Steam Achievements
- Bam, bam, bam, bam and... bam! - Be awarded with an extra chain reaction
- Bring'em on! - Reach the last wave difficulty in the 5 challenges
- Chain guardian - Earn all diamond medals for the DNA chain defense
- Cocoon crash - Complete chapter 3
- Combo master (diamond) - Earn all chain reaction diamond medals in story mode
- Combo master (gold) - Earn all chain reaction gold medals in story mode
- Damn tough! - Destroy one virus pathogen in sample 11, 12 or 13
- Diamond collector - Earn all diamond medals in story mode
- Fast forward (diamond) - Earn all time diamond medals in story mode
- Fast forward (gold) - Earn all time gold medals in story mode
- Glueless - Complete sample 12 without touching a single sticky web
- Gold Challenger - Reach a gold rating in the 5 challenges
- Gold collector - Earn all gold medals in story mode
- Heart breaker - Complete chapter 4
- It's NOT an ovocyte - Complete sample 21 without colliding with a single flagellate pathogen
- Jack-of-all-trade - Buy at least one point in every skill
- Just a flesh wound - Earn all life gold medals in story mode
- Live fast, die later - Complete sample 14 without slowing the chain
- Master-of-all-trade - Reach the maximum levels for all skills
- Nano-sniper - Be awarded with 20 macroshots in a single level
- Nervous breakdown - Complete chapter 2
- No smoking - Complete sample 17 without being poisoned once by toxins
- No surprise for you ! - Complete sample 8 without destroying a single bloated cell
- Not even a scratch - Earn all life diamond medals in story mode
- Only the very best - Destroy 6 critical cubes in any sample of the story mode
- PhD in bullet hells - Complete the game in hard shooter difficulty
- PhD in chain reactions - Complete the game in hard puzzle difficulty
- prohibited WOMD - Complete sample 25 without using the EMP
- Size does matter - Complete the game with no shield size reduction
- Slow ride - Complete the game with no upgrade for cube speed
- The largest germ ever - Complete chapter 1
- Ultimate Challenger - Reach a diamond rating in the 5 challenges
- Ultimate nano scientist - Complete the game with both difficulties set to hard
- Who needs life upgrades ? - Complete the game with no life upgrade
- Xenocide - Complete chapter 5