Beyond: Two Souls Media Blowout, See Jodie Holmes In Action

David Cage and his team at Quantic Dream are really trying to outdo their prior work with Beyond: Two Souls. This can be seen first and foremost in the game's cast, which is made up of some well-known acting talent, most notably Ellen Page who plays the protagonist Jodie Holmes.

This character-driven experience plunges itself into the world of the supernatural. To get an idea of how Aiden, Jodie's ghost-like companion works, check out the gameplay clip below.

The title also promises not to be a simple QTE-fest, and the gameplay clip below beautifully illustrates how the Beyond's context-sensitive combat works.

Finally, Quantic Dream provided one final look at a section of the game in which Jodie must escape from a hospital. Not only does it show off the game's gorgeous visuals, but also provides a good look at how the player can use Aiden to solve puzzles. 

Beyond: Two Souls launches on October 8th, exclusively for the PlayStation 3.

[Source 1, 2, 3]

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