PUBG Test Server Sensitivity

PUBG Developer Promises Better Performance and New Sanhok Map in the Near Future

PUBG may have started the battle royale phenomenon but it has since fallen to second place. The world’s biggest battle royale game right now is arguably Fortnite, as that game continues to set the world on fire while PUBG is slowly losing its spark. How did this happen? The PUBG Corporation has admitted that it has “fallen short” in certain ways.

In a recent Steam Community post, the PUBG Corporation details its upcoming priorities in future updates for the game. Listening to feedback from players, the developer has highlighted three aspects as the biggest issues which need immediate attention, including performance, server-side optimization, and cheating.

PUBG Developer Plans: Better Performance And Optimization

It has already identified several fixes to improve performance and further optimize the game, the first of which is the production of particle effects when vehicles move over different ground materials lead to GPUs overloading. Another issue which causes the framerate to drop is due to the way lighting is processed in the game.

There are many more planned optimizations listed in the post. However, what’s most interesting is that the PUBG Corporation will now push updates to live servers whenever fixes are ready, instead of simply waiting for major patches. This will hopefully contribute to helping players solve their issues faster in the future.

PUBG Developer Plans: Handling Cheaters

As for dealing with cheaters, the developer has introduced a variety of encryption based solutions to make it harder for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities. Cheaters will now be banned within hours of using an exploit while playing the game.

PUBG Developer Plans: Sanhok Map

The most highly-anticipated upcoming PUBG content is the new Sanhok map, which the PUBG Corporation promises to deliver on live servers before the end of June 2018. New exclusive vehicles and weapons will arrive about a month after the map officially launches. Here’s a look at a drivable three-wheeled vehicle dubbed the Tukshai.

PUBG Sanhok Tukshai Vehicle

In other related news, statistics have shown that there’s a difference in player demographics between PUBG and Fortnite. PUBG players tend to be older and employed while there are more students or children amongst Fortnite players. This is probably due to the former being a paid game whereas the latter is a free-to-play game.

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