Resident Evil 3 remake and more possibly hinted by Capcom

Resident Evil 3 remake and more possibly hinted by Capcom

Following the release of the Resident Evil 2 remake earlier this year, fans have been wondering if Resident Evil 3 will be getting a similar treatment. Now, a recent report from Capcom hints that a Resident Evil 3 remake may actually be in the works, alongside other remakes and revivals of other classic franchises.

Capcom recently released an integrated report for the fiscal year ending in March 2019. The report particularly notes the success of a number of titles, including the Resident Evil 2 remake. In addition to this, it also noted that Devil May Cry 5 “successfully reestablished the series.” In light of these, the company’s “Growth Strategy” slide of the report has a bullet point that lists “Promote utilization of dormant OP and remakes.”

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Now while the report makes no specific mention of a Resident Evil 3 remake, this does seem to be the most obvious choice. As the report pointed out, the Resident Evil 2 remake sold quite well after all. And this is the one Capcom franchise that seems to be associated with the term “remake.”

That said, the fact that the report stated that Capcom is also looking to revive other franchises, does hint at possible remakes as well. Capcom does have quite a number of dormant franchises after all.

Resident Evil 3 remake and more possibly hinted by Capcom

One such possibility is a remake of Dino Crisis, the dinosaur based survival horror game following in Resident Evil‘s footsteps. The clamor for such a remake is seemingly enough that some fans have already taken to making their own in Unreal Engine 4. Another possibility is a new game in the horror themed Darkstalkers fighting game franchise. A new Darkstalkers was actually teased the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con, though nothing ever came out of it. However, Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono has continually stated that he’s still striving hard to bring the game to life.

Whatever game, or games Capcom is planning to remake, it’s great to see the company looking towards it classic franchises once again. It sits on arguably one of the greatest collections of iconic IPs in gaming, and it’s high time that some of these returned to the limelight.

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