           | db, A + B
Spiral Punishment                      | b, A + B, B
Crucifixion                            | b, b, A + B
God Whisper                            | u, A + B, A
Royal Huntress                         | d, A + K
Wolf Lash                              | (df), A
Menace (while rising)                  | A
Masquerade ~ Resting Madness (while    | df, A + B
 crouching)                            |
Demented Loop (while rising)           | A + B
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Immortal Gale                          | B, B
Squire's Cage                          | B, f, B
Caged Silhouette ~ Whip State          | B, f, B, K
Ivy Lash                               | f, B
Serpent's Breath                       | f, f, B
Cursed Heavens                         | df, B
Curse Brand                            | d, B
Poison Ivy                             | db, B
Ivy Bite                               | b, B
Darkside ~ Whip State                  | b, b, B
Venom Lash                             | qcb, B
Ivy Brambler                           | qcf, B
Pleasure Change (weapon shape change)  | B + K
Embrace of Lust                        | f, B + K
Fear's Void                            | d, B + K
Heel Explosion                         | b, B + K
Exile~Whip State                       | b, b, B + K
Drowning Madness                       | (d), B
Shameless (while rising)               | B
Asylum (while rising)                  | B + K
Ivy Masquerade (while crouching)       | df, B
Pride (while crouching)                | db, B
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Ivy Sweep                              | K, d
Raven Knee                             | f, K
Mind Shatter                           | f, f, K
Evil Sparrow                           | df, K
Charmer Silhouette                     | d, K
Serpent Silhouette                     | d, df, K
Rage Kick                              | db, K
Raven Catcher                          | b, K
Diving Raven                           | b, b, K
Royal Huntress                         | (d), K
Ramble Sobat                           | (db), K
Rising Cross (while rising)            | K
Nail Cross (while crouching)           | df, K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Primal Dominance                       | A + G
Dominion Throw                         | B + G
Sweet Dominance (approach enemy from   | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               |
Heartless Guide (approach enemy from   | A + G or B + G
 the left)                             |
Sunset Cradle (approach enemy from the | A + G or B + G
 right)                                |
Ivy Lick (against airborne enemy)      | u, B + K or f, B, u
Summon Suffering                       | df, ub, f, d, df, db, A + B
Calamity Symphony (in Whip State)      | df, db, f, d, df, db, A + K
Punishment Change                      | qcb
Pleasure Change (weapon state change)  | B + K
Venom Strike ~ Serpent's Embrace       | A + B
 (during Whip State)                   |
Lamenting Tail (during Whip State)     | A + K
Spiral Serenade                        | A + B
Cross Kick (during Spiral Serenade)    | K
Reeling Mind (during Spiral Serenade)  | A + B or B + K
Mistress' Justice (during Spiral       | B, B, B
 Tribute)                              |
Violent Spirits (during Serpent's      | A, A
 Embrace)                              |
Charging Serpent (during Serpent's     | K
 Embrace)                              |
Released Souls (during Serpent's       | A + B
 Embrace)                              |
Stinging Souls (during Serpent's       | B + K
 Embrace)                              |

Weapon Statistics

Valentine (Ivy Blade)

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for her.
Special: None.

Mirage Blade

Offense: 60%
Defense: 100%
Description: Powerful single strikes with Soul Charge, but lacks offense.
Special: None.

Wiseman Mace

Offense: 100%
Defense: 55%
Description: Recovers health, but lacks defense.
Special: Each successful strike restores health. Throws do not restore health.

Dream Blade

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Penetrates defenses, but vulnurable to impact.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Dream Blade still receive 20% damage
from blow.

Chained Flail

Offense: 135%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense and has powerful single strikes, but requires energy
to wield.
Special: Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain

Viper Edge

Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense, but vulnerable to impact.
Special: None.


Offense: 120%
Defense: 125%
Description: Excels in offense and defense, but guard is penetrable.
Special: Alraune allows through 20% of damage from blocked attacks.

