Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Launches on Steam

Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age is out now on Steam. The PC version is at a current discounted price point of $39.99/£27.99.

The remaster of Final Fantasy XII, the PlayStation 2’s last Final Fantasy game, has taken its sweet time to come to PC, having been out on PlayStation 4 since July 2017 but, hey, it’s not just a straight-up port; there are improvements aplenty.

Those who have already blazed their way through Ivalice with Vaan, Fran, and friends, may want to dive back in for a second go. The Steam version of Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age is souped-up, coming with a confirmed 60 FPS, New Game Plus and Minus being available from the beginning of the game (negating the need for a first playthrough), as well as controller support.

The download comes in at 25.5GB, which is dwarfed by the home console version’s requirement of 40GB of hard drive space. It remains to be seen whether there is any loss of audio or visual quality due to compression, though that’s fairly unlikely judging by the improvements the PC version makes on the PS4 release.

The adventure, which plays out like a proto-Game of Thrones had a baby with Star Wars, was warmly received upon its re-release last year. It’s often seen as the forgotten child of the Final Fantasy brood but it’s actually really, really good. Heck, it was actually the first Final Fantasy game I played all the way through. Please don’t hurt me.

For those of you who want to get Final Fantasy XII on the cheap, those Steam discounts last only a week until February 8, so be sure to fork out if you want the re-release of the remaster. Now sit back, and enjoy one of the most underappreciated JRPGs this century. You can thank me later.

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