Smash Bros Ultimate DLC fighters

Here’s the most-wanted Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC fighters broken down by region

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is getting more content, and the recent addition of Banjo-Kazooie to the roster made many fans think about their dream Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC fighters. With so many names being thrown around all over the world, it’s difficult for Nintendo to accurately know which DLC fighter would be the most appreciated by the community. So the someone did the work for the console maker.

To make things simple, a Reddit user named zelcf got to work and created a comprehensive list of most wanted Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC fighters broken down by region and by comments on Nintendo’s Twitter account. There is no way to go wrong with this list, which includes some surprising names along with other more familiar selections.

ALSO: Some Super Smash Bros. players aren’t thrilled with the announcement of Fatal Fury’s Terry

The most requested Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC fighter list is based on replies to official Nintendo tweets, after the recent reveal that more DLC is coming. Divided in regions (Japan, USA and Europe), one thing is clear: everyone loves Sora. The protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series is the number one request in the USA and Europe, coming in a respectable second position for Japanese players.

Dante, Crash, and the Doomslayer also got a wealthy dose of votes, as well as Minecraft’s Steve as he featured prominently in two regions. The presence of the Heavy from Team Fortress 2 shows that there’s still a lot of love for Valve’s long-running team-based shooter, while Rayman got some love too even though he is already a guest star in Ubisoft’s similar platform fighter, Brawlhalla.

Overwatch’s Tracer was recently rumored as the next female character coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate but judging by this listing there aren’t many players interested in seeing it happen. With Blizzard’s shooter releasing on Nintendo Switch on October 15, maybe Tracer convinces some extra fans in the process.

Smash Bros Ultimate DLC fighters
[Image Credit: zelcf / Reddit]
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