DDD DDD DDD GGGGGGG RRRRRRR AAAAAA NNN NNN DDDDDDD GGGGGGGG RRRRRRRR AAAAAAAA NNNNNNNN DDDDDDDD GGG GGG RRR RRR AAA AAA NNNNNNNN DDD DDD GGG GGG RRRRRRRR AAA NNN NNN DDD DDD GGG GGG RRRRRRR AAAAAAA NNN NNN DDD DDD GGGGGGGG RRR RRR AAAAAAAA NNN NNN DDD DDD GGGGGGG RRR RRR AAA AAA NNN NNN DDD DDD GGG RRR RRR AAAAAAAA NNN NNN DDDDDDDD GGGGGGGG RRR RRR AAAAAAA NNN NNN DDDDDDD GGGGGGGG RRR RRRRRR RRRHHH TTT HHH TTTTTTTT HHHHHHHH EEEEEE FFFFFFF TTT TTTTTTTT HHHHHHHH EEEEEEEE FFFFFFFF TTTTTTTT TTT HHH HHH EEE EEE FFF TTTTTTTT TTT TTT HHH HHH EEEEEEEE FFFFFFFF TTT TTT TTT HHH HHH EEEEEEEE FFFFFFFF TTT TTT TTT TTT HHH HHH EEE FFF TTT TTT TTT TTT HHH HHH EEE EEE FFF TTT TTT TTTTTTT HHH HHH EEEEEEEE FFF TTTTTTT TTTTT HHH HHH EEEEEE FFF TTTTT AAAAAA UUU UUU TTT OOOOOO IIIIIIII VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV AAAAAAAA UUU UUU TTTTTTTT OOOOOOOO IIIIIIII VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV AAA AAA UUU UUU TTTTTTTT OOO OOO IIIIIIII VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV AAA UUU UUU TTT OOO OOO IIII VVVV VVVV AAAAAAA UUU UUU TTT TTT OOO OOO IIII VVVV VVVV AAAAAAAA UUU UUU TTT TTT OOO OOO IIII VVVV VVVV AAA AAA UUU UUU TTT TTT OOO OOO IIII VVVV VVVV AAAAAAAA UUUUUUUU TTTTTTT OOOOOOOO IIII VVVV VVVV AAAAAAA UUUUUU TTTTT OOOOOO IIII VVVV VVVV IIIIIIII VVVVVVVV IIIIIIII VVVVVV IIIIIIII VVVV ******************** TTTTTTTTTT HHHH HHHH EEEEEEEEEE T T H H H H E E TTTT TTTT H H H H E EEEEEE T T H H H H E E T T H HHHH H E EEEEEE T T H H E E T T H HHHH H E EEEEEE T T H H H H E E T T H H H H E EEEEEE T T H H H H E E TTTT HHHH HHHH EEEEEEEEEE BBBBBBBB AAAA LLLL LLLL AAAA DDDDDDDD B B A A L L L L A A D D B BBB B A AA A L L L L A AA A D DDD D B B B B A A A A L L L L A A A A D D D D B BBB B A A A A L L L L A A A A D D D D B B A AAAAAA A L L L L A AAAAAA A D D D D B B A A L L L L A A D D D D B BBB B A AAAAAA A L L L L A AAAAAA A D D D D B B B B A A A A L L L L A A A A D D D D B BBB B A A A A L LLLLLL L LLLLLL A A A A D DDD D B B A A A A L L L L A A A A D D BBBBBBBB AAAA AAAA LLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL AAAA AAAA DDDDDDDD OOOOOO FFFFFFFF O O F F O OO O F FFFFF O O O O F F O O O O F FFFF O O O O F F O OO O F FFFF O O F F OOOOOO FFFF GGGGGGGG AAAA YYYY YYYY G G A A Y Y Y Y G GGGG G A AA A Y Y Y Y G G GGGG A A A A Y Y Y G G A A A A Y Y G G A AAAAAA A Y Y G G GGGGGG A A Y Y G G GGG G A AAAAAA A Y Y G G G G A A A A Y Y G GGGGG G A A A A Y Y G G A A A A Y Y GGGGGGGG AAAA AAAA YYYYY TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT OOOOOOOO NNNN NNNN YYYY YYYY T T O O N N N N Y Y Y Y T T O OOOO O N N N N Y Y Y Y TTTTTT TTTTTT O O O O N NN N Y Y Y T T O O O O N N N Y Y T T O O O O N N Y Y T T O O O O N N Y Y T T O O O O N N N Y Y T T O O O O N NN N Y Y T T O OOOO O N N N N Y Y T T O O N N N N Y Y TTTTT OOOOOOOO NNNN NNNN YYYYY ***************************************** * Game: The Ballad of Gay Tony * * Type: Walkthrough/FAQ * * For: XBox 360 * * Author: Brad Russell "TheGum" * * Email: [email protected] * * Web: www.thechaosuniverse.com * ***************************************** Version 1.0 - Missing the side missions, but the core game is here. Rough at the moment, and lacking complete target scores. (11/10/09) ***************** Table Of Contents ***************** Use quick find (Ctrl + F) and type in the code or level. Section: Code: 1. A Brief Foreword 2. Controls ( CON2222 ) 3. Starter Tips ( TIPS333 ) 4. Walkthrough ( FAQ4444 ) full mission titles go here... 5. Drug Wars (coming soon) 6. Everything Else (ditto) 7. Author Info / Copyright ***************************************************************************** * 1. A Brief Foreword * ***************************************************************************** I'm back. And to make a long story short, from the last true guide I made and this one, the only game I missed making a guide for was Batman; was just too late to that one. Other than Batman, it's been a long gaming drought. Now to this game. The only complaint is that it may be a bit too expensive for being so much like the original, but if you didn't buy The Lost and Damned when it first came out, like me, and bought the episode disc, then there are no complaints. This game is brilliant because it messes with your own sexuality. Someone like me who no longer has any emotional reaction to the word "gay" could appreciate Rockstar's effort. Throughout the game your character shows signs of clearly not being gay, but does appear to have a soft spot for his gay "business partner" that seems odd for an ex-con who kills for money. And then you have all the gay jabs that aren't out of place for your character, and the game is very open about sexuality in many forms (even Princess Robot Bubblegum!). And tied into a crime and drug-fueled environment, the game makes an effort not to highlight or play up the "gay" angle, it's just there and part of the atmosphere. Is being gay so much worse than being a junkie, a steroid freak, a suicidal person desperate for love, an internet blogger trying to ruin people's lives from his computer, etc? The game does it best to de-sensitive you to homosexuality. Hopefully everyone is closer to the feeling of "who cares?" regarding gay people. The bottom line, if you are in complete denial about your own homosexuality, this game is trying to slap you in the face a little, and rightfully so. TheGum. ***************************************************************************** * 2. Controls ( CON2222 ) * ***************************************************************************** PS3 Controls ------------ X - run, tap to sprint, answer phone O - reload, melee SQU - jump, kick, change weapon in car TRI - enter/steal car, melee, climb ladder R2 - fire weapon (don't have to be aiming), gas pedal R1 - cover button L2 - lock-on with auto-aim on, brake, aim, enter melee combat without weapon L1 - use, exchange weapon slot for one on ground RStick - camera, click to look behind LStick - move, click to crouch, honk horn D-Pad - bring up phone, check surroundings and car, switch radio stations and guns Start - map, many more tabs which has a lot of screens with info and items Select - change camera view 360 Controls ------------ A - run, tap to sprint, answer phone B - reload, melee X - jump, kick, change weapon in car Y - enter/steal car, melee, climb ladder RT - fire weapon (don't have to be aiming), gas pedal RB - cover button LT - lock-on with auto-aim on, brake, aim, enter melee combat without weapon LB - use, exchange weapon slot for one on ground RStick - camera, click to look behind LStick - move, click to crouch, honk horn D-Pad - bring up phone, check surroundings and car, switch radio stations and guns START - map, many more tabs which has a lot of screens with info and items BACK - change camera view ***************************************************************************** * 3. Starter Tips ( TIPS333 ) * ***************************************************************************** #1. Armando is the new Jacob, he can be called for guns, but mainly for fresh armor between missions. #2. The map is your friend, use it often and without hesitation. #3. Use the pre-set markers on the radar and