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Fallout 76 | Where to find Recall Keycard Circuit Board

Fallout 76 is full of unique and valuable items that aren’t always very easy to find. One of these items is the recall keycard circuit board, which is an essential part of the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing quest. This item first appeared as part of the Wild Appalachia update, and finding it requires either a watchful eye or a whole lot of caps. Here’s where to find a recall keycard circuit board in Fallout 76.

Where to find a Recall Keycard Circuit Board in Fallout 76

Fallout 76 recall keycard circuit board where to find buy

The recall keycard circuit board in Fallout 76 can be found during the Lying Lowe quest or purchased from a vendor for 2,000 caps. It’s needed to craft the Assaultron Recall Card, an essential item in the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing quest.

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Considering its high price, you’d be smart to find the recall keycard circuit board during the Lying Lowe quest. Without going into spoiler territory, one of these can be found sitting in the back of the car during the quest. If you haven’t started it yet, you can begin Lying Lowe by interacting with a Sheepsquatch poster at just about any train station.

If you don’t have it in you to work back through Lying Lowe, it’s always possible to purchase a recall keycard circuit board from a vendor. They were added to vendor inventories alongside the Wild Appalachia update, and you can find one for sale either from wandering vendor Grahm or from vendors in Whitespring. Just be warned that they cost 2,000 caps, which makes them one of the more expensive items in the game.

To find a recall keycard circuit board in Fallout 76, you’ll want to keep your eyes peeled during the Lying Lowe quest. Otherwise, you’ll have to fork out 2,000 caps in order to purchase it from a vendor such as Grahm. Either way, you’ll need one in order to craft the Assaultron Recall Card and complete the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing quest.

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