World War Z Lobo Pack Locked

World War Z Lobo Pack Locked | Is there a fix?

The anticipated World War Z game has now released on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Its release hasn’t gone totally smoothly, however. Players are wondering why the World War Z Lobo Pack isn’t working. If your pre-order Lobo Pack is locked, you will want to read through this guide for any potential fixes. Is your World War Z Lobo Pack locked? This is the guide for you.

World War Z Lobo Pack Locked | What’s the issue?

World War Z Lobo Pack Locked

Anyone who pre-ordered World War Z is entitled to download the Lobo pre-order pack. This contains four DLC weapons, including the iconic Lobo melee weapon (a razor-sharp shovel). The contents of the Lobo Weapon Pack are as follows:

  • Golden ARK-103 Assault Rifle
  • Golden 1911 Protector
  • Golden Keris V10 SMG
  • Lobo Melee Weapon

The dual-bladed shovel is an especially cool weapon that any World War Z player would like to have in their arsenal. Who doesn’t enjoy golden guns, too? The trouble is, people are finding that they are unable to download the pre-order Lobo Weapon Pack. Upon attempting to download the DLC Weapon Pack, players are finding that it appears to still be locked. This shouldn’t be happening. Thankfully, there does appear to be a fix on the way. You’ll find all the details below.

World War Z Lobo Pack Locked | Is there a fix?

World War Z Lobo Pack Locked

While many players have been unable to download the Lobo Weapon Pack as they should, a fix appears to be on the way. Unfortunately, it’ll require you to simply keep trying until the Pack goes live. According to Raibi (Focus Home Interactive Forums Community Manager), any players on the PS4, at least, will just have to wait for the pack to go live in their region.

Hopefully, you should be able to download the pre-order Lobo Weapon Pack on World War Z as soon as it goes live in your region. Unfortunately, we don’t know exactly when it will go live everywhere. Just keep on trying and it should download eventually.

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