shiny picnic reset method

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: How to Do Shiny Picnic Reset Method

One of the latest developments in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is a brand new shiny hunting method discovered by a YouTuber, which involves taking advantage of the Mass Outbreaks that appear throughout Paldea and some ingenuity with the new Picnic feature. Here’s how to perform the Shiny Picnic Reset method and catch Shiny Pokemon of your own.

How to use the Shiny Picnic Reset method in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

To do the Shiny Picnic Reset in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, players should:

  1. Find and head to a Mass Outbreak.
    • Mass Outbreaks appear on the map as a Pokemon sprite with a glowing red symbol beneath them.
    • If it’s a question mark with a glowing red symbol beneath it, then this is a Pokemon that players haven’t yet encountered.
  2. When at the Mass Outbreak location, defeat 60 of the featured Pokemon
    • After beating 60 Pokemon, the Shiny encounter rate will go from 1/4096 to 1/1365.
  3. Save the game.
  4. Take out the Picnic table by pressing the “X” button and selecting “Picnic.”
  5. Exit Picnic mode to see all of the surrounding Pokemon refresh.
    • The refreshed Pokemon may be shiny.
  6. If a shiny doesn’t appear, simply by taking out the Picnic table again before immediately putting it away.
  7. Repeat this cycle until a shiny appears.

The Shiny Picnic Reset method was initially highlighted by PhillyBeatzU on YouTube.

This isn’t the only way to boost Shiny chances either! Pokemon Scarlet and Violet include a bunch of regular methods to use and abuse to get your favorite rare and recolored pals!

After a less-than-pretty launch, be sure to read our Scarlet and Violet review and find out for yourself if it’s worth playing. In other news, Amazon’s early Black Friday gaming deals are absolutely worth checking out if you’re looking to save money on PS5, Xbox and Switch games.

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