Demon Tail

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but has weak single strikes.
Special: Soul Charge effect decreases gradually over time.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 120%
Defense: 100%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to increase in power with Soul Charge.
Special: Drains health over time. Soul Charge drains health, but effect
decreases gradually over time.


Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Kaleidoscope still receive 60% damage
from blow. Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain

Prototype Ivy Blade

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: A failed attempt at making a living sword
Special: None.

|   6.15. CERVANTES   |

Full Name: Cervantes de Leon
Age: 48 (Aging has stopped)
Birhtplace: Valencia, Spanish Empire
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 176 lbs.
Birth Date: January 1st
Blood Type: None
Family: Father/Killed in battle, Mother/Deceased, His Crew/Slaughtered by his
        own hands

Weapon: Soul Edge (Long sword type) & Pistol Sword
Weapon Name: Soul Edge & Nirvana
Discipline: Memories of Soul Edge

Arena: Pirates' Alcove

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Soul Swing                             | A, A
Crush Kneel                            | f, A
Lagging Wave                           | f, f, A
Scissor Wave                           | df, A
Laser Wave                             | d, A
Dread Wave                             | db, A
Dread Lifter                           | db, A, B
Bridgette Wave                         | b, A
Tornado Slice                          | b, b, A
Eraser Wave                            | A + B, A
Armada Eraser                          | A + B, B
Gale Slash                             | f, A + B, B
Windmill                               | f, f, A + B
Slant Cross                            | df, A + B
Killer X                               | d, A + B
Eternal Curse                          | db, A + B
Bloody Hoist                           | b, A + B
Cross Bone Divider                     | b, b, A + B
Iceberg Circular                       | u, A + B
Killer X Crawler                       | uf, A + B
Anchor Whirlpool                       | db, A + K
Pirate's Cross                         | A, B
Gentle Wave                            | A, G, A
Dread Pressure                         | db, A, B
Scissor Lifter                         | df, A, B
Bridgette Slice                        | b, A, A
Dishonest Wave                         | (df), A
Gibbering Tornado                      | (d), A, A
Full Sail Anchoring (while rising)     | A, B
Flying Dutchman (while crouching)      | A + B
Aft Dread Pressure (back facing enemy) | A + B
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Storm Generate                         | B, D
Wild Storm                             | B, B, B
Bloody Storm                           | B, B, A
Storm Flare                            | B, B, b, B
Sail Nautilus                          | f, B, B
Bile Lunges                            | f, f, B
Cannonball Lifter                      | df, B
Spike Anchor                           | d, B
Slay Storm                             | db, B
Bloody Hilt Kick                       | b, B, K
Bow Breaker                            | b, b, B
Fang Cross                             | f, B + K
Anchor Bow Heel                        | df, B + K
High Tide Anchoring                    | d, B + K
Night Raid                             | db, B + K
Shadow Flare                           | b, B + K
Surprise Wave                          | B, A
Side Needle                            | (d), B
Riot Storm                             | (db), B
Devastator (while rising)              | B
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Anchor Knee Kick                       | f, K
Head Scratch Kick                      | f, f, K
Anchor Middle Kick                     | df, K
Anchor Marooned Kick                   | db, K
Anchor Steep Kick                      | b, K, K
Galleon Sinker                         | b, b, K
Head Snap Kick                         | f, f, K, B
Anchor Swirl Kick                      | (db), K
Anchor Revive Kick (while rising)      | K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Sadistic Cross                         | A + G
Surging Current                        | B + G
Flash Flood (approach enemy from       | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               |
Figurehead Break (approach enemy from  | A + G or B + G
 the left)                             |
Jolly Roger Hoist (approach enemy from | A + G or B + G
 the right)                            |
Storm Generate (against airborne       | B, d
 enemy)                                |
Pirate's Scheme                        | A + K
Pirate's Tactics                       | B + K
Dread Charge                           | (db), A + B
Dread Charge                           | qcb
Dread Slash (during Dread Charge)      | A
Geo Da Ray (during Dread Charge)       | B
Sadistic Sweep (during Dread Charge)   | K
Sadistic Archmage (during Dread        | d, A, d, A
 Charge)                               |
Sadistic Wiseacre (during Dread        | d, A, * A, B
 Charge)                               |
Dash Flare (during Dread Charge)       | f, B + K

Weapon Statistics

Soul Edge & Nirvana

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him.
Special: None.


