How to get Doom Eternal Makyr Slayer skin DLC

How to get Doom Eternal Makyr Slayer skin DLC

Knowing how to get the Doom Eternal Makyr Slayer skin DLC will certainly set your Slayer apart in Battlemode as well as the campaign. This puts the Slayer in a getup similar to the Makyrs (the angels, essentially) in the campaign. So how do you get it? And how do you claim it if it is missing from your inventory?

How to get Doom Eternal Makyr Slayer skin DLC

You can unlock the Doom Eternal Makyr Slayer skin by buying either the standalone or add-on versions of the well-received The Ancient Gods Part 1 or the season pass. It comes with a whole host of cosmetics from a podium, podium animations, skins, icons, and player badges. You get these by completing challenges and playing Battlemode (to check your status on these, go to Customize, Slayer, and then all the way to the right to Sets). To equip it, go into your customization option from the main menu and you will see each individual option you can tweak.

How to get missing Doom Eternal Makyr Slayer skin DLC

How to get Doom Eternal Makyr Slayer skin DLC

But, much like the issues with the actual DLC, some players are claiming they don’t have Makyr Slayer skin even if they’ve purchased the season pass or expansion. There are a few potential ways around this. First, you may want to try waiting around the main menu for a bit. Go in and out of some menus and eventually the above screen will pop up notifying you of your new skin.

However, that may not be all. Even after that comes up, it may still be not in your inventory. You may have to back all the way out to the main menu and then go back into the Slayer customization menu. It seems to be an issue with how the game pings to the server to verify your skin so patience is key.

But if that doesn’t work, you may have to wait even longer. Bethesda Support said it was working on some sort of solution.

The Ancient Gods Part 2 also has its own skin in the form of the Barbarian Slayer skin, which players can learn more about here.

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