Dr. Kelstrup's Office, accessible through the Atirum, contains a safe with a randomly generated code. This means it is different for everyone in every Prey playthrough. However, where to find this safe code is the same every time.
The code for Dr. Kelstrup's safe will be given to you by Alex in the Atrium, and he'll send you on a mission to his office to retrieve certain Neuromods.
10 Things You Don't Want To Miss In Prey
7. Door Keycodes
1. Neuromod Fabricator Plan
4.Huntress Boltcaster
2. Shotgun
5. Shotgun Shells Fabrication Plan
8. Disruptor Stun Gun
9. Psychoscope
3. Safe Codes
10. Simulation Debriefing Safe Code
10 Things You Don\'t Want To Miss In Prey
6. Hidden Fire Alarm Safes