Nintendo Direct February 9

Nintendo Direct Announced for Tomorrow, February 8

After several rumors for the past couple of weeks, Nintendo has finally announced a new Nintendo Direct coming tomorrow, February 8! As previously reported, multiple sources stated that a Nintendo Direct announcement was around the corner, and now that’s no longer speculation.

February 8’s Nintendo Direct will focus on the first half of the year

According to the official announcement by Nintendo itself, the direct will feature “40 minutes of information” centering around “Nintendo Switch games launching in the first half of 2023.” There’s no confirmation of what will appear at the Direct, but it’s likely that we will see titles such as The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom, and perhaps finally get a new release date for the Advance Wars remakes.

It’s also a surprisingly late direct for those in the UK, with the Nintendo Direct starting at 10 PM GMT and not finishing until 10:40, making this one of the later directs in recent memory.

Recent Nintendo Directs have been a rapid-fire montage of announcements and trailers, so hopefully tomorrow’s Direct is just as action-packed.

In other recent Nintendo news, Nintendo is reportedly skipping E3 2023 due to a lack of major upcoming Switch releases.

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