destiny 2 2.0 update

Destiny 2 2.0 Update Patch Notes: What’s Changed in the New Destiny 2 Update?

This is a big one. The Destiny 2 2.0 update is now live and also kicks off the launch of the Destiny 2 Year 2. The new Destiny 2 update also offers a tantalizing glimpse at what’s to come in the Forsaken DLC, so be sure to go through everything from Bungie’s side with a fine-toothed comb. To help you do that, we’ve also included the Destiny 2 2.0 update patch notes. They’re ready and waiting down below.

Destiny 2 2.0. Update: Main Changes

There’s plenty of changes in the Destiny 2 2.0 update. For one thing, the move towards heavy weapons now being able to be placed in either a Kinetic or Energy slot depending on its type.

Elsewhere, there’s a real concerted effort to move on from Year 1. Meditation Playlists have been retired and replaced with a Heroic Story playlist. The difficulty of Lost Sectors has also increased, with players needing a power level of 240 to even attempt them. Good luck with that.

The difficulty has also gone up for Nightfall, though those looking for standard Strikes should be aware that the Heroic Strike playlist has also been shelved and, in its place, a Legacy playlist with a suggested Power Level of 200.

Sadly, Cayde-6 has been removed from the game, too. Or, rather, “has left the tower.” Anyone know what happened to that guy?

Destiny 2 2.0 Update: Xur

The big change for many, however, will come with the Destiny 2 Xur system being essentially thrown out the window. No longer will he be tied to Flashpoint planets. Instead, his location will be completely randomized and it’s up to the community, a la Destiny 1, to find him. Additionally, Fated Engrams will not include any Forsaken Exotics.

Destiny 2 2.0 Update: Full Patch Notes

To view the Destiny 2 2.0 update full patch notes then check the Bungie site now for the full rundown of every minor change and every new Year 2 addition. There’s a lot to parse, so be sure to take your time before diving into the game.

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