Link's Awakening Preload

Link’s Awakening Preload | How to download on the Nintendo Switch

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening release date is drawing near. Starting today, players who have pre-ordered the game will be able to preload Link’s Awakening on their Nintendo Switch. While you can’t actually play the game early, allowing players to preload a game is a sign that it is nearing completion. Here is how to download the Link’s Awakening preload on your Nintendo Switch.

Link’s Awakening Preload | How to download on the Nintendo Switch

Link's Awakening Preload

If you’re an avid Zelda fan, odds are you’re looking forward to the September 20, 2019 release of The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. According to a tweet from Nintendo of Europe, the preload for Link’s Awakening is finally live and downloadable for those who have pre-ordered the game. If you haven’t pre-ordered it yet, you still have a bit of time, as the game isn’t due for another month. To preload the game, simply head to the game page on your Switch eShop. The download should start automatically.

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As an added bonus, those who pre-order Link’s Awakening are also eligible for up to 300 Gold Points, which is double the normal amount and can be redeemed for a discount on future games. This deal applies to games purchased digitally, physically, and with a Game Voucher. However, it is worth nothing that depending on your pre-order type, there might be a delay before you are given your Gold Points, but rest assured, it will come.

Link’s Awakening will have a download size of 5.8 GB and is estimated to be around a 20 to 30-hour game. This game aims to be a reimagining of the original The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. Hopefully, it will recreate the magic of the original but have some modern bells and whistles to bring in a whole new crowd.

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