Offense: 120%
Defense: 130%
Description: Excel in offense and defense, but have short reach.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense, but vulnerable to impact.
Special: Restores health over time.

Erlang's Blade

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Long reach, but vulnerable to impact.
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but guard is penetrable.
Special: Acheron allows through 20% of damage from blocked attacks.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Penetrate defenses, and have powerful single strikes with Soul
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Phlegethon still receive 20% damage
from blow.


Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense, but wielder receives damage.
Special: Successful strikes drain health. Throws do not drain health.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Speed increases with Soul Charge, but have weak single strikes.
Special: Soul Charge effect lasts for a few strikes.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 140%
Defense: 100%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life...
Special: Constantly drains health. Each successful strike restores health.
Throws do not restore health.


Offense: 150%
Defense: 120%
Description: Legendary weapons. Wield them to discover their true power!
Special: Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain

Imitation Sword

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: Painstakingly made with obsessive care.
Special: None.

|   6.16. SOPHITIA   |

Full Name: Sophitia Alexandra
Age: 25
Birthplace: Athens, Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: Unknown (Refuses to reveal)
Birth Date: March 12th
Blood Type: B
Family: Husband/Rothion, Daughter/Pyrrha, Son/Patroklos

Weapon: Short Sword & Small Shield
Weapon Name: Omega Sword & Elk Shield
Discipline: Athenian Style

Arena: Eurydice Shrine Gallery

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Slide Flow                             | A, A
Slide Tornado                          | A, K
Double Hilt                            | f, A, B
Silent Cross                           | f, f, A
Angel Punisher                         | df, A
Under Slide Blade                      | d, A
Iron Butterfly                         | db, A, A
Cutlass Europa                         | b, A, A, A
Cutlass Titan                          | b, A, B
Reverse Mirage                         | b, b, A
El Fortune                             | A + B
Twin Step Grace                        | df, A + B
Gaia Quake                             | u, A + B
Tornado High Kick                      | A + K
Tornado Feint                          | A + K, K
Shield Rush                            | (d), A
Silent Stream                          | (db), A, A
Goddess Salute (while rising)          | A
Mirage Satellite (while rising)        | A + B
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Ascend Splash                          | B, B
Angel's Flow                           | B, K
Quick Strike                           | f, B
Grace Heaven                           | df, B
Guardian Strike                        | d, B, B
Guardian's Judgment                    | d, B, B, u, B, A, K
Under Splash                           | db, B
Sword Shower                           | b, B
Olympus Cannon                         | f, f, B
Guardian Upper                         | b, b, B
Temperance Strike                      | B + K, B
Temperance Judgment                    | B + K, B, u, B, A, K
Jet Stream Rush                        | f, f, B + K, A, B
Nasty Impale                           | B, d, B, B, B
Heaven's Gate                          | b, b, B, A
Ascension                              | (df), B
Elk Strike                             | (d), B
Olympus Shower                         | (b), B + K
Exile (while rising)                   | B
Guardian Upper (while rising)          | B + K
Guardian Strike (while crouching)      | df, B, B
Guardian's Judgment (while crouching)  | df, B, B, u, B, A, K
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Kick Duo                               | K, K
Tornado Low Kick                       | db, K
Spring Under Kick                      | d, K
Angel Side Kick                        | df, K
Gaia Kick                              | b, b, K
Plasma Blade                           | f, f, K
Angel's Sault                          | u, K, K
Angel Fall                             | u, K, B
Angel Stroke                           | u, K, A, B
Grace Sault                            | ub, K
Angel's Spring (while rising)          | K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Widow Maker                            | A + G
Holy Cracker                           | B + G
Heaven to Hell                         | B + G, d, A
Heaven's Arch                          | f, f, A + G
Bottoms Up (approach enemy from        | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               |
Round Knocker (approach enemy from the | A + G or B + G
 left)                                 |
Broken Promise (approach enemy from    | A + G or B + G
 the right)                            |
Angel Step                             | qcf
Twin Angel Step                        | qcf, qcf
Angel Satellite                        | qcf, A, A
Angel's Strike                         | qcf, B
Painful Fate (during Angel's Strike)   | b
Heaven's Judgment                      | qcf, B, u, B, A, K
Angel's Spring                         | qcf, K
Jet Stream Rush                        | qcf, d, * B, A, B

