Hunters Arena Legends free

Hunter’s Arena: Legends: Is it free-to-play and will there be cross-play?

Is Hunter’s Arena: Legends free to play? That’s the big question players have following the Hunter’s Arena State of Play showing last night. Of course, the other big question is regarding Hunter’s Arena: Legends crossplay — can the battle royale game be played between PS5, PS4, and PC? Is there Hunter’s Arena cross-platform play? Players on all platforms can find the answers below.

Is Hunter’s Arena: Legends free to play?

Hunters Arena Legends free

Hunter’s Arena: Legends will not be a free-to-play game at launch on the August 3 release date on any platform, although it will be available for free for PS Plus subscribers between the August 3 launch for a month, until September 6. The price is usually around $16.78/£15.49/€16.78, but it’s currently on sale for PC owners on Steam until July 24 at 50% off and will receive a similar half-price launch discount on PS4 and PS5 for anyone who doesn’t have PS Plus.

It’s certainly unusual for a battle royale multiplayer game such as Hunter’s Arena not to be free-to-play. The likes of Fortnite, Call of Duty: Warzone, and Apex Legends all do very well, and at E3 Microsoft revealed that Halo Infinite’s multiplayer would be available as free-to-play for the first time in the Halo series. Time will tell if developer Mantisco is making the right choice.

Is there Hunter’s Arena: Legends crossplay between PS5, PS4, and PC?

There will be full crossplay support between PS5, PS4, and PC when Hunter’s Arena: Legends launches on August 3. Currently, Hunter’s Arena is only available on Steam Early Access, but on August 3 it will leave early access and will receive a big maintenance period — and a large update that adds full cross-platform play with the PS4 and PS5 versions launching that day. This is good news for Hunter’s Arena: Legends PC players since even the developers admit to a lack of a playerbase with the game — hopefully the PS5 and PS4 versions will change that.

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