Armored Core 6 How to Beat Balteus

Armored Core 6 Balteus Boss Fight: How to Beat the Boss in Mission 6 Attack the Waypoint

The Balteus boss fight in Armored Core 6 is the hardest fight up to that point in the game. Whether this battle is hard or impossible depends on your loadout. Equipping weapons that cause high ACS strain is the key to winning the fight against Balteus. Unfortunately, if you don’t have the right AC parts, you might need to restart Mission 6, Attack the Waypoint to beat this boss.

Armored Core 6 best Balteus boss fight loadout

To take down Balteus in AC6, you need weapons that can lower its pulse armor and cause decent damage when it’s in ACS overload. Here’s the best loadout I found for the Balteus fight, and it’s definitely worth restarting if you need to go by the parts:

  • R-Arm Unit: Vvc-760PR Plasma Rifle
  • L-Arm Unit: Vvc-760PR Plasma Rifle
  • R-Back Unit: Vvc-70VPM Plasma Missile Launcher
  • L-Back Unit: Vvc-70VPM Plasma Missile Launcher
  • Head: HD-011 Melander
  • Core: BD-011 Melander
  • Arms: AR-011 Melander
  • Legs: LG-011 Melander
  • Booster: BST-G2
  • FCS: FCS-G2
  • Generator: VP-20D

The plasma weaponry has high damage output and causes damage over time, which is perfect against Balteus’s shield. The trick to using this loadout is to primarily use the missiles to take down the shield and then let loose with everything you have when the boss is in ACS overload.

More Armored Core 6

How to beat Balteus in Armored Core 6

To beat Balteus in AC6 you’ll want to stick to medium range. Too close, and you won’t have time to dodge its missile barrages; too long, and your weapons will lack the accuracy to hit it reliably. The fight has two phases (technically three, but you’ll likely skip the third with this loadout), but the only major difference in the second one is that the boss gains an annoying new attack and gets a bit more aggressive.

Phase 1

Balteus will open the fight with a massive missile salvo. Immediately activate boost mode and evade to one side. This attack looks worse than it really is, and you can avoid the bulk of the missiles by rapidly dodging as they get close. During this first phase, the biggest threat is Balteus’s bazooka attack, as it causes severe damage and instantly ACS overloads you, which leaves you open to attack.

If you stick to medium range and nail Balteus when it stops, you’ll quickly bring down its pulse armor, instantly putting it in ACS overload. The key to winning is to make sure your plasma rifles aren’t overloaded when Balteus is overloaded, or you’ll miss out on your best opportunity to damage it. If you time your attacks right, it’s possible to ACS overload Balteus twice before it regenerates its pulse armor.

Phase 2

When Balteus reaches 50% HP, Ayre will come over the radio. As soon as she does, immediately turn tail and Assault Boost away from it as fast as you can because it’s charging its pulse explosion. This can be an instant kill if you’re too close to Balteus. After the explosion, it’ll immediately attack with its flamethrower. It’s an irritating long-range attack that inflicts a status effect called ACS Anomaly, which makes you easier to stagger.

During this phase, you need to stay in the air as much as possible. Balteus’s flamethrower can attack upward, but if you keep bunny hopping to recharge your boosters, it’ll keep it aimed toward the ground most of the fight.

Your tactics should stay the same in the second phase of the fight. Keep slamming it with plasma missiles and rifle fire, and don’t relent. It might take a few tries, but you’ll eventually take Balteus down, which marks the end of Chapter 1.

AC6 Balteus boss fight FAQ

Q: What makes the Balteus boss fight in Armored Core 6 so tough?

A: The Balteus boss fight stands out in Armored Core 6 as one of the hardest encounters up to that point in the game. However, its difficulty is largely determined by the player’s loadout. Weapons that cause high ACS strain are vital to defeat Balteus. If players are not equipped with the right AC parts, they might find themselves needing to quit Mission 6, buy the parts, and restart the level, to successfully overcome this boss.

Q: What is the best loadout to face Balteus?

A: For optimal results against Balteus, equip both arms with the Vvc-760PR Plasma Rifle and both back units with the Vvc-70VPM Plasma Missile Launcher. The plasma weapons’ continuous damage is particularly effective against Balteus’s shield.

Q: How can players avoid attacks during the Balteus fight?

A: In the first phase, dodge Balteus’s missile salvo by maintaining a medium distance. Watch out for its bazooka attack that can cause ACS overload. In the second phase, after Balteus reaches 50% health, evade its pulse explosion and stay airborne to counter its flamethrower attack that induces the ACS Anomaly effect. Consistent attacks with plasma missiles and rifle shots are key to defeating Balteus.

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