map. Aside from me excluding routes a lot in this guide, the game does good to point you in the right direction. However, also keep in mind the game doesn't pick best routes, just the fastest it can determine. More often than not, if you have knowledge of the city and roads, you can make your own routes much quicker. #4. Reload a lot, run, and you can jump, basic stuff that you may overlook. #5. Cops, just look out for men with hats and cop cars when you steal rides, and try not to hit them. #6. When you fail a mission or die, you get a text message to retry it. I didn't try to play the game after a fail, so not sure what happens if you don't retry missions, but just take the text and retry. Thankfully there are checkpoints, you don't have to repeat whole missions. #7. Turning in cars may be trouble for you, but it's just like a real car. Let off the gas approaching the turn, turn, and then apply the gas when you think it's best and when you won't flip over and not too soon. #8. Avoiding wanted stars is simple, just go as far as you can until you see that you are outside the blue/red radius on the radar. #9. Use taxis to cover long distances, and you don't loose much time, if any. Just hold the steal button to get into a taxi. Inside, you can cycle through icons on your map, and even if you set a marker. Then you can either ride it out, speed it up, or spend just a few extra dollars to "teleport." #10. Again, always pick up armor before missions (maybe find an armor map online, I might have one on my site), and find the food vendors throughout the city. Either eat, buy from vendors, find vending machines, med kits, or save to heal up. #11. Time of day is important for the main Tony missions, as well as night being the only time the clubs are open. ***************************************************************************** * 4. Walkthrough ( FAQ4444 ) * ***************************************************************************** I Luv LC -------- Target Scores: Time - 4:30 Damage - 0% Car Damage - 10% Get in the car and drive Tony northwest near a Pay N Spray, to the Hercules nightclub - and feel free to take this time to flip through the radio stations and remember the controls if needed. Now drive directly south, to the Maisonette 9. You have three things you can do, and there is time for all. The easiest is to take a shot at the bar, which just gets you wasted and perhaps makes the music a little more emphatic - which doesn't happen in real life of course. Then you can go above the bar for a little drinking game; just shake, spray, then rotate the stick to the spinning spark on the meter to win. Finally is the dance game, which is activated on the dance pad when the blonde is dancing (you can chase her away, but I think she returns if you do something else or after a time). Read the instructions first. Phase 1 is just moving both sticks to the beat, which isn't hard. Hold when you see the message, which means hold both sticks where they are, which can be any direction, even opposite directions. Do the hold correct and you can press the shoulder buttons to the beat. The beat is followed easily by watching the speaker. Do these to fill up the meter for phase 2. *NOTE: Phase 1 is basically a freestyle, you can fill the meter almost in any manner you wish and you can move the sticks as you want. Doesn't seem to be anything off limits.* Phase 2 is the rhythm game portion. The buttons are the left stick and any of the four color buttons, meaning no need to worry about the right stick. The first half is just the stick, and after a time you'll get two rounds of the colored buttons. Just watch that you move the stick in the correct direction and know that you have enough time to see the command and then follow - it's not like you have to follow as it pops up on the screen. It sounds harder than it is, and it's hard to fail. *NOTE: For the achievement you don't need to dance perfectly, just complete it. And the achievement is why I went over it like a boss fight, fyi.* Anyway, don't miss the call from Tony telling you to go outside, which you can do at any point - the exit is up the stairs by the bouncer. Just take your pals way up north to drop them off. Your apartment is just to the southwest, so go there. *NOTE: About the score, you can check the target score for what to shoot for to see just how off you were.* End - I Luv LC ----- Feel free to change clothes and save at the bed. Outside feel free to leave the car in the parking spot and grab another. You get a text message from Tony (up on the d-pad), and you can head to the Maisonette at around 19:00 game time (check your phone). Chinese Takeout --------------- Target Scores: Time - Damage - Car Damage - Take Tony to the souteast end of town. After the scene you just need to fight your way down. You can use cover, blindfire, and just run and gun. The P90 you got is your best choice, and the sub-machines they drop will only replace it if you pick them up. Rather than give the play-by-play for each enemy, it's better to just always be aiming as you move and to keep an eye on the radar for incoming guys, but usually just knowing that around each corner will be new threats is the best advice. *NOTE: Holding down the aim button will lock onto the nearest enemy, so moving while one is behind cover isn't as dangerous as it you think.* The first guy is tough because unless you get him as the mission starts you will have to run up and take him out. Then just fight down the hallway, knowing that most of the walls are breakable - but doesn't really come into play here. And one guy to come up the stairs. Down the stairs, hit the incoming guy and stay behind cover as the grenade goes off. Pick off the guys and the next corner is tricky. The guy behind the box isn't tough, but the one in the hall is a tougher kill. Other than walking and hitting his exposed arm, you could run to the wall in front of the box and get this guy by shooting through the wall. Grab the frags and the vest down the stairs. Toss a frag around the next corner and be sure to stand far away, not 10 feet away. Kill anything down around the corner and the two that jump in. Then be ready to two more to come up the stairs. Head down this third flight of steps and tag the shotgun guy waiting. Frags down this hall and around the next corner help clear out each pair of thugs, and yes, the guys around the corner can hit you if you hug the wall. Exit the building and get in the car with Tony, then drive just a few blocks to Tony's apartment. End - Chinese Takeout ----- Yusuf will call and tell you to meet him way to the north. But let's stay around for Tony's next mission. Practice Swing -------------- Target Scores: Time - Damage - The golf range is to the west. Aim, feel free to zoom, and try to hit the black line when it's coming back down. There seems to be a little delay, so press it a little before you want it to stop. Do this three times, and no, you can't overshoot or undershoot, it's either hook or slice if you miss it. Now three trucks pull up with goons, and you can just crouch and pick each of them off, then go down a flight of steps or so and jump down to finish them off