Netflix’s latest anime series, Record of Ragnarok, released on the streaming service today. Based on the manga from Shinya Umemura and Takumi Fukui, it follows a group of ancient gods. They organize a tournament with humans to determine the future of humanity. Read on to find out when we can expect a Record of Ragnarok season 2 release date.
When does Record of Ragnarok season 2 release on Netflix?
The Record of Ragnarok season 2 release date is currently unknown.
As season 1 only released today, it’s likely that there will be a few years to wait before a new batch of episodes arrives. GameRevolution will be updating this post with any new information.
As a rough estimate, it’s worth looking at Castlevania, another successful Netflix anime series. Its first season released in July 2017, with the second season landing in October 2018. If we operate on that basis, it means season 2 of Record of Ragnarok should release around September 2022. This is speculation, however, and we’ll only know for certain once Netflix and Graphinica, the show’s producers, give us more information.
It’s also hard to say what the second season’s plot will consist of. There are ten main volumes of the manga out now, and three volumes of the latest run, so it seems likely that each season of the show is based on a volume of the manga. It’s too early to say if the seasons will line up this neatly, but it seems like a sensible move. With so much source material available, there’s certainly enough there for Netflix to build a franchise upon.
However, Netflix has a reputation for prematurely canceling its original output. That said, they’ve recently commissioned plenty of new anime based on Ubisoft properties, so the future of Record of Ragnarok could be bright.
In other news, the new multiplayer and Zombies maps for Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War were revealed today. The creator of Five Nights at Freddy’s has also stepped down after details of his contributions to the Trump campaign emerged.