Can you buy Spider-Man Remastered separately?

Can you buy Spider-Man Remastered separately on PS5?

Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered is coming to the PS5, but securing a copy seems more complicated than it should be. Those that purchase Spider-Man: Miles Morales – Ultimate Edition on PS5 will get to play, but can you buy Spider-Man Remastered separately? Here’s the need-to-know on purchasing PlayStation 5’s Spider-Man remaster.

Can you purchase Spider-Man Remastered as a standalone game?

Can you buy Spider-Man Remastered separately?

Marvel’s Spider-Man was one of 2018’s best titles, so, naturally, fans were excited to learn about Spider-Man: Miles Morales. The standalone side-story is launching for PS4 and PS5, though next-gen users opting to purchase the $70 Ultimate Edition get a significant bonus. Spider-Man Remastered comes as part of the package, allowing players to revisit the original game in greater visual glory. Where does that leave users who aren’t interested in playing Miles Morales, though? Or those that purchase the standard $50 version? In these situations, is Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered available as a standalone game?

Spider-Man Remastered is not available to buy separately on its own. The PS5 game can only be acquired by purchasing Spider-Man: Miles Morales – Ultimate Edition either physically or digitally. The Ultimate Edition of Miles Morales costs $70, essentially making Spider-Man Remastered a $20 add-on, as the $50 standard version does not come bundled with the PlayStation 5 remaster.

While the PlayStation 4 version of Miles Morales can be upgraded to PlayStation 5 for free, the same isn’t true of Spider-Man PS4. Owning the original 2018 game does not entitle users to a free Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered upgrade on PS5.

It’s worth noting that Spider-Man Remastered isn’t just a bog-standard next-gen port; the revised release contains features like ray tracing, while also overhauling the appearance of protagonist Peter Parker. As a result, it isn’t too surprising that the PS5 Spider-Man remaster is exclusively a paid upgrade.

Check out Game Revolution’s PS5 unboxing for more on Sony’s next-generation console.

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