before getting into Tony's golf cart. Now just follow Rocco a short distance to a safe location, but there is a lot of twisting and sharp braking, so just take the turns slowly and you'll be fine. If the trucks catch up to you, (LB) fire at the drives, or anywhere with glass to hit heads. After you reach the end of the danger portion, just drive Tony back to his place. End - Practice Swing ----- Now you have three points of interest: mom, Yusuf, and Mori. Clearly mom takes priority, so head all the way up to the north. Depending on the time, you should also get the "help the clubs" message, which is Dessie's tasks, but let's just go to mom's for now. Momma's Boy ----------- Follow Santo up the sidewalk and into an alley to find the LC Cage Fights. Fighting is pretty simple, but harder since you have to fight two rounds with one bar of health. X - kick B & Y - punches / counter after dodge A - block Tap A - dodge Kicking is great to take away your opponents defense, then follow up with a few punches. Then it's block or dodge when he starts blocking your punches and then repeat. You can kick them when they're down (maybe not these guys) and you can use the cage as a weapon to hold opponents if you can get them to the side. As for the objectives, it's win, win, and then take the dive by pressing the button and then getting hit. The alternative is to win all three matches. End - Momma's Boy ----- Another mission at mom's, a different side the block though. Corner Kids ----------- This one is in Broker, the south end of the eastern island on the map, in the docks portion - meaning this is a long ass drive. Once there, get ready for a heavy gun fight. A better position to post up on is to the right, in the corner of this wall, and from here shoot through the window. Hit the guy up high, then start pop the guys near the cars and then the ones in the shadows. This shotgun/rifle is awesome, but your P90 from a previous mission is a better option, if you have it (and you can pick up their guns if you have nothing else). Don't worry about the cars, just follow your pals as they engage the cops, and just take out the cops as fast as you can, don't take too long or you make this that much harder. Once the cops in the shadows and the pillars are down, the wall around the corner will get taken out, but don't go through it. Instead, just shoot the cops through the fence to the right of the hole, then the guys on the roof. Finally, about four more on the street, then run up to trigger the chopper. You get a RPG, so use it when the helicopter turns, and that's it. You are free to grab one of the cars on the road and head back home. You could even go through Bohan, it's that far away. End - Corner Kids ----- Several options to do from here, but let's get the next mom mission. Clocking Off ------------ Bohan is the northern island, which is just across the bridge near mom's house, and the marker is just below the bridge once you get there. Just head down to the little dock, and as you "inspect" the boats, pull out a gun and get ready to pop thugs who showed up the way you came. After clearing the few on the lowest level, you can crouch up the stairs, use the SUV at the top as cover, and hopefully the thugs will come to you and let you pick them off. Then post up somewhere with cover to the north, because two waves appear to the south, and another to the north - two of which are above you. Now you must clear the last bunch on street-level, all among the containers in this yard. You can go up the path you drove to the marker and from here flank the dudes, even from the street if you want, just don't mistake a friend for enemy. Kill them and take the designated SUV. Follow the other SUV back to Algonquin and park in the garage to complete the mission. End - Clocking Off ----- Now that the mom missions are complete, you could do any number of other missions, including a good time to do the first drug war, or you can keep your map clean and not do it. There are many more Drug Wars that pop up and unlock as you complete them, but let's move on. We got them all in this guide, somewhere, maybe, but not now. You should also get a call from mom about stuff, but not a mission. You could do DWs more, take up any of the three main icon missions, or let's investigate these "male and female" icons. The girl is only there in the club at night, so feel free to save, waste time, hit the Pay N Spray, or do a drug war if you need to pass the time. Bleetin' Hell!@ --------------- She's at the bar of the Maisonette 9, just approach the British babe. Get a car and feel free to actually go northeast, to Perseus, because that is where the new marker will be set after the dude bleets. Look around the car and he should bleet again. Now head all the way south to Squid Row, where you look around to trigger the next bleet. Just to the northwest is Star Junction, the place with all the lights. End - Bleetin' Hell@! ----- Now we are near the "male" icon, so let's go check it out. Relax, Have a Fag ----------------- He's the French guy smoking a fag outside the Viendemorte (you can laugh now, but I'm sure someone is offended even still). Just drive him south, in Chinatown, to the massage spa, and that's it. End - Relax, Have a Fag ----- Should still be night since we did the British babe, so let's hit up Hercules for Tony's next mission. Blog This! ---------- Target Scores: Time - 2:30 Car Damage - 0% In case you forgot, Alderney is the west island, either reached via the tunnel or bridge to the north of Algonquin - if you don't know, use this time to study a map and/or try to memerize the location of this tunnel, which is tricky to hit. But for now, it's actually just under Hercules. After you drop them off you can listen to them for a bit, then go north to the internet cafe here. Use any computer, and try not to get distracted by Princess Robot Bubblegum. Click the Celebinator link, and feel free to read the stories (yes, if you hadn't realized it, this game is really messing with your sexuality, duh). Click the "Leave Comment" button under the first story about you two, then just click submit to send the pre-typed message. *NOTE: Feel free to check your emails, and the replies are part of the messages, so be sure to click that button.