Steam Achievements
- A New King is Crowned - Unlock access to world 7 in campaign mode
- Aspiring Hero - Unlock access to world 3 in campaign mode
- Diamond Necklace - Get 5 diamond helmets in campaign mode
- Hero on the Rise - Unlock access to world 5 in campaign mode
- Mini Copper - Get all copper helmets in campaign mode
- Simply Rotastic - Do the Rotastic trick
- The Butcher - Kill 10 enemies in a row without losing a life in a multiplayer game
- The Hero's Debut - Complete 5 levels in campaign mode
- The Jeweler - Collect 5,000 jewels
- The Ninja - Kill 3 enemies in 4 seconds in a multiplayer game
- The Socialite - Play 20 multiplayer games
- The Treasurer - Get all gold helmets in campaign mode