Weapon Statistics

Omega Sword & Elk Shield

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for her.
Special: None.


Offense: 70%
Defense: 100%
Description: Easy to Soul Charge, but lacks offense and has short reach.
Special: None.

Xi Sword & Game Shield

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Powerful single strikes, but vulnerable to impact.
Special: None.

Owl Shield

Offense: 60%
Defense: 125%
Description: Strong against impact, but lacks offense.
Special: None.

Blue Crystal Rod & Blue Line Shield

Offense: 70%
Defense: 100%
Description: Recovers health, and defense increases with Soul Charge.
Special: None.

Fire Blade

Offense: 120%
Defense: 100%
Description: Long reach and has good offense, but wielder receives damage.
Special: Successful strikes against opponent drain health. Throws do not drain


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Speed increases with Soul Charge, but offense decreases.
Special: The offensive Soul Charge effect lasts for a few seconds without]


Offense: 120%
Defense: 65%
Description: Long reach and has powerful single strikes, but lacks defense.
Special: None.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 135%
Defense: 80%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life.
Special: Each successful strike restores health. Throws do not restore health.


Offense: 120%
Defense: 100%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 50%
Description: Badly worn weapon, but adored by a loved one.
Special: None.

|   6.17. ASTAROTH   |

Full Name: Astaroth
Age: Recently resurrected (Seven years since initial creation)
Birthplace: Unknown (Heretical order Fygul/Cestemus/Grand Shrine of Palgaea)
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 287 lbs.
Birth Date: September 3rd
Blood Type: None
Family: Servants of Ares, the god of war