* Just leave the cafe to end the mission, and you can check the emails after if you want. End - Blog This! ----- You will call Tony, and this is one of those "wait and see" mission lines that will pan out as you play. Dessie should give you a call about you not taking a shift at the club, which we will soon. It should be day time, and the daylight Tony mission at his apartment downtown is next. Bang Bang --------- Construction Foreman - Just a short drive northwest. Park by the guy holding the sign, trust me. Now run to the base of the crane and you don't have to aim to drop the bombs near the crane. Doing so will attract goons to attack you, but just drop at least three under the crane, run a good distance away, and press down on the d-pad to take it out. Get in your car by the guy still holding the sign. Train - Go all the way north and the train will appear, but the idea isn't to tag it from foot, just take the opening in the wall and get on the track. When close to the train, you can press LB to toss the bombs out your window. Toss three at different points, let it go ahead of you, and then blow it up. Airport - You have two game hours to make it to the Broker/Dukes airport, so just floor it down these tracks, to either the first or second station you hit in Bohan, and just get out on foot and take a new car on the streets. You don't have time to hit the east end of Bohan, just get on the East Borough Bridge, go south to the freeway, and then go east. Enter the airport runway and go south to find the private jet on the radar. Just toss two bombs near it, make your escape, and detonate. Finally you make your escape from the four star wanted. Get back on the freeway headed west, and it should go down to a two star soon. Hide out for it to go away, and if you want, make your way directly west from the airport. End - Bang Bang ----- The reason is because we will pick up the Mori mission while we're here. Kibbutz Number One ------------------ To Bohan, and don't forget you can take your turn at the toll to not get a wanted star. Get out and walk down to the docks. *NOTE: Remember, your pistol is a great long range weapon.* Blast the first few guys, then make a break for the left stairs after an RPG hits (fire hot). Go up the steps and hop over the wall to flank the guys, just don't jump right next to one or in clear shooting sight. Blast them from behind, then go back down to the dock, and now kill the RPG gunner, hopefully not from the area he is shooting to. After that, get to the boat. This segment is very tough because you have to toss bombs from the driver's side at boats with guns, and you throw like a girl to boot. Just get to the front right of an enemy boat and toss, but try NOT to touch the boat because that slows you down. You can even toss and detonate like a second after, the blast radius seems to be very small and you don't have to have the bombs on the boats to destroy them, they can be in the water. It can be very odd how you get the things to blow up, but you have the until the final bridge to get them, they make a circle in the water, and that's it, you'll have to retry. If you get them in time, just take Mori over to the west dock near the bridge. End - Kibbutz Number One ----- *NOTE: Maybe you need to read the emails first for this to pop up, most likely.* If it's night, Margot, the crazy girl from the emails, is waiting for you outside Hercules, the gay club. Merry Margot ------------ Just grab a ride and take her souteast. Simple, really more about the brilliant dialogue this mission. End - Merry Margot ----- If it's night time, you have options, but our main goal is the Tony mission at the Maisonette. First, you can dance at the Hercules (yes, there is a lady to dance with in there) and you can get the dance achievement. This dance is heavier on the buttons, but it's kinda easier than the first. Second, you can do a shift at the Maisonette. All you do is walk into the "Management Only" door in the hallway, then follow dots on the map as they pop up. Boring because most of the dots are duds, nothing happens, but at least one should be something, which is just a quick scene. And that's it, it's over around 6:30, just enough time to squeeze in the Tony mission before day. *NOTE: Feel free to dance or do a shift whenever, you don't have to do them now. Although, it's advised you do at least the Hercules dance, regardless if you've done the Maisonette one yet; just to get you ready for the next mission.* It should be dark, so let's take care of Tony's problems at Maisonette 9. In theory you could run a shift and get Tony's mission from the club, but you have a tiny window for this after a shift, so it's up to you. However you do it, start up Tony's night mission. Boulevard Baby -------------- Target Scores: Time - 3:10 Damage - 40% Groove On Good Guy Drive him a short distance north, then get ready to dance for real, so I hope you have done at least one of the two dance games before. If not, read up and get ready to follow the beat. Only a phase 1 here. Just move the sticks to any beat in any direction, hold them in place when you see hold, and move the triggers to the beat after a hold. The pounding of the speaker is the beat to follow, so it's easier to just watch that. After the scene, kill the guy and the ones on your way out of the club. Several on the dance floor, and then more at the bar area. Before you go up the stairs, grab the health you may have not in the manager's room. One guy on the stairs, and then two more at the top. Hit the street and run away until the mission is complete. *NOTE: That's a mission you won't forget.* End - Boulevard Baby ----- If it's daytime, or if you want to make it daytime, go to Tony's apartment mission. Frosting on the Cake -------------------- Time - 5:45 Damage - 50% Bomb Accuracy Cop Escape Time - 0:35 Head east to the Broker docks. Feel free to stop at the Amunation shop for armor and such if you want. The mission is a rail shooter, so don't try to drive. The trigger now shoots the sticky bombs, and down still detonates them. Hit the bikes and SUVs as it starts, then aim for the road for the bikes that chase you. Then look forward and use the radar to help take out the next few groups. Move bikers as you exit this lower road, then four cop cars. Hitting them triggers a scene and then an APC to appear. Three direct hits takes it out, but there is also a bird in the sky. Ignore the chopper in the air as you finish up anything on the road first, then start shooting in front of the helicopter to take it out. You will probably have to detonate the bombs for the chopper while they are in the air. Once in Algonquin, you drive. Just hit Star Junction and go southwest, or wherever you see the cops not coming from. North, south, either end of the island, doesn't matter, just cover long distances and hide to lose the stars. Cleared, take Tony back to Hercules. End - Frosting... ----- All that is on the map is Yusuf and DWs, and maybe a new "female" icon way to the south of Algonquin. I say go there, which is easiest if you set a waypoint on your map at the icon (press A to mark), and then take a taxi down there using the skip option (hold the jack car button to get in a taxi rather than steal it). Tony should also give you a ring about the diamonds, but no mission for it. How to Save a... --------------- Just run. The cops are not following you, it's civilians on the radar, and they will follow you as far as you can run. The cops are incoming, so you want to stay out of their sight before they zero in on you as well. Start by hopping over the rail, not the one that she did, and hop down to the ground. Run left, follow the walkway, and then hop the fence (X if you didn't realize you could jump, then again to climb up), and if you want to jack a car now you can, and probably should. You could even run through the buildings to stay away from the cops if they are behind. Whatever you do, just get a car and drive away. Once you shake the "witnesses" you are done. End - How to Save a... ----- There should be a "male" icon on the map, but