The Starfield Weapon Item IDs are an important list for players who are using cheats. These IDs are used with the console commands that are only available on PC (sorry, Xbox players), with every weapon having an hexadecimal address made up of 8 numbers or letters. After hitting the ‘~’ key on your keyboard, the console command will pop up. From there, you’ll need to type in the “player.additem [item id] 1” to add the associated weapon to your inventory. As a warning, Achievements will be disabled if you use this cheat. Here’s a list of weapon item IDs for Starfield.
Starfield weapon item IDs list
The following is a list of item IDs for the weapons in the game, sorted in alphabetical order:
- AR-99 – 002BF65B
- Arc Welder – 0026D965
- Ashta Tamer – 0026D965
- Auto-Rivet – 0026D964
- Barrow Knife – 0026F181
- Beowulf – 0004716C
- Big Bang – 0026D963
- Breach – 000547A3
- Bridger – 0026D96A
- Coachman – 0026D96B
- Combat Knife – 00035A48
- Cutter – 00016758
- Drum Beat – 0018DE2C
- Ecliptic Pistol – 0026D96E
- Eon – 000476C4
- Equinox – 0001BC4F
- Grendel – 00028A02
- Hard Target – 000546CC
- Kodama – 00253A16
- Kraken – 0021FEB4
- Lawgiver – 0002D7F4
- Maelstrom – 002984DF
- Magpulse – 00023606
- Magshear – 0002EB3C
- Magshot – 0002EB42
- Magsniper – 0002EB45
- Magstorm – 0026035E
- Microgun – 000546CD
- Novablaster Disruptor – 0026D968
- Novalight – 0026D967
- Old Earth Assault Rifle – 0026ED2A
- Old Earth Hunting Rifle – 0021BBCD
- Old Earth Shotgun – 00278F74
- Omsium Dagger – 0026D966
- Orion – 002773C8
- Pacifier – 002953F8
- Rattler – 00040826
- Razorback – 00000FD6
- Regulator – 0002CB5F
- Rescue Axe – 0004F760
- Shotty – 0026D960
- Sidestar – 0026D95D
- Solstice – 0026D961
- Tanto – 0026D8A3
- Tombstone – 0002EB36
- UC Naval Cutlass – 0026D8A5
- Urban Eagle – 0026D96D
- Va’ruun Inflictor – 0026D8A0
- Va’ruun Painblade – 0026D8A2
- Va’ruun Starshard – 0026D8A4
- Wakizashi – 0026D8A1

All of the items added using this method will be standard (common rarity) versions of the weapon.
If you change the 1 at the end of the console command to another value to add more than 1 of the item to your inventory. You can also use the ID of “0000000F” to add credits instead, which may be more beneficial so that you can purchase higher rarity weapons from the many vendors in the game.
Starfield Weapon Item ID FAQ
A: On PC, press the ‘~’ key to bring up the console command. Then type “player.additem [item id] 1” using the desired weapon’s hexadecimal address. For example, to add the AR-99, you’d enter “player.additem 002BF65B 1”. Remember, using these cheats will disable Achievements.
A: Yes, by changing the ‘1’ at the end of the “player.additem [item id] 1” command to another value, you can add multiple copies of the same weapon. For instance, “player.additem 002BF65B 5” would add five AR-99 weapons to your inventory.
: To add credits, use the ID “0000000F” as the item ID in the console command. This allows you to get credits, which you can then use to buy higher rarity weapons from vendors in the game.