Weapon: Giant Axe
Weapon Name: Kulutues
Discipline: Gyulkus

Arena: Palgaea Shrine/Lowest Level

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Ax Split (hold)                        | (A)
Annihilation                           | A, A
Destruction                            | A, B
Grip Shot to Ax Volcano                | f, A, B
Tornado Shot                           | f, f, A
Vicious Circle                         | df, A
Hades Break                            | d, A
Discus                                 | db, A
Double Discus (hold)                   | db, (A), A
Discus Breaker (hold)                  | db, (A), B
Hades Control                          | b, A
Hades Divide                           | b, b, A
Poseidon Tide                          | qcb, A
Poseidon Tide Rush                     | qcb, A, A, A, A, A, A
Titan Ax                               | A + B
Atlas Punishment                       | f, A + B
Offering                               | df, A + B
Breath of Hades                        | b, A + B
Minotaur Crush                         | A + K
Tornado Spike (hold)                   | (f), (A), B
Poseidon Crest                         | (d), A, A
Titan Swing                            | (df), A + B
Reverse Spiral Ax (while rising)       | A
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Hell Hammer (hold)                     | (B)
Bear Tamer                             | B, A
Great Divide                           | B, B
Ax Side Divide                         | B, B, f
Ax Butt Charge                         | B, f, K
Ax Side Cannon                         | f, B
Ax Crash                               | f, f, B
Ax Volcano                             | df, B
Hades                                  | d, B
Ax Grave                               | db, B
Bear Fang                              | b, B
Canyon Creation                        | b, b, B
Azazel Tackle                          | b, b, B, d, K
Flying Divide                          | uf, B
Guard Crusher                          | B + K
Body Splash                            | f, B + K
Ax Lower Cannon                        | df, B + K
Demented Moon                          | qcf, B + K, G
Hades Cannon                           | (d), B
Hades Rising (while rising)            | B
Side Divide (back facing enemy)        | B + K
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Moloch's Vice (hold)                   | (K)
Hades Knee                             | f, K
Bull Rush                              | f, f, K
Dark Tamer                             | df, K, A
Bull Low Kick                          | d, K
Reverse Tamer                          | db, K, A
Command Kicks                          | b, K, K
Lower Command Kick                     | b, b, K
Stamp of Hades                         | (d), K
Rising Cyclone (while rising)          | K, A
Bull Rush (while crouching)            | df, K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Maelstrom Divide                       | A + G
Hades Destroyer                        | B + G
The Rack (approach enemy from behind)  | A + G or B + G
Beat Down (approach enemy from the     | A + G or B + G
 left)                                 |
On Silent Wings (approach enemy from   | A + G or B + G
 the right)                            |
Drop of Lava (against crouching enemy) | d, A + G  or d, B + G
Flood of Lava (against crouching       | df, A + G or df, B + G
 enemy)                                |
Flight of the Wicked                   | B + G, (b)
Titan Bomb                             | B + G, (f)
Hades Destroyer (hold)                 | (B + G)
Dark Immolator (against downed enemy)  | d, A
Burial (against downed enemy)          | d, A + B or d, B + K
Wrath of the Damned (against airborne  | B + G
 enemy)                                |

Weapon Statistics


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him
Special: None.

War Hammer

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but speed decreases.
Special: None.

Terror Moon

Offense: 100%
Defense: 70%
Description: Penetrates defenses, but lacks defense
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Terror Moon still receive 20% damage
from blow.

Battle Ax

Offense: 70%
Defense: 130%
Description: Good defense and is strong against impact, but lacks offense.
Special: None.

Great Maul

Offense: 100%
Defense: 120%
Description: Strong against impacts, but has a short reach.
Special: None.


Offense: 120%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense, but guard is penetrable.
Special: Tabar allows through 20% of damage from blocked attacks.


Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense and has powerful single strikes, but guard is
Special: Nanbanfu allows through 20% of damage from blocked attacks.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Health recovers with Soul Charge, but requires energy to wield.
Special: Each strike, successful or not, drains health. Throws do not drain

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 120%
Defense: 100%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to increase in power with Soul
Special: None.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 140%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: Each successful strike recovers health. Throws do not restore health.


Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: Know-how from the Stone Age.
Special: None.

|   6.18. VOLDO   |

Full Name: Voldo
Age: 50
Birthplace: Kingdom of Naples (Italy)/Palermo
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Birth Date: August 25th
Blood Type: A
Family: Parents/Deceased, Four brothers/Killed through warfare, Master/Master
        Vercci long deceased