let's take care of Yusuf at long last, who is east of Middle Park. Sexy Time --------- Time - 6:00 Player Damage - 0% Boats Destroyed - 4 Jack a car and go to the very southwest of Algonquin and take a boat to the far west of the pier. When you reach the yacht, watch out for the patrol boat. To do this, just approach the yacht from the opposite side of the patrol boat. Get near the end of the yacht, get out of the driver's seat, and then jump to the yacht for a quick scene. Just equip a gun for safety, then just walk up and take the chopper. Don't make the mistake of heading for the marker, just fly up, maybe refine your use of these new controls, and get ready to take out the yacht. *NOTE: The "gas" button moves you up, and the "brake" button takes you down. You move by pushing the stick forward. The proper way to fly is to just barely move the left stick up, this should let you go straight while keeping your current height, or close to it. Pushing the stick all the way forward makes you go really fast and you'll be descending. The shoulder buttons turn the chopper, easier than doing it without them.* Got to aim down, careful not to dive at the yacht, and just makes passes over the thing to down it. Just stay moving to avoid the rockets, and you only need to use your rockets, the gatling gun is optional. Takes a lot of rockets to take out the yacht. And don't stay over it, aside from the rockets the guys will fire at you. Ideally, you want to stay away from the yacht, but that will require skill in driving this thing. The next segment is chasing down the three speed boats. This is where you use the gatling guns. You can take damage here, so if you just want to get it done you only need to hover above them and fire your bullets - they'll get you, but about two seconds of pure fire will take down a boat. For this, the rockets are optional. Finally, take the chopper to a skyscraper on the southeast of Algonquin. Hopefully you can drive this thing forward by this point, so all you need to land is that you pull the stick back to slow (in increments until you are near stopped), and then use the descend button to slowly land. Perhaps you could like fly into the top of this building and crash into the marker to complete it, but try to land, it helps. End - Sexy Time ----- Back to Yusuf's place (take a taxi). High Dive --------- Take this fly ride south of Star Junction - nice handling. When you exit the car, let Yusuf drive away, or don't go in front of the car, he will run you over. And please watch him drive away, hopefully for you the intersection is packed! Go in and take the elevator up. Go around to hit the scene - ouch. You got the explosive rifle. Kill the guy in front of you and around the corner is another as well as armor. Kill the next cop up the stairs here and basically just make your way up as you pop cops and choppers - did I mention the helicopters? Just pop their gunners and then keep shooting until they fall. Once you reach the long ladder, hold the run button to go up faster, hit the final chopper, then watch the scene at the top. Now the fun part, just jump off and deploy your chute whenever you feel like it, hopefully before 100 feet above the ground. Then all you need to know is hold both triggers to slow down, they can also be used to turn, and you can cut your chute a little before you land, or just land with it. I say land in Star Junction, but it's up to you. *NOTE: Armando can sell you parachutes for those parachute missions on your map. But we won't cover those now.* End - High Dive ----- Feel free to do a DW, or read ahead, but Tony should call some time soon for the next phase of... Blog This! Part 2 ------------------ Get to the choppa! It's on the west side of Algonquin. Follow the three rings high above the statue, then feel free to slap him around as much as you want. He'll drop after a while, or you can just drop him. Push down to dive and aim at him, you can miss, so move be sure to aim both sticks. Once you have him, just pull your chute (A) and land on the main island. That's it. End - Blog This! Part 2 ----- Couple of options. Still have the "male" icon, Yusuf, and if it's dark you can take on Tony's next mission at his club. Feel free to move time to dark, or waste time as you wish to do this next mission. Bulgarin will call and offer a mission, but it's way far away. Not So Fast ----------- Time - 4:35 Damage - 20% Helicopter Damage - 80% Get to Yusuf's choppa! It's just west from here. Just fly to the southeast of Middle Park, and land on the building here. Hop up then onto the scaffolding, and take it down to the window. Enjoy the "evil twin" moment here. Cops in the museum, and you can't see your old pal, so just climb the ladder up. Get in and feel free to pop a rocket at that chopper as you fly west. Three choppers incoming, one at first and then two. Lucky shots aside, and awesome if you can, but you'll most likely just have to go to a near stop, use the reverse flight slowly, and just piss bullets and pop a few rockets - accuracy isn't important. Basically, I'm telling you to sit and trade fire with them, but in slight motion just to avoid their rockets. That's it, return to the helipad you came from and that's it. End - Not So Fast ----- Daytime Tony mission should be ready, but let's hit that "male" icon in Bohan. Just set a marker there and take a cab. Friendly With the French ------------------------ Arnaud needs to be taken to east Bohan - it was just a coincidence I took him there in a bike... Don't think you can shoot him down, or pop his tires, feel free to try. But I believe he crashes after the toll booth leaving Bohan - just gun him down or run him over. If you must, keep firing or use those explosives from a while back. Just take him down and get the wallet; it's an orange blip on the ground. With the wallet back, take Arnaud back to northwest Bohan - you can stay on the freeway. End - Friendly... ----- Hail a cab and head to Tony's daytime mission, or save to do it. Ladies' Night ------------- *NOTE: Would be hard to do at night time hours. And you can always use B to focus on the red car.* Get to the choppa! This one is above the end of the Alderney tunnel, you should know this already. Take it all the way to the east island, above the park, and you're following someone from a location that should be familiar to you. Follow him to the north end of Middle Park in Algonquin, then south, but stay high above the skyline as he heads for the tunnel leading to Alderney. He does come out on the Alderney side, where he proceeds to the north parking garage you should also be familiar with. The chase ends just to the south of this garage. Then fly the chopper back to the helipad. End - Ladies' Night ----- Should have a Y, M, and B on the map. Let's hit up Yusuf. And if it's night, feel free to take a shift at the Maisonette. Caught With Your Pants Down --------------------------- This dude should get a ballad too. Just take the sweet car to the Burger Shot in Star Junction, to the south - you should know this. Now fly directly east and intercept the aircrane as it flies into the city - the idea is for you to trigger a scene, so fly close to the thing. *NOTE: You can zoom with LS. And the bolts are at the ends of the cables that touch the tank.