cadence of hyrule unlock time

Cadence of Hyrule Unlock Time

Get ready to boogie on down. The Cadence of Hyrule unlock time is nearly upon us. If you’re anything like me, you’ll want to know exactly when you can play the new Zelda spin-off, right down to the very second. With this being a digital exclusive, your only course of action is to download the game from the Nintendo eShop but, as is the way with the modern game industry, unlock times can and will vary depending on region and time zones. So, we’ll try to make things just a little bit clearer for you down below, as well as a look at if you can preload Cadence of Hyrule, too.

When is the Cadence of Hyrule Unlock Time?

cadence of hyrule unlock time

While Nintendo doesn’t have an official Cadence of Hyrule unlock time, it does have a set of guidelines up on its website to at least give us a rough idea of when we can start playing the new Zelda spin-off rhythm roguelike title.

The earliest we can expect it is:

  • 9 PM Pacific
  • 12 AM Eastern
  • 5 AM BST

However, Nintendo makes explicit reference to third-party titles, which Cadence of Hyrule may still technically fall under, despite being published by Nintendo. It reads “Some third-party titles are not available until 12:00 p.m. PT on the game’s release date.”

If that’s the case, we can expect the Cadence of Hyrule unlock time to fall on the following hours on Thursday, June 13:

  • 12 PM Pacific
  • 3 AM Eastern
  • 8 AM BST

Can I preload Cadence of Hyrule?

cadence of hyrule unlock time

It doesn’t appear as though Cadence of Hyrule is available to preload, at least in the US and UK. However, this isn’t expected to be a particularly large download so you should be off and running within 20 minutes of downloading. Just make note of the fact you might not be able to play precisely at midnight.

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