ROWW Announces Paul Walker Gaming Charity

Reach Out WorldWide (ROWW) is a disaster relief charity founded by the late Paul Walker. Whether you’re a huge fan of his or not it’s hard to dislike a guy who used his fame and wealth to create an organization like this.

Since his death, his brother Cody along with the rest of the Walker family, many of Paul's friends, and volunteers have all worked to make sure ROWW continues doing what Paul dreamed it would do: Help provide aid to people at home and abroad who have suffered terrible disasters and need help.

Right now they are assisting with the severely devastating Earthquake in Nepal and have organized the #Game4Paul livestream "gameathon" that will be taking place on May 9 on As it turns out, the famed Hollywood actor was also a gamer.

You can donate ahead of time by going straight to the fundraising page for the event whose current goal is $100,000. If you donate via the rewards section you can get special merchandise and a possible shout-out during the gameathon depending on how much you donate. There will also be various celebrities participating in the livestream, so it should be fun to watch.

Livestreaming has opened up some serious doors for allowing gaming to help make a difference in the world and I think this is an amazing way to help the victims of the Nepal Earthquake. Over 7,000 people are dead and that number seems to rise more and more everyday. Many villages have yet to receive any assistance due to inaccessibility to remote areas and a simple lack of government resources.

It's easy to look at a disaster like this from a completely different country and feel helpless, but ROWW is giving people of all walks of life the chance to help people in need around the world even if you can't volunteer, and this time the organization is doing it through gaming. Make sure to tune in on the May 9 to help raise awareness and donate if you can.

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