* Once you have the gun, aim for the two cables farthest away, on the left side of the APC. This makes taking out the last one nearer to you a little easier, but it doesn't matter. It may just come down to a mad shooting at the last bolt. Then dive down, maybe take a second to locate the tank on the radar, and hop in. Now is the only time in the game where killing cops lowers your wanted rating. But DO NOT stop and fire, just keep moving and maybe don't hold accelerate so you can turn and fire. And you can use the radar to go after cops incoming on the radar. Just keep moving, keep firing, and once you're down to 1 star you can then just run away - maybe at 1 star the wanted rules reset back to "killing cops increases your level." So just use Star Junction or parts beyond and make your way south as you run away. Once you're free, take it south to the construction yard for the drop-off. End - Caught... ----- No Tony or Yusuf missions. This is a great time to hang out with Armando and H, get guns from A, do a shift at the club, DWs, base jump, or head over to Mori's. It's up to you, but do head to Mori's next. This Ain't Checkers ------------------- Drive Mori to the south end of Algonquin, to the helitour place. When you jump, head west to the west side of Happiness Island. You have two options for the sky dive, both work if you pull them off: either pull your chute well above the statue so that you can land right on the boat, or head toward the ground, let your chute go like just above the tree line, and then hoof it. Getting into the far-left boat is really the hardest part of all of this, and you have to get into your boat. *NOTE: Can get the Adrenaline Junkie achievement for pulling your chute at the last second here, although that may not be the smartest race move, and you can't get the "land in boat" secondary objective in the scoring.* *NOTE: You have like 20 seconds after Mori gets in his for you to get into your boat or the race is called.* For the boat, you want to avoid contact with anything. Your route is the south end of Alderney, then all the way north along the west end, and then onto a beach at the north end of Alderney. This is the leg where all your progress on Mori will be cut down when boarding your car. Your car on the beach is the red one in the back, and when beaching yourself aim for the south and just jump out as soon as you can (hopping out seems to take you out anyway). From there, take it slow as you get out of the sand and onto the street, this is also meant to eat into your lead. You have nitro, and you should use it as you hit the first open stretch going east. Then you take the bridge onto Algonquin, and once you see this stretch, use nitro all the way to the northeast corner of Middle Park. Use it again going south, cut it off soon after, and turn into Middle Park. If Mori is close to you, and he shouldn't be, you could use one last nitro to get to the finish line. End - This Ain't Checkers ----- Now you can toss multi-vehicle races onto the pile of extra stuff to do. Should just be Mori and Bulgarin on the map to offer missions. Let's do this last job for Mori. No. 3 ----- Time - 5:15 Car Damage - 20% Top Speed - 140 mph Followed Close Take the ride all the way to the north of Middle Park in Algonquin. Use the controls to lower a car for Brucie and then the Bullet GT for you. Line up and then keep up with Mori as they drive north, then west, south a bit, then west and under the freeway, and then north along the west end of the island. Then it's just along this "walkway" that circles the island. I say switch to the view (BACK) where the camera is just behind the car. The reason is that hitting anything at this high a speed and so close to the water could end the mission. So watch where you drive, take it somewhat slowly, not all- out speed, and just be smart about this - it's not a race. After you pass under the freeway bridge, you'll soon have to ramp onto a series of barges. DO NOT take these fast, take them somewhat slow so you don't flip or go crazy. End - No. 3 ----- Only Bulgarin left for missions, so let's head to east Dukes. Going Deep ---------- Time - 6:30 Damage - 20% Headshots - 20 Accuracy - 70% Cars Destroyed - 5 Bomb Hidden Cut through this little park and take the pay bridge to an alley around the northeast corner of Middle Park. Drive into the garage and park the car in the space. Go to the front and drop a sticky bomb, then hide with your friends behind the designated car. Wait until the guy with the briefcase gets near the SUV, or the prompt comes up, then detonate. Pull out your heavy machine gun and hide a bit further away from the cops as you mow them down. Feel free to take up one side of this garage, not wise to park here in the middle, especially by cars that can blow up with you behind them. There are snacks in the back corner (feel free to take a snack break any time while in this gunfight) and there are several body armors that drop among the corrupt cops. They come in several waves, ending when you see a car drop off un-armored guys. When your heavy gun is low on ammo, swap it for their rifles and pick up ammo. With everyone down, pick up a car, something fast, though an armored car is okay if your only option. You will then need to shake these crooked cops, but feel free to do so while heading back to east Dukes. Once you lose them, return the boys to their house. End - Going Deep ----- May have to like drive a little down the street for the next Bulgarin mission to pop up, so take it. Dropping In ----------- Wait for Timur to get in, then take him to southeast Algonquin. Take the chopper on a long upward spiral. Go up a bit more and a bit more west from the last circle, but not too far. The target building is in the middle of that slanted road that cuts through Star Junction. Jump out and pull the cord as soon as possible, don't wait at all. And don't pull up unless you won't hit the helipad, and you should be able to tell if you are within 100 feet or so of the building and you're just barely above the building. In that case, just pull up and aim for the walkway area under the roof, but know that contact with the wall will drop you. If you hit the lower level, just take the ladder on the west side to get up. If you miss entirely, just land anywhere to take the re-try text message. Now on foot, there is armor to the left around the corner. Through the door start blasting these three guys. At the elevator shaft, knock down the barrels, then pick off the two that come to investigate. A few more down this hall, then two more in the next room. One down the stairs, then three in the desk area. Finally, about six guys in the board room, the guy at the end being your target. Take them all out. Now I advise you either have already taken out a window, or turn off Auto Aiming in the controls menu. This is because you want to break a window, then parachute out of here and onto the truck down the street (use the radar to locate it). Again, hit your chute soon to have a chance at landing on the truck, but you don't have to, just get in