Weapon: Katar x 2
Weapon Name: Manas & Ayus
Discipline: Self-taught

Arena: Money Pit/Top Tier

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Scissor Claw                           | A, A
Dark Shredder                          | A, B, A
Side Claw Kick                         | A, K
Jolly Ripper ~ Blind Stance            | f, A
Elegant Claw                           | f, f, A
Blind Blade                            | df, A
Rat Cheeze                             | d, A, A, A
Rat Cheeze Kick                        | d, A, A, A, K
Mouse Cutter                           | db, A
Blind Spin                             | b, A, A
Lunatic Doll                           | b, b, A
Praying Mantis                         | A + B
Katar Gore ~ Blind Stance              | f, A + B
Gate Opener                            | f, f, A + B
Gate Prier                             | f, f, A + B, K
Blind Dive                             | df, A + B
Evil Bow                               | d, A + B
Guillotine Scissors Alternate          | b, A + B
Death Rose                             | A + K
Insanity Trap                          | f, f, A + K, K
Web Weaver                             | b, A + K
Silent Embrace                         | (df), A
Mystery Dance                          | (d), A + B
Scorpion Claw (while rising)           | A
Mouse Cutter (while crouching)         | A
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Stampede Shredder                      | B, B
Blade Nail                             | f, B, B
Demon Elbow                            | f, f, B
Guillotine Scissors                    | df, B, B
Ecstacy ~ Blind Stance                 | d, B, b
Power Slave                            | d, B, B
Asylum Dance                           | db, B, K, K
Katar Splitter                         | b, B
Super Freak                            | B + K
Super Freak (Inner or Outer)           | d or u, B + K
Super Freak Retreat                    | b, B + K
Super Freak Lunge                      | f, B + K
Grave Digger                           | B, A
Despair                                | (d), B
Bat Taste (while rising)               | B, B
Rat Drill ~ Blind Stance (while        | df, B
 crouching)                            |
Asylum Step (while crouching)          | B
Rat Bounce (while crouching)           | B + K
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Blind Drop ~ Blind Stance              | f, f, K
Mute Mid Kick                          | df, K
Rat Kick                               | d, K
Scorpion Tail ~ Blind Stance           | db, K
Scorpion Tail                          | db, K, (f)
Bending Kick                           | b, K
Lunatic Flip                           | b, b, K
Demon Tail                             | (df), K
Mute Low Kick                          | (d), K
Lunatic Spin (while rising)            | K, f
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Spinning Umbrella                      | A + G
Catacomb Throw                         | B + G
Sadistic Cross (approach enemy from    | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               | 
Fool's Inquest (approach enemy from    | A + G or B + G
 the left)                             |
Bush Whacker (approach enemy from the  | A + G or B + G
 right)                                |
Bloody Drill                           | K + G
Blind Ownership (during Blind Stance)  | B + G
Grave Robber (hold) (against downed    | db, (B)
 enemy)                                |
Life Sucker (during Caliostro Rush)    | A + G or (A + G)
Centipede Rush (during Caliostro Rush) | B + G or (B + G)
Blind Stance                            qcb
Madness Spin (during Blind Stance)      f, A
Lunatic Wheel (during Blind Stance)     f, f, A
Mute Elbow Rush ~ Blind Stance          b, A, B
 (during Blind Stance)
Rat Straight (during Blind Stance)      f, B
Red Stitch (during Blind Stance)        f, f, B
Scarecrow (during Blind Stance)         f, f, B, A
Death Ensnare (during Blind Stance)     b, B, B
Blind Drop Kick (during Blind Stance)   d, K
Scorpion Tail (during Blind Stance)     db, K
Mute Kick ~ Blind Stance (during        b, K
 Blind Stance)
Reverse Evil Bow ~ Blind Stance         d, A + B
 (during Blind Stance)
Freak Roll (during Blind Stance)        A + B
Broken Wheel (during Blind Stance)      A + B, d
Death Rose (during Blind Stance)        A + K
Mantis Crawl (head towards enemy)       df, A + K
Mantis Crawl (feet towards enemy)       d, A + K
Freak Roll (during Mantis Crawl)        A + B
Twisted Salute (during Mantis Crawl)    A
Asylum Breakout (during Mantis Crawl)   B
Foot Ritual (during Mantis Crawl)       B + K
Mantis Fire Dance (during Mantis        f, f
Foot Ritual Fire Dance (during Mantis   f, f, B + K
Superwyrm (during Mantis Crawl, head    d, A, A, A
Scorpion Kick (during Mantis Crawl,     d, K
 head first) d, K
Gravestone Cleaver (during Mantis       d, B + K
 Crawl, head first)
Superwyrm Escape (during Mantis Crawl   d, B, B, B
 feet first)
Twisted Salute (during Mantis Crawl,    d, A
 feet first)
Caliostro Rush                          qcf
Katar Slap (during Caliostro Rush)      A, A
Slap Blind Claw (during Caliostro       A, df, A
Mad Shredder (during Caliostro Rush)    B, B, B
Rat Slaughter Kick (during Caliostro    K
Snake Eater (during Caliostro Rush)     A + B
Lunging Rat Bounce (during Caliostro    B + K

