Phantom Sight release date

Rainbow Six Siege Operation Phantom Sight Release Date

The newest Rainbow Six Siege wave of content and DLC, Operation Phantom Sight, is rapidly approaching. But, despite the know the fact it’s definitely on the way, we don’t know exactly when it’ll arrive. However, we can narrow it down a bit for you so you now that several weeks have passed. We now at least have a very good idea as to when to expect the Rainbow Six Siege Operation Phantom Sight release date on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

It’s worth noting that Ubisoft itself hasn’t announced an Operation Phantom Sight release date, as per the Ubisoft Support account on May 30. There are some signs, however, that point to June, not least the Ubisoft Community Developer giving that exact timeframe on Reddit. But let’s dig a little deeper to see if we can’t parse out a more specific release window.

Operation Phantom Sight Release Date (PC)

Phantom Sight release date pc

The Operation Phantom Sight release date on PC all boils down to when the TTS (Test Server) period ends. Typically, Rainbow Six Siege includes a two-week window on PC in which more competitive players can help fine-tune and tweak the minutae of the new Rainbow Six Siege update before it launches.

In this case, the Phantom Sight TTS went live on May 21, 2019. The two-week window would originally mean the Operation Phantom Sight release date would fall squarely on June 4, 2019. Of course, that date has been and gone.

It now appears that the TTS will be running for three weeks this time, with May 28’s TTS update being two weeks out of the planned release, so it’s entirely possible we should expect an Operation Phantom Sight release date of June 11, 2019 instead.

Operation Phantom Sight Release Date (PS4 and Xbox One)

Phantom Sight release date PS4 and Xbox One

Traditionally, big packs such as Phantom Sight release on the same day, no matter the platform. If I had to stick my neck out, I’d suggest a June 11 release date on Xbox One and PS4. Not only does it line up with the current TTS plans (see above for more on that), but also a tweet from the Rainbow Six Siege Twitter account, which suggests that current Pro Team Bundles will disappear like a “phantom” on June 11. I wonder why that could be…

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