if you miss. End - Dropping In ----- Should get a call from Yusuf offering a mission, and a call from Tony. Let's take a cab to Bulgarin and do his next mission. In the Crosshairs ----------------- All the way south of Star Junction is Timur. However, you have to pick up a sniper rifle just around the corner of the target building. Go up for a scene, then quickly take out the sniper far up above, in front of you. One more to the right on same level. The next is just behind you, so peek around the corner. The last one is behind this building, and it's hard to get him without being exposed, so peek around either side of this cover. If you can tag this chopper real quick, good for you, otherwise ignore it and just deal with the dudes it dropped onto the roof. A sniper and more that will keep popping up far away, so always deal with them first. In the mean time, pull out a pistol or whatever and pick off as many guys that appear on the nearby rooftops. Body armor on the right side of one of the roofs as you start moving. Hop your way down to the corner rooftop, take out the snipers across the street, and the guys to your left. Pick up the P90s here if you like, and take out the guy on the lower roof. Now go to the little alcove thing in the corner of this roof and jump down to the roof with the target marker. But before you use the stairs to get down, clear the street of goons, both to the left and right. Then just hop down and take a car and drive away. End - In the Crosshairs ----- Tony has a night time mission, but first let's take up Yusuf's mission on south Algonquin. For the Man Who Has Everything ------------------------------ Time - 4:20 Damage - 50% Duck Chopper Helicopters Destroyed - 8 Drive this bitchin' ride to the overpass on the Broker end of the Algonquin Bridge. Let him drive away and then get into position as the train approaches. And be sure to jump over the left side as soon as you see it go by. Now move forward, watch the radar for incoming choppers, and you can't turn, you have to aim and turn to hit anything behind you. For the most part, you can ignore anything other than birds. And you can go prone, but I never had to, so not sure why they prompt that to you. Just tag shooters on birds, feel free to finish them off in a timely manner, and at some point heavy birds will appear. These are deadly, but they don't seem to follow you, so once they stop shooting you can ignore them. All the while, make sure you are advancing. You don't have all day to make your way to the front car. When you reach it, just stay toward the back of it to trigger the scene, so don't have to move when you get on it. That's it. End - For the Man... ----- Tony has a night time mission, so head over there when it's available and hit up your old pal. Ladies Half Price ----------------- By now, you should know the fishmarket is southeast Algonquin. Now boat your way to the refinery on Charge Island. Yet another evil twin moment. Just drive and make small swerves as you make your way back to Pier 45. He should fall off by then, but there is a lot of conversation, so feel free to hear it out. End - Ladies Half Price ----- You now get a series of calls from about everyone on your list. Yusuf's SuperDD should be at his place east of Middle Park, and your Rocco mission will be in the bathrooms at the park. The car will replace your sub- machine gun you have, so if you have the P90 it'll be replaced by the Gold SMG. Feel free to stash one at your parking lot at home, and then you can come grab as many as you want from that same spot. Feel free to grab one and drive to the Rocco mission in Middle Park. *NOTE: Knife at the back of the entrance to these bathrooms.* Party's Over ------------ Feel free to take yet another Super DD to the Maisonette 9. Go in for the scene. This rail is NOT safe, so take cover to the right at the pillar. Either watch for guys that approach the bar, or be ready to watch the radar for red blips that take the stairs and appear behind you - you don't have to aim at them, you can stay in cover mode and just shoot at them. There are lots of waves that appear, so just blast them, mix in blindfire with a few aimed shots. If you have sick aim, you may be able to mow them down as they file in, but that's not wise. Anyway, after you clear the club, collect any money and guns you can as you make your way to the security room near the door, because you want that health and armor in here. Two cars as you come out, then more appear, so watch the radar and take cover by this car, but you may want to run just south and take cover in a little cellar opening in the sidewalk, or even just the corner of the block. Either way, most of the guys come from the north, so take them out. End - Party's Over ----- The next Tony mission is at his day time location. Hit up Armando for armor, pistol ammo, and some sniper ammo - about 20 or so rounds should be enough. Departure Time -------------- *NOTE: Feel free to turn off auto-aim so you can better hit the many propane tanks on the ground for this mission. Ease of play is about equal due to the tanks for this mission, but feel free to keep the auto-aim on and forget the explosives.* Take a ride to the fun land in south Broker, get out and hit the next marker down the alley. Pretty much this is just a pure wade through goons. Your objectives are the bases of three duck things; two near the entrance, one at the back. There is health by the third duck, and armor on a booth near the first van - save both for your exit to the second drug area, or save them for later if you don't mind running back for them. Whenever you clear the current bad guys, take cover or run to cover as you move up in anticipation for the next wave. There will be at least one to pop up on the "tea-cup" ride. That's about the only tricky enemy. Once you pop the third duck, just three guys toward the front as you make your way back to the van. This next area is just east of the first, and you got guys from multiple sides as soon as you enter it. Guys to the north and south, but clear the southern guys first, which there are about six or so at long range. Once they are clear, or at least you won't be affected when you head north, take out the two guys at the first corner, then the final two protecting the duckies. Now it's time to chase Timur, and you really want to kill him quickly, so turn off auto-aim if you don't, and chase him with a fast gun to down him. If you don't get him quickly, just chase him and ignore the other enemies, especially if you have any armor; just be sure to use cover to block shots from them, and do run to make it harder. Anyway, kill him in a timely manner, then just run west and hop the fence to get on the Bati Custom bike. Take this long road all the way east, and don't get on the on-ramp to the elevated freeway, take the low road to stay on the Dukes Expressway and go north to hit the marker. Hopefully you know this road well, it's not one you want to take at full speed, especially on a bike. Just take it at near-top speed, he will handle the cars so don't worry about them, and DO NOT miss the off-ramp to get to the airport. You can take the straight road that