Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts release date revealed

Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts release date revealed

Last year, CI Games revealed that a new Sniper: Ghost Warrior game would be coming to Xbox One, PC, and PS4. Called Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts, it would take the series in a different direction than its predecessor. Now, the studio has revealed the Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts release date: November 22.

The announcement comes in the form of a new trailer for the game. Here, prospective players are given a glimpse of how the game’s sharpshooting action, showcasing some of the weapons and tools at their disposal. Alongside this, it also shows a lot of the game’s modern day Siberian setting.

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Speaking of its setting, the way the game presents its locale is how Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts set itself apart from its predecessor, Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3. Unlike the latter, Contracts does not feature an open world. Rather, the game has reverted back to a mission based structure. Each of these missions will feature a clear primary objective that players need to complete. On top of this, they will also features a number of secondary objectives that provide bonuses when completed.

The game’s mission-based structure of the game also lends itself to a degree of replayability. Similar somewhat to the recent Hitman games, each mission in Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts features multiple ways to take down targets. Of course, players can also opt to repeat these missions, regardless of whether they’ve already completed them, trying out all these assassination methods while earning more in-game money.

With the changes to Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts, CI Games looks to correct some of the missteps they took with Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3. While the latter did manage to sell quite decently, it still wasn’t enough to offset the cost of such an ambitious game, forcing the studio to lay off some of its staff. Hopefully, the smaller, more tactical scale of Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts pays off for them when it launches on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC later this year.

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