Cyberpunk 2077 scan Yorinobus datapad and security system

Cyberpunk 2077 | How to scan Yorinobu’s datapad and apartment security systems

Players get to experience their first braindance in Cyberpunk 2077 in “The Information.” It’s a fairly straightforward mission, but players may have trouble scanning Yorinobu’s datapad while it’s turned on and completing the optional objective to scan the apartment’s security systems. This may be because the datapad is bugged, something we encountered, or because these objectives are a bit hard to spot.

We’ll cover how to spot Yorinobu’s datapad in Cyberpunk 2077 and how to recover from the glitch that causes it to disappear. We’ll also show the four locations players must scan to find the apartment security systems.

How to scan Yorinobu’s datapad in Evelyn’s braindance in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Yorinobus datapad

This objective is a bit confusing because it looks like Yorinobu is fiddling with a datapad early in the braindance recording. However, this isn’t where players will get the opportunity to scan it when it’s switched on. Instead, Yorinobu turns on his datapad and glances at it toward the end of the braindance.

Around the 2:44 mark in the braindance, Yorinobu will turn on his datapad, giving players the chance to scan it. However, when playing, we ran into a bug where the datapad never appeared in his hand. He mimicked using it, but since the item wasn’t there, we couldn’t scan it. This is fortunately not a game-breaking bug. Simply reload the latest autosave and go through the braindance again, and the datapad should appear.

How to scan Yorinobu’s apartment security systems in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Yorinobus Security System

In “The Information,” players have an optional objective to scan the apartment’s security systems. Players must scan four separate locations to complete this:

  • Around 00:18, when the military cyborg is entering the elevator, look to the walls nearby to find two alarms.
  • At 00:20, look above the bedroom door to find a motion sensor.
  •  At 00:25, look above the screen in front of where Yorinobu is sitting to see another motion sensor.

The objective is completed after scanning all four security devices.

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