doesn't touch the airport, or take the one closer to the airport so you can better avoid the dirt path at the end. Your goal is the little road at the north end of the airport so that you can get onto the airfield. Now pedal to the floor and chase that jet. DO NOT for any reason get on the dirt, it's suicide. Just stay on the tarmac and aim for the back-left of the plane to get on. Just mow down these three fools, then approach the door. All you do in the showdown is aim at him, then fire and the scene rolls on. I believe your chute goes on its own, or hit it soon otherwise. And just glide as far north as you can, aiming wherever. Get a car and head to the park in Dukes. And then you know it would happen... ... the credits of course. End - The Ballad of Gay Tony ----- End Game -------- The game now reverts back to as if everything was normal, so club missions are now back. You also get a marker to Yusuf's Buzzard on west Algonquin. You'll also get a few calls, not many. You always have had the base jumps, drug wars, and races, so feel free. Another option is taking a few of your friends on the "dates" like in the original. Just a few, but you got a few extra games like air hockey and golf which are kinda fun for a few tries. And finally, you can now use your phone and replay ANY of the main story missions. Anything given a title by Rockstar can be replayed for yourself or the online leaderboards. Oh yeah, almost forgot. Princess Robot Bubblegum, gogogo watch on TV at your apartment! ----- ***************************************************************************** * 7. Author Info / Copyright * ***************************************************************************** ------- Links woWwiki.com - for basically half of what I've learned thottbot.com - for finding almost everything in the game, just not in-depth info. wowarmory.com - where you can find a ton of info on in-game characters, items, guilds, and upgrades. maxdps.com - a decent way to look up dps upgrades for 80s, just the gear and enchants. wow-heroes.com - a ranking system for servers, guilds, and players. elitistjerks.com - not the best info, but if you can find the thread for you on the forums, it's gold (it's also horde... grrrrr) ----- ---------- My Motivation I write these guides to help gamers avoid the dumb mistakes I made. That's really all it is about. I'm not trying to give 100% detail about the game, help you up your leaderboard rankings, help you pwn noobs so you can lol, or hold your hand as you play. My guides are really meant for single-player games only, with the multiplayer ignored, and you are supposed to read it as you play. I also gringe at most extra stuff, like achievements or challenge modes or insane "play the same segment 10 times to move on" hard modes. These things are just pure "filler" that are so easy for the devs to make and so many of you suckers fall for thinking these things are legit gaming experiences... ugh. If another game comes out and I don't cover the filler, oh well. I hope you can learn to find things in this guide if you must (ctrl + F) and hopefully the table of contents points you where you need to go. If you jump into the guide not from the start, it's on you if you are off my order of events or you missed some early setup. ----- ----------- Please contact me if you need any help, if you want to praise me, if you want to talk, or if you want to ask a question. Efforts to get in a guide need to be exceptional. The golden rule: keep it short. If I see a wall of text I'm probably moving on. I've gotten real bad with emails lately. Flamers may or may not get a response, most likely not. Please, I'm not here to hate on people or start fights, so even if you disagree with me but aren't looking to flame, just be polite. Trying to say I fail is a waste of your time, so don't even try - there's only a place in my spam folder for your wasted words. My email: [email protected] Title of your email should be: TBOGT *NOTE: More so than usual, but any effort to flame or spew hate speech will be ignored, and if it's directed at me, maybe one day you'll realize how sad you are and that only you wasted your own time. Feel free though.* Extra points for good spelling. So anything you want to send, email away. PS - To GameFAQ's users, if you like the guide, click "recommend" at the top of the guide, but only if you like it. PPS - I cannot fix bugs, glitches, or achievements/trophies not hitting. This means when something isn't happening in the game and it should. Just reload and try again, that's all I can say if anything. ----- ----------- I have other guides floating around too. They are: Resident Evil 4 Dead Rising Gears of War Lost Planet Crackdown GRAW 2 Rainbow Six Vegas TES IV: Oblivion Shivering Isles Knights of the Nine The Darkness BioShock Halo 3 Half-Life 2 HL2: Episode One HL2: Episode Two Call of Duty 4 Assassin's Creed Mass Effect Advance Wars: Days of Ruin Perseus Mandate Sam & Max Episode 203 Devil May Cry 4 God of War: Chains of Olympus Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Okami Grand Theft Auto 4 Condemned 2: Bloodshot Metal Gear Solid 4 Alone in the Dark (360) NCAA Football 09 Madden 09 Dead Space Gears of War 2 Prince of Persia (2008) Call of Duty: World at War FEAR 2 Resident Evil 5 World of Warcraft -------------- --------------- I've also been published in GamePro magazine, June 2007. Pretty cool if you ask me, and all because I write these little guides. Also, I am in the October issue as well, which should be out at the time of this guide's release. At least I ain't a one hit wonder. In a nice surprise, I didn't even know I was in the March 2008 issue of GamePro, but I am. Maybe I'll be in more I don't know about... no. ---------------- ---------------- Here is my list of sites: GameFAQs (main host site) GameSpot IGN OCModShop.com chaptercheats.com GamersTemple (http://www.gamerstemple.com/) TheGameReviews wiredgamingcommunity.com gametower.org SuperCheats GamesRadar CheatPlanet CheatCodeCentral (cheatcc.com) My360.com.au gamerevolution.com cheatingdome.com unlimitedgamer.net and more here and there, too many to keep up with and even a few foreign ones too! *NOTE: There are many more with single guides, and then others with a few, and some that I just don't keep track of.* All other sites must ask permission if they want this. All I ask is that the guide be ad-free and in this text format. And if you want to make a donation at my site for hosting a guide, that is fine too. ------------------- -------------- Here is my website: www.thechaosuniverse.com You'll find all my other guides here too and perhaps something else you may like. ------------- ------------- I only ask for a donation because their aren't many people that do this stuff for free. Even in a text-only format, you've gotten hopefully some nice info for free and enjoyed me enough to just maybe repay all the time spent making this guide. You can give whatever you want, all of it helps. http://www.thechaosuniverse.com/donationcenter ----- --------- COPYRIGHT --------- This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2009 Brad Russell
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