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Final Fantasy 7 Remake | Magnify Materia Location

Final Fantasy 7 Remake has loads of different Materia to find, but few are anywhere near as useful as Magnify. Like the All Materia in the previous version of the game, the Magnify Materia can expand the range of your various spells. However, there’s only one copy of this Materia in the game, and you’ll have to go out of your way to find it. Keep reading to learn the Magnify Materia location in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake | Where to find Magnify Materia

final fantasy 7 remake magnify materia location where to find

The Magnify Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Remake can be found in the Collapsed Expressway during Chapter 9. It’s located inside a tunnel near a wooden walkway during the third shipping container puzzle. Aerith can reach the Magnify Materia if you drop a shipping container into the right-most loading zone.

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Fortunately, the Magnify Materia isn’t particularly hard to spot. You’ll more than likely see its blue column of light as soon as you interact with the console. As for the puzzle itself, it’s also simple. There’s a yellow-outlined loading zone toward the right side of the expressway, one of only three in the area. Use the mechanical arm to drop a shipping container into the loading zone, then offer Aerith a lift. She’ll automatically go and pick up the Magnify Materia. After that, you’ll need to stack both of the containers into the middle zone to proceed to the next area.

Magnify is probably the single most important Materia in the entire game. As such, there’s only one of it to be found. That’s right: You can’t use chapter select to go back and get a second Magnify. However, if you somehow missed it the first time you went through Chapter 9, it will stay in the same location until you eventually claim it.

The Collapsed Expressway in the Sector 6 Slums is the only place to find the Magnify Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Thankfully, its location isn’t much of a secret; you’ll see it as soon as you interact with the third crane arm console. Since it’s the only Magnify Materia in the game, you’d be wise to find and equip it as soon as possible.

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