Soul Calibur 6 Geralt of Rivia

Soul Calibur 6 Geralt Witcher Character Confirmed With Teaser Clip

Following some big teases from The Witcher social media accounts, it’s now been revealed that there will be a Soul Calibur 6 Geralt character. Not only will the White Wolf be playable, but he’ll come with his own unique stage, taking on foes at Kaer Morhen.

Of course, video speaks better than words, especially when it’s actual in-game footage. Thankfully, it’s possible to get a little preview of the Soul Calibur 6 Geralt experience in the clip embedded below.

The above tweet also makes mention of Geralt’s signs, which should help the character stand out. I’m also curious to know whether both of his swords are used. Though, since he’ll be fighting humans, he’ll likely stick to steel.

Geralt gets added to the confirmed Soul Calibur 6 roster of characters, alongside: Ivy, Kilik, Groh, Mitsurugi, Nightmare, Sophitia, Xianghua, and Zasalamel.

It’s not unusual for characters from other franchises to pop up in a Soul Calibur game. We’ve seen Assassin’s Creed II‘s Ezio Auditore appear in Soul Calibur 5, Star Wars‘ Darth Vader and Yoda were playable in Soul Calibur 4, and Link from The Legend of Zelda showed up in Soul Calibur 2.

I wonder if Geralt will be only special guest appearing in Soul Calibur 6

Soul Calibur 6 is set to launch this year — the release date has yet to be confirmed — on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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