iOS 15 notifications when unlocked in Do Not Disturb mode

iOS 15: Can you see notifications when unlocked in Do Not Disturb mode?

iPhone users that enable Do Not Disturb mode don’t want to receive push notifications when their Apple smartphone isn’t in use. That goes without saying, though many do wish to receive notifications when the iPhone is in active use. Strangely, this no longer appears to be an option for those running iOS 15. So, is this functionality hiding in a new menu or something? Here’s the latest on receiving notifications when unlocked in Do Not Disturb mode on iPhones with iOS 15 installed.

iPhone: Can you get Do Not Disturb notifications when unlocked on iOS 15?

iOS 15 notifications when unlocked in Do Not Disturb mode

Apple iOS 15 does not allow iPhone users to receive notifications and calls when unlocked and in Do Not Disturb mode.

The new Focus Modes on iOS 15 make several notable improvements to notification management, including when in Do Not Disturb mode. One big oversight on Apple’s part, however, is the inability to receive notifications while actively using an iPhone with Do Not Disturb enabled.

Previously, iOS 14 users were able to configure Do Not Disturb to only disable notifications when locked. This would allow iPhone fans to receive incoming notifications while actively engaged with their smartphones. It makes perfect sense — users wouldn’t receive interruptions while engaging in important tasks, though would whenever there was enough spare time to check their Apple device. It’s a bizarre change, which makes it seem more like an oversight than something intentional.

Hopefully, iOS 15 users will be able to see notifications when unlocked in Do Not Disturb mode following a future update. It doesn’t look like Apple has anything of the sort planned for iOS 15.1 right now, though. Fingers crossed it doesn’t take until iOS 16 for the feature to return to iPhones!

Want more iOS 15 coverage? Find out if the new Apple system software is stable and has any impact on battery drain. The new iOS patch also includes several security improvements; here’s the lowdown on the Mail Privacy Protection setting.

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