PUBG blue blood is a hot new strategy that players are using to confirm hits on targets. Making blood blue, instead of the usual red, provides a clearer visual on whether or not enemies have taken damage. This is especially effective at longer ranges, where it’s more difficult to see if scoped shots have landed on their mark.
PUBG Blue Blood: How to Enable It
Thanks to Reflexx_ over on Reddit, we now know how to activate PUBG blue blood without changing the game’s language to Korean.
First, you’ll want to open Steam and right-click on PUBG in your Game Library. Then left-click and hit “Properties,” before clicking “Set Launch Options.” Finally, you’ll need to type “-KoreanRating” in the text box.
It’s as easy as that! Boot up the game and you’ll notice all of the blood effects have turned blue.
PUBG Blue Blood: How to Disable It
If you no longer want to experience PUBG blue blood, you can easily disable it. Simply follow the instructions below to make blood appear red again.
First, you’ll want to open Steam and right-click on PUBG in your Game Library. Then left-click and hit “Properties,” before clicking “Set Launch Options.” Finally, you’ll need to delete “-KoreanRating” from the text box.
Blood will now return to the usual red color. Huzzah!