Weapon Statistics

Manas & Ayus

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapons for him.
Special: None.

Cat Claws

Offense: 130%
Defense: 80%
Description: Good offense, but easy to lose balance.
Special: None.

Tofana Scissors

Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense, but requrie energy to wield.
Special: None.

Shame & Blame

Offense: 80%
Defense: 120%
Description: Good defense, but lack offense.
Special: None.

Iron Ram

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but defense decreases. 
Special: The defensive Soul Charge effect drops defense to 80 and lasts only one
hit. The offensive Soul Charge effect decreases over time.

Heavy Jur

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Long reach, but vulnerable to impact.
Special: None.

Karma & Mara

Offense: 100%
Defense: 130%
Description: Good defense, but have weak single strikes.
Special: None.

Full Moon

Offense: 70%
Defense: 100%
Description: Long reach and strong against impact, but lack offense.
Special: None.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 135%
Defense: 100%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to penetrate defenses...
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Soul Edge (Complete) still receive 30%
damage from blow.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Legendary weapons. Wield them to discover their true power.
Special: The Soul Charge effect decreases over time.


Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: Old, antique instruments treasured by Vercci.
Special: None.

|   6.19. SEUNG MINA   |

Full Name: Seung Mina
Age: 23
Birthplace: Chili-san, Lee Dynasty Korea
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 106 lbs.
Birth Date: November 3rd
Blood Type: A
Family: Father/Seung Han Myong, Mother/Taken by sickness, Brother/Taken by

Weapon: Zanbatou
Weapon Name: Scarlet Thunder
Discipline: Seung Style Longsword + Ling-Sheng Su Style Rod

