leaving Twitch

Dr Lupo and TimTheTatman leave Twitch for YouTube

The big news in the streaming world this week is the departure of Dr Lupo and TimTheTatman from the streaming giant Twitch. Both have moved to Twitch’s main livestreaming rival, YouTube, in a move that certainly shifts the power in YouTube’s favor. Of course, they are far from the first streamers to make the move away from Twitch, but their simultaneous exit from Twitch has earned the curiosity of onlookers.

Dr Lupo and TimTheTatman: move from Twitch to YouTube explained 

leaving Twitch

Yes, two of the biggest names in streaming, Dr Lupo and TimTheTatman, have made the move from Twitch to YouTube. Dr Lupo made the switch at the end of August, leaving behind a Twitch exclusivity deal he signed in 2019. TimTheTatMan announced his swap yesterday, announcing that his YouTube deal would allow him to spend more time with his family.

These big moves are all occurring while Twitch endures some of its worst publicity. On September 1, masses of viewers boycotted the platform as part of the #ADayOffTwitch movement. This sets out to pressure Twitch into increasing their action against hateful raids and hate speech on the platform, as well as issues like botting.

While TimTheTatman and Dr Lupo’s moves are almost certainly nothing to do with the Twitch boycotts, it’s certainly not a good look for the website. Neither creator has revealed the financial details behind their deals, but it certainly seems like YouTube is offering them enough to tempt them away from Twitch.

YouTube has still managed to retain mainstream gaming darling Ninja, after his much-maligned move to Mixer, which shut down less than a year later. However, the loss of two big-name Twitch streamers is piling the pressure on the site to win fans, and creators, back.

We’ve got a more detailed look at TimTheTatman’s move here. We’ve also got our first impressions of Far Cry 6 gameplay.

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