Arena: Hwangseo Palace/Phoenix Court

Move List

HORIZONTAL ATTACK                      | COMMAND
Wild Gale                              | A, A, B
Blunting Kick                          | f, A, K
Strangling Flower                      | f, f, A
Strangling Rush                        | df, A
Sweeping Circle                        | d, A
Biting Strike                          | db, A
Shadow Step Slice                      | b, A
Wing Cross                             | b, b, A, A
Light Crane                            | A + B
Dancing Crane                          | A + B, A, B
Heavy Crane                            | A + B, A + B
Fang Barrage                           | f, A + B
Opening Treasure                       | df, A + B
Rapid Earth                            | d, A + B
Holding Treasure                       | d, A + B
Rapid Spinning Spiritual Thrust        | b, A + B, B, B
Seung's Crushing Long Blade            | uf, A + B
Seung's Quick Long Blade               | uf, A + B, B
Radiant Wing                           | u, A + B
Circular Blade Kick                    | A + K
Zanbatou Smackdown                     | f, A + K
Dancing Fang Sweep                     | df, A + K, A
Dancing Blade Kick                     | df, A + K, K
Fang Sweep                             | d, A + K
Power Fang Sweep                       | b, A + K
Gale Stream                            | A, A, B
Strangling Deception                   | df, A, A
Willow Divide                          | (df), A, A
Heavy Willow Divide                    | (uf), A, A
Falling Fang Divide                    | (d), A, A
Black Wing                             | (d), A, B
Sparrow Sweep                          | (db), A
Fang's Way (while rising)              | A
Glory Fan (while crouching)            | A + B
VERTICAL ATTACK                        | COMMAND
Splitting Divide                       | B, B
Hidden Fang                            | f, B, A
Thrusting Fang                         | f, B, B
Shadow Fang                            | f, B, d
Heavy Fall                             | f, f, B
Lifting Heavens                        | df, B
Spinning Divide                        | b, B
Earth Poke                             | b, b, B
Glory Wing                             | B + K
Wheel                                  | f, B + K
Rock Breaker                           | d, B + K
Retreating Sands                       | db, B + K
Oak Branch                             | b, B + K
Heaven's Wheel                         | uf, B + K
Circular Heaven Slash                  | B, A
Sheng Mirage Kick                      | B, K
Willow Branch                          | d, * B
Air Fang During                        | (B), df, K
Rising Void                            | (d), B
Spinning Divide                        | (db), B
Lifting Wing (while rising)            | B
Liquid Poke (while crouching)          | db, B
KICK ATTACK                            | COMMAND
Banishment Kick                        | f, K
Circular Heaven Spin Kick              | f, f, K, K, K
Belly Crush                            | df, K
Earth Kick                             | d, K
Liquid Rising                          | db, K, K
Check Mate                             | b, K, B
Thunder Kick                           | b, b, K
Retreating Fang                        | G + K
Gale Kick                              | K, B
Banishment                             | f, K, B
Wild Leaves                            | (df), K, K
Dark Sweep                             | (d), K
Thunder Kick                           | (b), K
Dark Curtain                           | (d), k, A
Shattering Kick (while rising)         | K
THROW                                  | COMMAND
Dropping Embrace                       | A + G
Crushing Soul                          | B + G
Stalk Cutter (approach enemy from      | A + G or B + G
 behind)                               |
Rising Mustang (approach enemy from    | A + G or B + G
 the left)                             |
Mina Frankensteiner (approach enemy    | A + G or B + G
 from the right)                       |

Weapon Statistics

Scarlet Thunder

Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for her.
Special: None.


Offense: 60%
Defense: 145%
Description: Good defense, but lacks offense and has weak single strikes.
Special: None.

Hyup Do

Offense: 120%
Defense: 80%
Description: Defense increases with Soul Charge, but easy to lose balance.
Special: The defensive Soul Charge effect increases over time until the effect
ends in a few seconds. The offensive Soul Charge effect lasts for a few seconds 
without decreasing.


Offense: 70%
Defense: 100%
Description: Powerful single strikes with Soul Charge, but lacks offense.
Special: Opponents who block attacks from Naginata still receive 30% damage from


Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Penetrates defenses, but vulnerable to impact.
Special: None.


Offense: 130%
Defense: 100%
Description: Good offense, but guard is penetrable.
Special: Bardiche allows through 20% of damage from blocked attacks


Offense: 110%
Defense: 65%
Description: Recovers health, but lacks defense.
Special: Recovers health over time.


Offense: 100%
Defense: 100%
Description: Offense increases with Soul Charge, but requires energy to wield.
Special: The Soul Charge effect decreases over time. Each strike, successful or
not, drains health. Throws do not drain health.

Soul Edge (Complete)

Offense: 125%
Defense: 80%
Description: Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life...
Special: Each successful strike restores health. Throws do not restore health.


Offense: 110%
Defense: 100%
Description: Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power!
Special: Drains health over time. Each successful strike restores health. Throws
do not restore health.

Feather Broom

Offense: 80%
Defense: 80%
Description: A broom made from feathers. It's soft and airy to the touch.
Special: None.


-=  7. Closing Statement  =-

This guide was written/compiled by Derin Spector. Any usage of any part of this
guide cannot be stolen for personal reasons, or for the making of another guide
without my permission. If you have any questions or comments concerning this
guide or Soul Calibur II, e-mail me at dspector88yahoocom.

I'd like to give an extra special thanks to Namco for making such an astounding
game, as well as for the story portion of the Introduction
section in this guide.


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